[3.0] My current Doomfletch TS / Barrage Pathfinder - Guardians / Shaper / Atziri Farmer

Original Build / Guide by Ahfack:


Check it out!

My Juggernaut that I've been playing as starter to farm currency:


Current gear:

Videos (I had worse rings/neck when I recorded the Guardian kills):

Shaper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G3SbHELceE
T16 Chimera (without +2 Barrage enchant): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjtgSExtxMM
T16 Minotaur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bly_LfOuJg
T16 Hydra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt1xHewXhXM
Atziri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2THDRqdqpUw

Level 91 tree:

Poeplanner: www.poeurl.com/bvUn
PoE website: www.poeurl.com/bvUo


6L: Barrage, Phys. Proj., Bleed, Ele. Dmg, Crit. Strikes, Ele. Focus
5/6L: TS, GMP, Phys. Proj., Ele. Dmg, Crit. Strikes, Pierce
4L: Blink Arrow, Faster Attacks, Ice Golem, Vaal Haste
4L: Enlighten, Hatred, Proj. Weakness, Blasphemy
4L: CWDT, Immortal Call, Inc. Duration, Phase Run
or 4L: Orb of Storms, Faster Cast, Crit. Strikes, Power Charge on Crit


Kill all


Nature's Boon, Master Alchemist, Veteran Bowyer, Nature's Adrenaline


Gruthkul, Solaris


Resists (balanced res for Wise Oak):

20/20/80 (uncapped) -> 122 all res with flasks up (uncapped)
20/20/75 (capped) -> 82/82/75 with flasks up (capped)


99prosorc 님이 2017. 10. 14. 오후 7:37:56에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2017. 10. 27. 오후 6:25:33
Wondering what's your res without flasks
Carcelero 님이 작성:
Wondering what's your res without flasks

Resists (balanced res for Wise Oak):

20/20/80 -> 122 all res with flasks up
Any suggestion what would you change mainly on my build? :D ty!
Carcelero 님이 작성:
Any suggestion what would you change mainly on my build? :D ty!

* New boots with elemental damage craft and maybe even elemental penetration uber lab enchant
* Use Blessed Orb on your belt to reroll the physical damage implicit to a higher value
from where do you have the extra 5% aditional resistance for the third resistance? i can't see any source on the tree.
arkolyno 님이 작성:
from where do you have the extra 5% aditional resistance for the third resistance? i can't see any source on the tree.

I added the capped resistances - have a look.
99prosorc 님이 2017. 9. 4. 오전 10:53:11에 마지막으로 편집
You made a whole new thread for a minor variation of AhFacks build? Why didnt you just post this in his thread like everyone else. There is no value added here.
mrleak 님이 작성:
You made a whole new thread for a minor variation of AhFacks build? Why didnt you just post this in his thread like everyone else. There is no value added here.

It's only to show my gear to people who are asking me about it and to be able to link my gear in my YouTube videos. And to be able to link recordings of my clears next to my gear etc. This thread is not a guide! That's why I linked Ahfacks guide at the top of my thread.
99prosorc 님이 2017. 9. 4. 오전 10:54:09에 마지막으로 편집

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