[3.1][HC] Tri Dark Pact Totems ~1M+ DPS~ 8k+ EHP~ Cheap and beginner friendly~ All content viable

Honestly, should be better in almost every way. Not sure about single target but you should that yourself with just the numbers... my DP totems are currently sitting at around 1.3M shaper dps.
Want to reroll this tonight after a rip. Never played a scion nor dark pact but I like totem gameplay so I'm looking forward to this. Nice guide.
No leech? Never played a totem build before.
Trying this build in HHC right now. Had before lvl96 hierophant dp totems and it was a great build but might not be shaper viable. Farmed guardians tho. Ripped it tho despite of super MoM :/ Based on my experiences stacking Cast speed it essential.

Few questions:

1) Tried this shield while leveling:

Does it make any sense in late game? Stats looks very nice but no life :/

2) Isn't getting Clear Mind jewel is easy choice since we have lot mana reg and MoM without auras?

3) Still wondering should I go to witch nodes for dual curse
Possu81 님이 2017. 9. 16. 오전 10:57:59에 마지막으로 편집
Do you think it would work out to mix the curse mechanics up with a Flame Totem build instead? I'm thinking it might give better results or just do it because pizza totems are fun to look at, but I don't know.
Hey, what about Tukohama's Fortress as a shield? We could then use some sort of regen/life leech
1) Tried this shield while leveling:

Does it make any sense in late game? Stats looks very nice but no life :/

2) Isn't getting Clear Mind jewel is easy choice since we have lot mana reg and MoM without auras?

3) Still wondering should I go to witch nodes for dual curse

1:The shield while it may be a cheap way to get damage, damage is never going to be too much of an issue... you should focus mostly on defences.

2:You would lose out on scion guardian buff thing

3:how would you curse anything ? blasphemy? You would lose out on so much effective hp...

Do you think it would work out to mix the curse mechanics up with a Flame Totem build instead? I'm thinking it might give better results or just do it because pizza totems are fun to look at, but I don't know.

It would work yes... would it be better ? Don't think so.

Hey, what about Tukohama's Fortress as a shield? We could then use some sort of regen/life leech

Tukohama's fortress means you lose out on MoM which is around 2k extra hp... We already have so much hp regen as well.
pardon my nub question but how do we lose on mom with tukohama? wouldnt it give us better Defense cuz of armor and a lot more dmg? ( 30% or so?)

it gives blood magic(making your mana 0/0)
ah damn didnt see that ty

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