[3.4] Spark Scion Build
" why you runned like 6 crit nodes if you use E O? and why you need rat's nest? the crit multi is always 0 with elemental overload, and you spark like a dragon, so even with a crit chance to 5 you are able to proc your EO almost always. i would like more a thing like this; you deal more damage, you have more life, move speed it's the same, mana is the same, you pierce more times and the proj speed is a bit more, if you feel like you need more crit chance (multi is useless) instead of going for rat's nest go for Starkonja's Head, but i suggest you tu buy a rare base and craft it manually, if you need more crit (but i don't think in this way you will need) you can link power charge on critical on orb of storms and drop it in packs to get your crit chance buff, you have 2 less j sockets but you can undo some point and grab the one in the assasin area. Also, path of building it's better for plan builds, and you can link pastebin in the forum so people can get it and copy in their pob, so they can see your items and your effective dps kogilcane#1688 님이 2017. 9. 18. 오후 12:12:29에 마지막으로 편집
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I realize EO neutralizes Crit Multi, but a lot of the crit chance nodes have multi on them too, or you have to get through a multi node to get to the crit chance.
So wait, am I understanding that with EO that crit damage is the exact same damage as a normal hit? If that's so, wow, you are right my build is way fucked up! Man I'm a fucking idiot. I didn't even think of that. I get to burn a lot of Regrets to reroll now... Or, would it be more beneficial to drop EO and just stack crit and crit multi since I'm already doing that? Well, answered that question. Definitely do more damage with EO on than without. Time to retool the build... endersblade#5449 님이 2017. 9. 23. 오후 11:21:55에 마지막으로 편집
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you will follow the tree i posted or you will go for your onw tree? let me know how is going
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" I respec'd to the tree you posted. So far I haven't noticed too much of a difference, but it looks like it'll be better once I level up more. I did lose a large chunk of mana, which is causing me to run with a mana flask now because I'm constantly mana starved. I definitely have more HP though, which has been a big help. I was cleaning out my stash today and ran across a Choir of the Storm. I ran a couple of maps with it, and I can't really tell if it helps with clearspeed. It definitely helps on bosses though! With as often as this build crits, the boss is constantly getting hit with lightning bolts. The problem is, the Victario's Acuity I was wearing was giving me a large chunk of my lightning res, so I'm no longer lightning res capped without it. I think I'll stick to Victario's for clearing, and possibly choir for the bosses. This is the build I'm running thus far, at level 79: Unfortunately I can't make anymore changes, I'm completely out of Regrets! I even had to buy some to change from my tree to yours. But I like the way it's looking so far, so I'm going to post your tree in the first post and give you credit for it, I think this is what I'll stick with when I finally get around to making a real guide! |
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Hey there,
inspired by this thread, I took my attempt on a Spark-Scion character. I´m currently level 91 in HSC and it works really nice for mapping (Shaped Dunes/Mesa/SpiderForest). Has problems with bosses like it was expected. Here is a Path of Building link to my build.
I took the Elemental Overload Route without any crit-nodes. This acctually gives a lot of damage for far fewer points. On the side I use a double-curse setup with the double Heralds to get additional sustain (Warlords Mark) and damage (Projectile Weakness). I didn´t took the additional piercing nodes because I think the 2 times piercing from the ascension is enough as there will be alot of projectiles flying around and each enemy can only be hit by 1 projectile every so often from the same cast (and the curse helps here too). I´m curious what you guys think of it... |
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im still new too the game about 2months and i saw your build for scion so im lvl 70 and fellowing the path but still haveing some issues . think is alot of mine doing for not moveing out of stuff lol.. just wondering how ur build is going
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" Hi endersblade, Was following your guide, is this skill tree the finalized one? Some questions about reduce mana cost on Vaal Mask, it doesn't seemed to work for mana reserved gems e.g purity of elements ? |
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Hey the vaal pact isn't at the same place anymore, so, not in the build at all, it's like at the very bottom of the tree.
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I've officially given up on this build, so sorry. It's fun to play, but I die so much with it. It has also gotten very far from the 'ZiggyD's' version, since they nerfed so much of the gear that build used.
After the 3.1 patch I tweaked and tweaked and tweaked this build, but she's having serious issues running maps higher than about level 11, and it's almost completely worthless against bosses. The biggest bonus so far is the apparent removal of elemental reflect from random mobs. I'm not sure when that happened, but it's been really nice not getting reflect-killed from sparks hitting something outside your visual range! Stratege42 posted in this thread a nice evolution of this build. I'd recommend you follow his, or bug him to start his own thread for theorycrafting. I'm a noob when it comes to builds, this was my first attempt, and I'm sad to say it's a failure. |
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After looking at the 3.2.0 patchnotes, and more importantly the changes to Ascendancy, I've decided to revisit this build. One the POE Planner and Path of Building have been updated with the new info, I find all my stored items from this build, and take my Scion out of moth balls, I'll do a complete update of the original post for anyone who is still interested in this build.
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