Life Based FlaskFinder Wander - ﴾All Content Viable﴿ - •Not budget friendly• & Videos up!

Kitty_Witch's Life Based Wander Guide


PoB Import Code

Listed in order of importance:

Boss kills:

Uber Atziri
Coming Soon

Current Level: 96

For my current gear open the box bellow ---

An Amulet like this, will give more dps than choir of storms, but not needed.
Rings & Choir of Storms add alot of DPS to our build, so try to focus on getting Elemental damage with attacks skills, Lightning damage %, or added flat ele dmg.
For your weapon, a wand like mine without the cold damage is able to do all content. As for Lycosdae Shield, we use it because it gives some life & we don't have to worry about accuracy as well have 100% chance to hit. If you can manage to get an amulet with life, Crit multi, Added lightning, and elemental damage with attack skills then by all means it'd be better, but for starting Choir of Storms is a pretty GG amulet.

Flasks are very important for our build, I rekon you'll need a Diamond Flask with bleed on it, and a dying son is a very huge DPS boost for us. Also as for vinktars, an "to attacks" would be best for us, but just get what you can afford at the time.

Jewels also give a substantial amount of DPS & life, so try to invest a bit into them!
Stats on jewels that work for our build & current jewels:

Stats that work
Projectile Damage
Increased Damage
Lightning Damage
Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Attack Speed
Attack Speed with wands
Attack Speed with Shields


We use a conquerer's Poptency jewel to get our dying sun to +3 projectiles via pathfinder & Alchemist flask effect nodes on tree.
You can either kill all or go for Alira for the crit multi, i just killed all. Your choice.

Note about Vinktars:
To attacks is the best one, but honestly it really is over priced this league. Your better off farming for one, but if you don't have the patience for it like i didn't, then you can go for a Penetration vinktars, as it's the next best thing.

Min-Maxing -------
For your rings, you have a few options available for DPS.
1: You can try to craft a crit multi Opal ring with Scorn essences, something like WED (30%), multi (20%), with added lightning.
2: Use Essences of Wrath on a Opal ring base, and hope you hit WED aswell, for 75%+ total, to push it even further you can even craft added lightning damage (if it doesn't have it on already).
3: You can use the Screaming essence of torment, and try to hit WED, or lightning damage %.

For your amulet, Choir of Storms is already a GG amulet IMO, but, if you want to use a nice rare, then i highly recomend multi modding one like i did, as there isn't many GG ones widely available. I would suggest opening, and searching for 30 wed, and 30 crit multi, with a few stats on it then anul them till your left with multi and wed. then multi mod as so:

Since where an attack build, all level 21 gems won't make as much of a difference, the only gem i highly recommend you get level 21 ASAP is Added Lightning, as it gives quite a chunk of DPS along with level 21 wrath.

For your gloves, i'd get a pair of Gripped Gloves with attack speed on them, as attack speed gives quite a bit of DPS.

While looking for wand upgrades, you definetly want t1 added lightning damage, after that you can look for t1 added fire, or cold. If you can afford one with all 3, then GG. But if not, then that's fine. As t1 lightning & fire/cold is still GG, as an example:

Crafting a leather belt with Hysteria essences can be costly, and in my opinion probably the last think you want to min max on this build, as the currency can be used else where. You will probably want to atleast beable to craft wed on the belt, if you hit something nice. (Hysteria essence on belts gives: 5% elemental damage penetration during flask effect, which scales with flask effectivness)

For the shield, i would try to get a +1 gems lycosdae, and insert Wrath, enlighten & empower, as your wrath will gain 2 levels. (+1 from the shield itself, and the other from +1 to empower)

For the helm, your going to want to try for +2 barrage projectiles enchant, as it gives a huge chunk of dps if you can manage to get it. Since my wand has cold on it aswell, i decided to pickup a rare helm with +2 barrage projectiles for boss killing.

Current Tooltip DPS with auras + Golem up:


With Flasks, Auras & golem:


With everything up + power & frenzies:


Defensive Stats:
Defensive stats

Gem Links:
Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assasain's Mark

Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Lightning Golem

Kinetic Blast - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Pierce - Elemental Damage with Attack Skills

Wrath - Empower 3 - Enlighten 3 - Portal (optional)

Flame Dash - Vaal Haste - Orb of Storms - Power Charge on Crit

Barrage - elemental focus - added lighting - slower projectiles - elemental damage with attack skills - Increased Critical Strikes


-For leveling, I recomend you grab a few unique bows as you progress, as for the tree, just grab the bow nodes (and the crit nodes). Around act 6 or 7, grab a diamond flask and a crit strikes gem, as bows can go crit a bit early. Choose whichever bow skill you prefer. The Blood Aquaducts in act 9 start is a nice place to speed level with KB, as it's a clear straight path.
Do i have to use Empower?
Having Wrath level 21, + empower 3 with enlighten is quite a bit boost in dps, but by all means not needed.

