[3.2] Mace DW Phys Crit Sunder - 800k DPS

wish i would have that gear on ssf :D
So this ring might be a nice way to get frenzy charges without having to deal with Blood Rage and it can maintain against bosses with the ruthless stun. The attack speed loss is minor, especially with all frenzy charges up.

Long term It will be best to use Kaom Roots + Two rings that fill out res and have AS and crit multi. Short term its made mapping a lot less stressful with no blood rage degen. Especially with Kaom Roots being stupid over priced early in league.
mezzer25 님이 2017. 12. 12. 오전 12:26:04에 마지막으로 편집
Build is nice even without the recommend uniques btw

My Gear on SSF after Day 5:

Very nice. Prismatic is the only one I think I'd be sad without, just because of the insane extra atk speed, the rest are whatever. Not a bad behemoth for early SSF.
For SSF, you should probably be chancing swords because Prismatic Eclipse is that good. That said, any of Prismatic Eclipse, The Princess, or The Tempestous Steel is a solid off-hand choice in this case.

As for the Warden's Brand, I've no personal experience with trying to stun bosses. If your personal experience gives it credence then I'll be trying it later.
I have only done up to t7 maps with that ring equipped, but I was maintaining Frenzy charges consistently.
Long term I think it gets replaced, especially because you can get an elder ring that can apply assassins mark on hit, and that would be a nice boost for our crit.
Is there a 2h version for this? I'm trying Juggernaut crit 2h mace.
2H isn't very worth it in my opinion. The crit just isn't consistent enough and the damage isn't exactly better.
i got a belly today, would it be a good choice for chest?
El1teStyle 님이 작성:
i got a belly today, would it be a good choice for chest?

One of the best.

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