[3.0] Abberath's Herald Of Destruction - Autobombing Wraeclast

I've been messing around with gear, trying to find a way to deal with bosses. I think I found one.

Has anyone tried running Blade Vortex in this build? I'll be the first to admit it isn't a perfect solution, but I'm sitting at >100k dps in PoB. My thinking is that you can cast a few, run around, cast a few more... seems like a good synergy with Abberath.

Current plan is BV+Phys to Light+Spell Echo+Faster Casting. I can't find a good way (other than Vinktar's) to do more Physical Conversion. Everything I try lowers the DPS.
Is anyone running this in 3.0 currently with good mf success (wanting to run t11-13)? Debating making this my currency farmer as i already have a bosser?

Im running it like this as SF farmer, seems preety OK (sadly GGG fucks me and 0 drops for me).
The most pain in the ass are 'Monsters have 90% to avoid elements" and temp chains, other than that its ok.
Im not going for boss, so my hand sockets are empty and i am thinking what to do with that. For now ive got shield charge becouse i tried Esh's Mirror but Doryani's are to slow, maybe ill change to Cospris later, wll see.
I was thinking about curses in Abberath's, maybe i will try it even now.
Theres a lot to improve, 6l, better Doryani's, level and quality of gems.
- sorry for bad englando -
Ghato123 님이 2017. 10. 23. 오후 3:29:54에 마지막으로 편집
can this be done with marauder/berserker? what would tree/items be
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
unlucky_child 님이 작성:
can this be done with marauder/berserker? what would tree/items be

no, can't. you need the base critchance of assassin.
So. How does this work without VP? I'd like to try this build next league as a currecy farmer.
Two things that I didn't notice that helped me figure out how this build works, might help others:

1. this build is HEAVILY crit based, so you'll want to stack/level/add to crit chance as much as possible.

2. this build is HEAVILY flask based. Before i had the diamond flask along with atziris promise and the wise oak, this build didn't work for shit. But once those few are popped, enemies start melting. I did NOT know this going into it because it wasn't stated anywhere, and if I had I wouldn't have invested so much into it.

Another thing worth noting, as everyone else has been stating, do NOT use this build for bosses because i can see how it probably wouldn't work. This build melts mobs, but struggles to do potent damage to bosses.

Still a fun build.
This is Major Tom to ground control.
tomslucky7 님이 2017. 11. 20. 오전 9:36:52에 마지막으로 편집
Sorry, wrong thread... delete please!
Sorry, my english is not nativ! ;-)
Percles 님이 2017. 12. 18. 오후 11:12:39에 마지막으로 편집
How do the changes of Vaal Pact affect this build?
What changes would you have to make?
What is there to do now that its no tempest binding helm in abyss? do i stuff herald of ice on the chest piece?

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