[3.0] WanderFinder Under 1ex Guardians/Shaper no problem.

Hi! Sorry for the noob question. Does critical strike chance for spells work on Barrage and KB?
Ronken 님이 작성:
Kentine25 님이 작성:

I have
seen your tree what is your level right now ? have you respec out of alira and got the +2 skill points ? . I only have one leech node the one with 0.4 mana leech and drop out atziri's flask and get Vinktars with 10% pen or get the attacks which is better and get a dying sun flask which boost your dmg buy a TON and get a jewel with Conquerors potency when you have dying sun instead of +2 it gives +3 because of your total flask effectivity going to 50% at the I am level 87 i find this really good using Bisco's also to farm out currently going for end game gear with only 4.2k life without flask 25k barrage and 27k KB which i can do yellow maps carelessly and few red maps which i dont want to play yet due to not confident in life

Phosphenez 님이 작성:

For leech you'll usually want Vinktar, it'll give you more than needed and should cover it, any version of it will do but for +dmg you want the +attacks, really expensive though.

If you wanna replace the shield you'll need a lot of accuracy on gear/tree btw or it won't perform that well IMO, and personally i didn't care about Eva/Armor etc on my wander, just went for high HP + res and left the mitigation for the Flasks + decent hp pool.

Thanks I will look into getting the flasks now. Will this help with higher tier bosses aswell, like all mobs melt up to tier 16, but bosses seems impossible after t11-12.

Thanks for the tip about that jewel that will fit nicely into my tree. Also when you mentioned it, i just remember i have oak since i misskilled when leveling, that will be a priority to change aswell.

Yes, 95% of the Pathfinder class, aka, FlaskFinder, is using flasks. Not having the required flasks as Pathfinder class, is essentially the same as NOT having a weapon. The difference between having them and not having them is effectively 95% of your power.
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
CoCoNuTBoY2012 님이 작성:
Hi! Sorry for the noob question. Does critical strike chance for spells work on Barrage and KB?

Nope. Only Global Crit, Crit with wands, or Crit with attacks. When you hover over a skill in game, it'll always have a tag of its classification, below the Skills name:

IE: Attack/Spell.

Has Spell Tags:

Has Attack Tags:
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
CoCoNuTBoY2012 님이 작성:
Hi! Sorry for the noob question. Does critical strike chance for spells work on Barrage and KB?

Nope. Only Global Crit, Crit with wands, or Crit with attacks. When you hover over a skill in game, it'll always have a tag of its classification, below the Skills name:

IE: Attack/Spell.

Has Spell Tags:

Has Attack Tags:

Oh thanks for the reply. After a few seasons and I still didn't know that there is a classification tag below the name of the skill. Thanks a lot.
I wanted to thank you for the build. I switched over to it when I realized the one I wanted originally was a bit too expensive and I'm having a blast with my budget! I was stupid enough to quality all my gems at the same time when they reached level 20 but I'm getting back there and when fully buffed I think my barrage tooltip is around 36 or 38k.

I still have a lot of gear to get/improve, but I'm happy I finally had enough to purchase a 6L belly... just waiting for enough chromes to get the right colors lol. Now I can get some nice gloves, boots and a 2nd ring :D

I'm also wondering if I should keep using my Starkonja Helmet or switch to a rare one. At the moment I'm getting some elemental resistances from jewels and it could free those up for damage or chaos res, but I'm not sure if it's worth.

Also, when it comes to chaos res. I seem to struggle with map bosses that deal chaos damage and I noticed that you don't use atziri's flask (which I'm using and helps a lot on those maps) or from any other sources either. Do you think getting a bit from jewels might be worth or am I doing something wrong?
CoCoNuTBoY2012 님이 작성:
CoCoNuTBoY2012 님이 작성:
Hi! Sorry for the noob question. Does critical strike chance for spells work on Barrage and KB?

Nope. Only Global Crit, Crit with wands, or Crit with attacks. When you hover over a skill in game, it'll always have a tag of its classification, below the Skills name:

IE: Attack/Spell.

Has Spell Tags:

Has Attack Tags:

Oh thanks for the reply. After a few seasons and I still didn't know that there is a classification tag below the name of the skill. Thanks a lot.

No problem friend, glad I could help. PoE is a very advanced and indepth game, one of the many reasons I love it so much.
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
Made my wander recently, level 81 atm and been easy so far, single-target is surprisingly good with level 17~ gems and a 5L. Running biscos for everything until now.

Still have to fix gems and recolor stuff.

My gear:

Jewel1 : 5%HP/6%AS/+9Str&Int
Jewel2 : 5%HP/4%AS/+10Str&Int

Plan for level 86 tree:

After that i'm still unsure, either extra hp + Forces of Nature or power charge + extra jewel socket
Hi everyone. Any idea what's the first flask on the first video?
i cant do this build how does he survive vs close combat mobs or when he opens a box, this build has 0 defense 000 with 2k evasion and almost 1k armor it takes a few mobs to hit me each 1s for me to die, either i kill things fast or they kill me in 2 shots, i have the belly the tembest helm the shield he piscator wand same gloves good boots and everything else but defense wise im made of paper.
Saladin2 님이 작성:
i cant do this build how does he survive vs close combat mobs or when he opens a box, this build has 0 defense 000 with 2k evasion and almost 1k armor it takes a few mobs to hit me each 1s for me to die, either i kill things fast or they kill me in 2 shots, i have the belly the tembest helm the shield he piscator wand same gloves good boots and everything else but defense wise im made of paper.

Defense = basalt flask and 84% max fire/lightning res + decent hp pool, plus Kinetic Blast just 1shots 99% of mobs up to 2 screens away

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