3.2 Tinkerskin Saboteur Chin Sol Viable trapper - not a guide, WIP

Arrakis1 님이 작성:
I'm running similar build at level 87. I was able to spec out of eldritch battery and take advantage of the Acrobatics 3.2 ES penalty reduction. This gave me an extra 500 effective life plus some other benefits. Mana is tight but don't usually have any problems.

Beat me to it by 5 seconds lol Eldrich battery is not needed in 3.2.
Also, Pretty sure Eldritch Battery can be skipped. I'm having zero sustain issues not taking it.

I'm running herald of Ice and thunder+ Arctic Armour. Seems better than Wrath + one herald. And Cast on dmg taken+ ball lightning+ curse on hit enfeeble

Not sure why you dont go over to Golems Blood, and the jewel socket too.

Removing EB is definitely a strong option due to the ascendancy revamp, and will probably be what I end up doing in higher tier maps. Golems blood is a great node, but personally I couldn't justify dropping enough nodes to path all the way there with the current gear and level.

I like to have enfeeble on blasphemy because it doesn't require me to get hit first and the mapping is in general smoother if I can spam traps with the tinkerskin ES gain without having to monitor at my mana

I'm running similar build at level 87. I was able to spec out of eldritch battery and take advantage of the Acrobatics 3.2 ES penalty reduction. This gave me an extra 500 effective life plus some other benefits. Mana is tight but don't usually have any problems.

Hybrid is very strong and probably better in the end game, I just like to have a bit of extra damage from wrath and some defense from blasphemy AOE to prevent being one shot, just a matter of preference.
3.9 Ball lightning miner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2722511
3.4 Scorching Ray totems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129884
3.4 Champion facebreaker warchief totem https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2240387
I am running blas enfeeble and wrath without eb.

I am running blas enfeeble and wrath without eb.

This will probably be my end game setup as well, but for now I am using blasphemy+AOE+enfeeble which reserves close to 98% of my mana
3.9 Ball lightning miner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2722511
3.4 Scorching Ray totems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129884
3.4 Champion facebreaker warchief totem https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2240387
bhwung 님이 작성:

Removing EB is definitely a strong option due to the ascendancy revamp, and will probably be what I end up doing in higher tier maps. Golems blood is a great node, but personally I couldn't justify dropping enough nodes to path all the way there with the current gear and level.

I mean...you shouldnt have to drop anything to go there. Ditch some damage till later, and/or change your pathing.
here's what I'm doing:


Take Phase acrobatics last...like 91-94

edit: oops forgot Arcing Blows. take that, and that's the 94-ish tree.

No offence intended at all, just saying your pathing isn't efficient and can be improved.
Expiditious Munitions is meh, and going for the Revenge of the Hunted life/evasion cluster isn't worth it.

Also, why are you taking the 30 strength and dex nodes? Ele dmg with attacks only requires 70 strength, and you dont need dex.

I'm 82 and missing Primeval Force, and Phase Acrobatics. Works well. Not missing a lot of damage and I have almost 5k EHP.

DamageIncorporated 님이 2018. 3. 8. 오후 3:36:38에 마지막으로 편집
No offence intended at all, just saying your pathing isn't efficient and can be improved.
Expiditious Munitions is meh, and going for the Revenge of the Hunted life/evasion cluster isn't worth it.

Also, why are you taking the 30 strength and dex nodes? Ele dmg with attacks only requires 70 strength, and you dont need dex.

I'm 82 and missing Primeval Force, and Phase Acrobatics. Works well. Not missing a lot of damage and I have almost 5k EHP.

No need to be a negative nancy here, there is no right or wrong way to build this. Trap throw speed is very underrated and allows for much faster clear, just personal preference. I am using the new belt
which requires dex and strength thresholds, and the 50% increased flask charges gained mod is VERY powerful for mapping.

By the way, this is not intended to be a guide since this build is far from done, so what I have currently is all part of the leveling process. The end game tree will look different.
3.9 Ball lightning miner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2722511
3.4 Scorching Ray totems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129884
3.4 Champion facebreaker warchief totem https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2240387
DamageIncorporated 님이 작성:
bhwung 님이 작성:

Removing EB is definitely a strong option due to the ascendancy revamp, and will probably be what I end up doing in higher tier maps. Golems blood is a great node, but personally I couldn't justify dropping enough nodes to path all the way there with the current gear and level.

I mean...you shouldnt have to drop anything to go there. Ditch some damage till later, and/or change your pathing.
here's what I'm doing:


Take Phase acrobatics last...like 91-94

edit: oops forgot Arcing Blows. take that, and that's the 94-ish tree.

No offence intended at all, just saying your pathing isn't efficient and can be improved.
Expiditious Munitions is meh, and going for the Revenge of the Hunted life/evasion cluster isn't worth it.

Also, why are you taking the 30 strength and dex nodes? Ele dmg with attacks only requires 70 strength, and you dont need dex.

I'm 82 and missing Primeval Force, and Phase Acrobatics. Works well. Not missing a lot of damage and I have almost 5k EHP.

Why take all the master sapper nodes when for another point you can go Clever Construction?
Why take all the master sapper nodes when for another point you can go Clever Construction?

Good question, Clever construction is not needed since we have chain reaction, as long as one of the traps is triggered by an enemy then most of them will trigger. Traps have an innate "arming period" during which they are indestructable already, so once they are armed and if there is an enemy in the trigger radius they will immediately go off.

I like to take master sapper to be able to pre-throw traps more more single target boss damage, and it also gives more consistent frenzy charges with tinkerskin.
3.9 Ball lightning miner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2722511
3.4 Scorching Ray totems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129884
3.4 Champion facebreaker warchief totem https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2240387
bhwung 님이 작성:
No offence intended at all, just saying your pathing isn't efficient and can be improved.
Expiditious Munitions is meh, and going for the Revenge of the Hunted life/evasion cluster isn't worth it.

Also, why are you taking the 30 strength and dex nodes? Ele dmg with attacks only requires 70 strength, and you dont need dex.

I'm 82 and missing Primeval Force, and Phase Acrobatics. Works well. Not missing a lot of damage and I have almost 5k EHP.

No need to be a negative nancy here, there is no right or wrong way to build this. Trap throw speed is very underrated and allows for much faster clear, just personal preference. I am using the new belt
which requires dex and strength thresholds, and the 50% increased flask charges gained mod is VERY powerful for mapping.

By the way, this is not intended to be a guide since this build is far from done, so what I have currently is all part of the leveling process. The end game tree will look different.

I even said " no offense intended...

And the belt answers my question so thank you. Words are hard I guess.
DamageIncorporated 님이 2018. 3. 8. 오후 4:21:18에 마지막으로 편집
uploaded T12 Torture chamber and T13 Malformation map runs
3.9 Ball lightning miner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2722511
3.4 Scorching Ray totems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129884
3.4 Champion facebreaker warchief totem https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2240387

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