[3.0] Poison/Bleed Tornado Shot Assassin (budget friendly)

can u provide a short video of tier 10 map or higher? wuld be nice :-).
Looks affordable and fun. I'll let you know how it goes in a couple days
%inc projectile damage scales with bleed and poison DPS???
wastefulby 님이 2017. 8. 24. 오전 10:22:26에 마지막으로 편집
Azimuthus 님이 작성:
A question - why not Drillneck quiver?

No resistances, low life, we don't need the additional pierce, and the +50% damage bonus doesn't apply to DoTs. A good rare quiver is simply better here.

b44dss 님이 작성:
can u provide a short video of tier 10 map or higher? wuld be nice :-).

I'm definitely planning on doing one. Will probably showcase a T14 or T15 fully rolled map. Only need to find some time and I'm working late at the moment.

wastefulby 님이 작성:
%inc projectile damage scales with bleed and poison DPS???

It does not.
5 LInk?
Interesting build but is 100% to poison and bleed really necessary? If you attack fast enough and have enough accuracy couldn't you get away with 60% to inflict these aliments?
would a rats nest be a good choice for head slot?
zaytox7 님이 작성:
would a rats nest be a good choice for head slot?

Yes and Not ^^

Yes = for DPS and Movement No= No life and rez so if you have enough life and rez it's very good option for this build
What about *Added Chaos Damage Support* gem and *Perfect agony* node?
wastefulby 님이 2017. 8. 25. 오전 3:51:40에 마지막으로 편집
So your pastebin for PoB shows 111K damage on a level 100 char, with PCs, Unholy Might, Phasing, Flasks, Killed Recently, Enemy is bleeding and maimed, and no boss. All that with a mirror worthy stat helm, 2 perfect mirror worthy rings, same with the amulet. Shit like that makes me laugh.
IGN: @JanusHuntress

Thanks GGG for caring so much about your players: https://redd.it/57wexj
Janus171 님이 2017. 8. 25. 오전 4:21:43에 마지막으로 편집

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