[3.3] MF Windripper Deadeye | TS and Barrage | PoB Link

Matt_Senpai 님이 작성:
miokemia 님이 작성:
wait so should i go deadeye or raider O.o

If your poor Deadeye, If rich Raider

What would you say the items that are necessary to determine which one that is?

I have almost all BIS (cept +1 rigwalds) and HH (almost there). The +1 Proj and Chain from deadeye feels so nice. But me thinks that I need to respec to raider if that is your thought too

Also, am I blind or am I missing how we produce Endurance Charges for Immortal Call. Currently I am not using IC but I might if I could figure out where the ECs are coming from.
lghaze#6969 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오전 9:20:56에 마지막으로 편집
Is rigwalds worth over a shaped rare quiver? What's a good quiver with the chinsol swap?
Can you add Deadeye levelling tree and ascendancy priority? For poor people :D Dropped Windripper on Zana's quest on t1 map and want to try it :)
faraddox#5532 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오후 4:02:04에 마지막으로 편집
I'm also wondering if rigwald is better than +1 or +2 arrows shaper quivers
how do you sustain mana with this build?
IGN: hyrenfreak
hyrenfreak 님이 작성:
how do you sustain mana with this build?

I'm doing fine with 1 mana leech node, also the claw node give you 0.8% mana leech if you are using lioneye's fall jewel
IGN: hyrenfreak
hyrenfreak#3397 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오후 8:36:05에 마지막으로 편집
mickeymicky 님이 작성:
hyrenfreak 님이 작성:
how do you sustain mana with this build?

I'm doing fine with 1 mana leech node, also the claw node give you 0.8% mana leech if you are using lioneye's fall jewel

what level are you? im 47 and i have the mana leech node, but not the claw one as im new in the league and that jewel is to expensive.
IGN: hyrenfreak
hyrenfreak 님이 작성:
mickeymicky 님이 작성:
hyrenfreak 님이 작성:
how do you sustain mana with this build?

I'm doing fine with 1 mana leech node, also the claw node give you 0.8% mana leech if you are using lioneye's fall jewel

what level are you? im 47 and i have the mana leech node, but not the claw one as im new in the league and that jewel is to expensive.

Buy this:
, it's the best for lvling almost all builds.
faraddox 님이 작성:
hyrenfreak 님이 작성:
how do you sustain mana with this build?

I'm doing fine with 1 mana leech node, also the claw node give you 0.8% mana leech if you are using lioneye's fall jewel

what level are you? im 47 and i have the mana leech node, but not the claw one as im new in the league and that jewel is to expensive.[/quote]
Buy this:
, it's the best for lvling almost all builds.[/quote]

that would be amazing, they are going for 8c though, dont have near the money for it yet.
IGN: hyrenfreak

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