Help coming up with a SSF Scion Scorching Ray CWC Firestorm Build

I want to build a Scion, in the SSF Harbinger League. This will be my first SSF character. I found out about the combo of Scorching Ray combined with Firestorm via Cast while Channeling and it sounds like an absolute blast. Also given that I tend to play Melee characters I figured a spellcaster who basically fires a Kamehameha blast that rains fire would be fun.

I am fairly new to the idea of building characters as I tend to follow premade builds. I do have Path of Building at home (but I am at work atm while thinking about this) so I was trying to come up with something for this kind of build.

Does anyone have any suggestions for what kind of gear / passives I should be looking at? I assume Life, Life regen (since you cant leech from Scorching Ray from what I hear), Spell Damage, Cast Speed, that sort of things? Oh and Fire Damage of course.

Since its gonna be Solo Self Found obviously I will have to work with whatever I find meaning I cannot really plan for specific uniques.

This is kinda what I came up with (its from the website since thats what I can access). I am assuming I kill the bandits for the extra 2 skill points: Burning Kamehameha Storm!
마지막 추천 2017. 8. 23. 오전 9:31:29

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