[3.0] Lifebased SignalShot™ | 10k HP | 10M Shaper DPS | All Content Eazy & Deathless | VIDEOS UP!!

HI one question,

I just switched to this build did ele conversion BF transition was pretty nice

i also have an yriels chest, and will buy a perfect form as well (just to try things out). How do you guys manage the knockback, i find it super annoying to fight regular bosses with barrage, because they are knockbacked way to far (and suddenly point blank is senseless and you cant hit anything...)

also playing it as scion which i like (also it was my ele bf char and to lazy to level another one)
demogorg 님이 2017. 10. 15. 오전 3:55:49에 마지막으로 편집

pushed it upto 7.9 million in HSC
Zynamo 님이 작성:

pushed it upto 7.9 million in HSC

no offense buddy, i mirrored your bow and stuff, but what u post is doable but not realistic, like i wear the amu u post but to call it realistic is a bit weird since its available for mirror service and 20ex, also like every jewel you print is close to mirror worthy.

Why you guys are not using the claw wheel with the lioneyes fall jewel? leeching with more than flask is alot mor qol
demogorg 님이 작성:
Zynamo 님이 작성:

pushed it upto 7.9 million in HSC

no offense buddy, i mirrored your bow and stuff, but what u post is doable but not realistic, like i wear the amu u post but to call it realistic is a bit weird since its available for mirror service and 20ex, also like every jewel you print is close to mirror worthy.

Why you guys are not using the claw wheel with the lioneyes fall jewel? leeching with more than flask is alot mor qol

Even if I change jewels to 3 props which are about 2-4ex each, its 6.7mil

Zynamo 님이 2017. 10. 15. 오전 6:55:46에 마지막으로 편집
Zynamo 님이 작성:
demogorg 님이 작성:
Zynamo 님이 작성:

pushed it upto 7.9 million in HSC

no offense buddy, i mirrored your bow and stuff, but what u post is doable but not realistic, like i wear the amu u post but to call it realistic is a bit weird since its available for mirror service and 20ex, also like every jewel you print is close to mirror worthy.

Why you guys are not using the claw wheel with the lioneyes fall jewel? leeching with more than flask is alot mor qol

Even if I change jewels to 3 props which are about 2-4ex each, its 6.7mil


like i said no offense, i like minmaxed builds and dps ... but still your harb gear is like 0.001% (if that many) league players that will be able to achieve that gear. I myself think i have pretty good gear (also if you guys have any tips please help me to get even better gear) and i am alot lower :)

btw how about the lioneyes fall idea? when changing it in POB with your setup we get the same damage (slghtly more) with slightly less health, but u got all the leech

have to correct myself i messed up its less damage

https://pastebin.com/XKwQc9rd something like that (acuities)

https://pastebin.com/cwxRjb6C thats my build atm (pretty good gear imho) i know i got to rework that way to the life wheel probably stupid how it is atm but the resis needed to be fixed after the switch from bf and to headhunter lol - tips are welcome
demogorg 님이 2017. 10. 15. 오전 8:26:28에 마지막으로 편집
Can I get a levelling guide for the passive tree? I'm not sure which nodes to prioritise etc
goddamntree 님이 2017. 10. 28. 오전 11:27:42에 마지막으로 편집
goddamntree 님이 작성:
Can I get a levelling guide for the passive tree? I'm not sure which nodes to prioritise etc

Hey i dont level the build myself i would recomment searching for leveling guide.
There is plenty on the forum for rangers just follow it.
Mirror Service for No.1 Harbinger Bow, Leg Multi Quiver, Zodiac Leather, Exquisite Blade and more: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/773474

Items Im looking for: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1232835

ign: Skalpo
pNR 님이 작성:
DicemanX 님이 작성:
Very interesting to make a comparison between the current ES version of Signalshot (at least with my current gear) and the life-based version with its hypothetical idealized jewels.

Looking at PoB, the life version can squeeze out around 1 million more shaper dps (taking into consideration Damage on Full Life instead of Slower Projectiles) and boasts close to 2K more ehp although that's with a legacy kaoms forcing a weapon swap approach. The life version is currently superior at its peak, although it still remains to be seen what will happen to ES versus life in future patches - the pendulum might easily swing back in ES's favor. Time will tell. Those perhaps looking to invest in mirror gear in standard might elect to hold off and see just what GGG has in store for life and ES in the near future.

I've been playing the ES version in 3.0 and I must say the instant leech hasn't been all that important. What's annoying however is that Discipline is bugged forcing recovery of ES through Ghost Reaver instead of relying on natural ES regen. The life version is obviously safer with instant leech, but once again its tough to say if VP will be around for much longer, given the degree of VP abuse by life builds in 3.0.

Quick side note: the claimed 14M versus shaper seems quite a bit off for two reasons. The first is that "enemy is shocked" is checked off in PoB, and yet the shock can only come from Vessel of Vinktar and Vinktar only gives you 10% increased damage, but ticking off "shocked" status in PoB gives an extra 50% damage. To simulate what Vinktar gives you, you can tick off "is the enemy intimidated" for an extra 10% damage.

To see how much Damage on Full Life actually gives you in PoB on a life build, you can path to CI in the tree since grabbing CI will automatically put you on full life. Swapping Slow Proj for Damage on Full Life jumps the barrage dps from 8.2M dps to 9.5M dps. Even then, there's more degen from Blood Rage than life regen, so if you inflate dps from Blood Rage, then I don't think you'll be consistently getting the dps boost from Damage on Full Life. It might be fair to say then that the actual dps is around 8.2M dps on shaper and guardians. As a result, it seems that the ES signalshot version gets slightly more dps with the 100% consistent Damage on Full Life and the ability to run Blood Rage simultaneously (I get around 8.6M shaper dps on the ES version, with 8K ES). But again, the ES version lags behind in terms of safety/ehp.

Of course such high dps on mirrored gear is total overkill so the slight differences in dps discussed above are rather moot, and it goes without saying that the life version is vastly superior on non legacy gear. ES is pretty much dead for attack-based builds right now outside of standard.

Yo mate ty for the nice and intressting comment.
Would u mind sharing your es version with me, I rly like to compare them.

I adjusted my POB calculation, since its right that we dont get the full Shockadvantage it was there for global damage comparison of builds since everybody puts it still on even when vinktars and shockmechanic got changed.

The Blood Rage thing u adressed i tried out before posting my setup and its not realy a problem.
You have the panethon powers that give u life reg when stationary and shooting, this is why degen of BR has no effect on your damage!

The damage can be increased even further by swapping gear pieces however this wasnt my goal.

For the defence part it seems like nobody takes Acrobatics into account. I view it as an *30% increase to my ehp, since I do not die from any oneshots (besides Ueber Atziri) imo it can get full credit.

hi there you can see mine if the other didnt link it, "philipma" lookm at my pathfinder ign DeathofBow

philipma 님이 2017. 11. 17. 오전 10:49:40에 마지막으로 편집
I swapped my ES gear to life based and i have to say that its prety strong build, but can i ask how do you deal with the traps and spikes in uber lab? tried 3-4 runs argus and izaro all faces full charged absolutely no issues they just melt, but...........i die to traps, any suggestions guys? besides ofcourse not to stop running lab, cause i just love that and the rewards are great.
Thanks so much, fast and smooth!

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