Curse Make Dark pact Stronger !!!

Hi there, Hear of Dark pact become popular and popular
my first DP build was a Regen DP Berserker it was good but not to my playstyle

I came across of Dark pact totems with different classes and ascendancy, then i come across this build
it was in a russian Path of exile with cheap build on it i decide to go over and found the potential of DP totem destroy everything with curse to make it stronger!!

here a link to russian website path of exile

Overall here a build that do a lot of damage
still in progression here some of the tool-tips show from POB lv82


pro2017#5475 님이 2017. 9. 3. 오전 2:55:04에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2017. 9. 7. 오후 3:16:38
Hi, could u make a PoB link?

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