Do i have to use Conqeror's Potency?
I rekon you should, because it gives your dying sun an extra projectile, which is a big DPS boost for barrage.

Do i have to use Vinktar's?
You should use it, as it gives 20% of lightning damage leeched as life & thats huge for survivability on bosses imo.

What do you think i should upgrade first?
Well, for starters i suggest you get better rings & or look for an amulet with ele dmg with atks, added lightning, crit multi

Can I choose Raider?
Well, you can. But i prefer Pathfinder for the flask uptime.

Can I use piscator's?
No, it's garbage. Better off using a wand with t1 flat lightning damage.

Do i have to use Tempest's Binding?
Well, you don't have to. But, it makes Kinetic Blast feel way better in my honest opinion.

Do i have to use Lycosdae shield?
In this build yes, unless you stack alot of Accuracy on gear.

Isn't Choir of Storms bad after nerf?
No, it still gives 75% crit chance & 50% increased lightning damage, a GG rare will be better, though.

BRabbitOz 님이 2017. 9. 28. 오후 9:01:27에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2017. 11. 7. 오전 10:56:35
detailed guide and awesome dps there. =D
Really great Guide Kitty! I appreciate the detail you used in which to make this. It really helps explain the full concept of this build. Great tip on the Empower+Enlighten+Wrath thought. It really does add a ton of dps.

At which point does the Herald of Ice+Elemental Weakness+Curse on Hit setup become null? I feel like I';m one-shotting everything and the curse doesn't have much of an effect, or is that just an illusion because I'm not noticing the curse effect being applied? Then you could also toss in Herald of Ice into the mix.

Also, The Tempest's Bindings is such a sick item. Really love the Ice Bite Innervate combo.

(>/ ^_^)>(O) ~,'~ ~,'~ ~,'~
Hey, I'm curious why you path under Forces of Nature?

Wouldn't it be more efficient to drop the useless node below Nullification, and
then you can get finesse for the free Aspd.

So that it looks like this
Hey, I'm curious why you path under Forces of Nature?

Wouldn't it be more efficient to drop the useless node below Nullification, and
then you can get finesse for the free Aspd.

So that it looks like this

Ah, sorry about that. I just leveled and was heading in for more life, thats why the extra node is there. Figured i'd head in for more life instead of attack speed, but i'll probably move it around a bit later after i level a bit more. Thank you though!
BRabbitOz 님이 2017. 9. 7. 오전 12:35:00에 마지막으로 편집
that awesome build ! thanks a lot for build guide in this patch

maybe ill go try on STD char later :D coz i can't even do Lowlife KB anymore haha
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BRabbitOz 님이 작성:
Hey, I'm curious why you path under Forces of Nature?

Wouldn't it be more efficient to drop the useless node below Nullification, and
then you can get finesse for the free Aspd.

So that it looks like this

Ah, sorry about that. I just leveled and was heading in for more life, thats why the extra node is there. Figured i'd head in for more life instead of attack speed, but i'll probably move it around a bit later after i level a bit more. Thank you though!

I grabbed finesse like in their PoB and gained about 2k in Tooltip DPS so its definitely worth it.
Leveling to 50 was a little iffy as I wasn't really sure the best gear/items to use. Around 50 I purchased an "ok" wand for my level and switched to KB, was kinda awkward until I hit 60 to get tempest binding but holy shit after that mobbing is a breeze. I would suggest adding to the leveling section that the blood aqueducts are perfect for speed leveling with KB because of how linear it is. I started at 60 there and got to 65 in just under 25 mins, averaging 200k exp/hr.
Leveling to 50 was a little iffy as I wasn't really sure the best gear/items to use. Around 50 I purchased an "ok" wand for my level and switched to KB, was kinda awkward until I hit 60 to get tempest binding but holy shit after that mobbing is a breeze. I would suggest adding to the leveling section that the blood aqueducts are perfect for speed leveling with KB because of how linear it is. I started at 60 there and got to 65 in just under 25 mins, averaging 200k exp/hr.

Will do! and yeah, leveling is a bit of a pain with rangers in general in my experience, glad your enjoying it!
Getting close to level 84 already, early/mid mapping on this character is hilariously fun and fast. Any suggestions for my gear? I bought a belly and am currently trying to 6 link it.

BdXtcvfSnv 님이 2017. 9. 19. 오후 8:47:40에 마지막으로 편집

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