[3.3] MF Windripper Deadeye | TS and Barrage | PoB Link

VulpineKitsune 님이 작성:

How did you make so much o_0, i farmed about 120 t3 burials and made (excluding the Doctor that dropped) about 150-200c

Get pretty lucky definitely (2ex, 2*The Mayor, some good uniques and a lot of fusings/jewellers/chrom/gc which I sold) I also spent my day on it and it's definitely not going to be that amount every day.

Sorytis16#7613 님이 2018. 10. 12. 오후 2:25:06에 마지막으로 편집
running this build now and just farming maps at random.

Any suggestions for what to do for better suvivability in t10-16? I don't use barrage at all and feel that I could put some other clear skill/curse using QotF (Have TS in my Windripper) - also what else can I do to get my health up? 3.1k is giving me a hard time here and there.

Damage I find is decent enough, though with better jewels I think it'd be a bit smoother. Would like to get enough health and survivability to farm higher maps and uberlab but not quite there yet.

Gear in the case that it would be helpful:

Denezen#5942 님이 2018. 10. 12. 오후 3:17:40에 마지막으로 편집
Denezen 님이 작성:

Any suggestions for what to do for better suvivability in t10-16? 3.1k is giving me a hard time here and there.

I'm still not that good in the game, but I'd say "better gear". I don't see much life on your yellow jewelry.
What's your Jewels on the tree? Got Life on them?
Anything missing on the tree?
Not so much EleDamage with attacks in your gear as well, where it can be.
This build can pay for beter gear, really, though I assume you've put everything in your Helmet.
Be sure to qual Enlighten to 20, btw.

Do you seek for "rarity" on your items (ask cos of your ring)? Think if you should do it.

Consider having non-MF gear for high-lvl content if you struggle.
In my non-MF gear I currently have 4944 HP on lvl 92.

And just to boast, my precious self-crafted helmet:
MisterAL#7047 님이 2018. 10. 12. 오후 6:13:19에 마지막으로 편집
Any idea why I'm so slow in compare to some other burial/poorjoy farmers?

My items:

In addition I've this to swap when don't need quant:

Aul's uprising allows me to run herald + grace + wrath/haste

Need to fix 2nd opal ring and enchant on devoto or more jewels and run with lighpoacher/bubonic trail for dmg, but this still shouldn't affect my movement speed (except more stacks on hh)
dedi37#2773 님이 2018. 10. 18. 오후 4:10:52에 마지막으로 편집
Can I play this as Ascendant? Can someone suggest a skill tree? Thanks.
Very nice build
dedi37 님이 작성:
Any idea why I'm so slow in compare to some other burial/poorjoy farmers?

My items:

In addition I've this to swap when don't need quant:

Aul's uprising allows me to run herald + grace + wrath/haste

Need to fix 2nd opal ring and enchant on devoto or more jewels and run with lighpoacher/bubonic trail for dmg, but this still shouldn't affect my movement speed (except more stacks on hh)

Nice stuff, I hadn't even considered running an Auls for grace, I think I'm going to do that...

But if you want more damage...
Abyss jewels.
Abyss jewels.
Abyss jewels.

I switched my tree to the one from THIS build and it helped immensely. That build in my mf gear clears t13/14s just as fast as this build clears shaped burials. All the same items just a different tree (and some more jewels)

Goresplattered138 님이 작성:
So my league starter was a different ts mf build...ran it to 94 on shaped burials. Got bored and moved on as it was pretty dicey doing any content past monster level 80, especially while delving. Delve 250 was 50/50 if I'd die or not. And this is without mf gear...so 2s tombfists, 2s bubonics, stygian...still died constantly as I had only 4300 life

Anyways I revisited the character yesterday, and swapped to this builds skill tree. WOW. What a difference.

With this build with the SAME EXACT gear I have roughly 40% more tooltip dps (BEFORE the attack speed on crit from jewels is taken into effect!) and 1100 more life. I just had to add some abyss jewels from the new tree opening up so many more jewel nodes. The only downside is like 10% less movespeed but that is a trade I'd gladly make.

I'm shredding t13/t14 content just as fast as I was shredding burials before the swap. T15s are manageable, and 83 delves are pretty easy as long as there are no chaos damage sources. I haven't pushed to guardians yet as I dont have a ts enchantment or an actual barrage setup, and am still just running a quant ammy and windripper but I'm fairly confident I could take em down when I fill those holes.

Thanks for the build. Cheers!

the only new items are the jewels with attack speed when you crit recently. everything else is identical

Mf gear I mentioned. As of now I can speed clear through t12 (bosses included) with this stuff like butter

Goresplattered138#5299 님이 2018. 10. 21. 오전 11:32:01에 마지막으로 편집
Is it better to farm shaped burial and just normal t3 burials with this build? Can anyone with some insight tell me in the long run what is more profitable?
leethal 님이 작성:
Is it better to farm shaped burial and just normal t3 burials with this build? Can anyone with some insight tell me in the long run what is more profitable?

The answer is the highest content you can run efficiently. If you can run t3 or t8 the same speed then go t8. T8 isn't that difficult so you should be able to do so with just levels even if your gear is subpar
Goresplattered138#5299 님이 2018. 10. 21. 오전 11:39:05에 마지막으로 편집
quick question about curse mods

I just corrupted my sadimas and got curse with elemental weakness - I assume that this would cancel out assassin's mark curse on hit unless I was able to obtain second curse mod elsewhere on gear/tree, correct?

I just purchased a +1 Frenzy charge Sadima prior to that corruption, so now I'm torn which to use (unless my understanding above is correct - in which case I'll just use the +1 Frenzy and sell the other)

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