[3.0] Headhunter...Hunter | Currency Generator | Pathfinder | Essence Drain | 475k Boss Dps | Bisco

svara_eir 님이 작성:

I had a couple questions about the build:

a) Regarding Voidwalkers: I ask myself is it worth dropping 20% quantity? Keep in mind that this scales MULTIPLICATIVELY with the map's quantity. Will Voidwalkers and 3 passive points help you clear 20% faster? I have my doubts.

b) Regarding the skill tree: The growth and decay wheel definitely affects the Essence Drain DoT. Check it in PoB, check it in-game. I'm not sure where you read that it doesn't, but I'm fairly sure you're mistaken. Remember: the "tooltip" for ED is the "hit" from the "projectile". The real damage is deeper in the tooltip under: deals xxx chaos damage per second.
musclecups 님이 2017. 9. 26. 오후 12:31:48에 마지막으로 편집
musclecups 님이 작성:
svara_eir 님이 작성:

I had a couple questions about the build:

a) Regarding Voidwalkers: I ask myself is it worth dropping 20% quantity? Keep in mind that this scales MULTIPLICATIVELY with the map's quantity. Will Voidwalkers and 3 passive points help you clear 20% faster? I have my doubts.

b) Regarding the skill tree: The growth and decay wheel definitely affects the Essence Drain DoT. Check it in PoB, check it in-game. I'm not sure where you read that it doesn't, but I'm fairly sure you're mistaken. Remember: the "tooltip" for ED is the "hit" from the "projectile". The real damage is deeper in the tooltip under: deals xxx chaos damage per second.

Thanks very much for the concise answers! Learned my lesson about random shit I read on reddit vs. knuckle-grinding in PoB too.

I didn't realise quantity worked that way, though. Regardless, it's probably a matter of being farther off-screen when I cast, so that I don't feel like I need Voidwalkers in the first place. I'm kind of tempted to get a Dying Sun just for the sake of learning how to play this without a life flask, but I definitely still feel a bit lacking on bosses.

Also, I've been trying to put the increased rarity to use by doing Chaos recipe again; I can't tell if it's worth it or not in terms of time. For those that do use it though, and especially with this build, I recommend leaving t11 Underground Sea open. It drops Lover cards like candy, which will solve your ring bottleneck.
svara_eir 님이 2017. 9. 26. 오후 10:01:53에 마지막으로 편집
musclecups Big thanks for nice build,but i have few litte question

1. i cant get helm enchant to contagion radius, it very important to build ?
I have jewel

10% AOE work same that contagion radius enchant ? This good jewel or better find another ?

2. After i insert fewer mind, i often was not enough mana, and need run away and wait flask charge
Its normal or i very often times cast Contagion ? i cast Contagion for every mob pack

Contagion cost - 70 mana
ED cost - 182 mana

total mana:1987 at 89 lvl, ~2k at 90

powergreen 님이 2017. 10. 5. 오전 4:37:14에 마지막으로 편집
hey! do u think this build is as fast as a KB pathfinder? i also run full MF on my pathfinder just without the quantity flask.
bahnschranke 님이 2017. 10. 6. 오후 6:52:19에 마지막으로 편집
powergreen 님이 작성:
musclecups Big thanks for nice build,but i have few litte question

1. i cant get helm enchant to contagion radius, it very important to build ?
I have jewel

10% AOE work same that contagion radius enchant ? This good jewel or better find another ?

2. After i insert fewer mind, i often was not enough mana, and need run away and wait flask charge
Its normal or i very often times cast Contagion ? i cast Contagion for every mob pack

Contagion cost - 70 mana
ED cost - 182 mana

total mana:1987 at 89 lvl, ~2k at 90

1) No, "10% increased area damage" means you do 10% additional damage with skills possessing the "area" tag. So in our case, it ups the damage of contagion. The helm enchant makes the contagion wider.

It's not crucial, but it does help the build go faster, as it increases the likelihood that the contagion will jump your ED damage from one pack to the next.

2) There is a bit to unpack here. First, the build really shines with good monster density. So if you're in a map where the packs are spread out (it sounds like you may be if contagion never jumps to a second pack), then the build is going to feel clunky.

The only reason we use the fevered mind jewel is to keep our mana sufficiently low that our divination distillate continues to run. If your playstyle is such that you can achieve this without the jewel, just take it out. It's not too hard to find a rare jewel which will give the same amount of damage.
bahnschranke 님이 작성:
hey! do u think this build is as fast as a KB pathfinder? i also run full MF on my pathfinder just without the quantity flask.

It depends on the map.

And on whether you have Headhunter. Projectile attack skills benefit from far more stolen rare affixes than ED, so the change in speed is substantial.

On Spider Forest with full sextants, I've found them to be nearly the same (my KB wander has average gear). It feels to me like ED leaves less stragglers.

If you're running a map like tropical island, where you see a monster every three screens, KB probably wins handily.

Recall that if you are able to keep divination distillate running, you can afford to be a bit slower (assuming you don't care about xp) while still getting the same amount of drops. ~25% quantity to all monsters is more than you can get on any item (in temp leagues).

This build, its really funny to played.

I Have a question, do it's possible to play with the gem item quantity support (+43% IIQ) ? if yes where is the best location ?

Thank you for the sharing this build
Im not.."bright" can someone explain how this is used to kill a boss? Im only using this for farming vaults and what I do is wither totem then spam Blight. Doesnt seem to be dropping him too fast. Its probably a gear thing, but if I am missing a step Im all ears.
How does this build work as new season starting build?
Personally doesn't likes ED much, is it possible to use CA ? +3 bow just curious :P

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