[3.0] Ichimonji Cleave Gladiator [Beginner and Budget Friendly, League Starter, Uber Lab, Atziri]

You've done an awesome job!
aXxelus 님이 2017. 9. 28. 오후 7:28:53에 마지막으로 편집
I see many guides saying 'budget' when it's really not and this is truly on budget for early league play. It also looks superfun. Good job on the build.
We're all just walkin' through this darkness on our own.
Jeenze, I decided to roll this build as a quick lab runner for the end game challenge. Currently at lvl 77 and 10 uber labs in, and having a blast with it! So much so that I may just go ahead and invest more than the 20-25c initial cost, hehehe. A very nice concept you have here, with the capability of doing much more!

benkei8 님이 작성:
2 ichimonji doesnt reserved 10% mana, im using same one as you

Actually it IS reserving correctly. You made the assumption that you look at the mana ball and take 10% from that. That is incorrect.

What happens is that the sword affects each aura individually. On top of that, if PoE calculates a percentage of a whole number, it rounds that number up. So, the numbers you will have are;

Hatred from 50% down to 45%
H. of Ash from 25% down to 22.5% rounded to 23%
A.Armor from 25% down to 22.5% rounded to 23%

for a total of 91%.

In my case, I have 603 mana, minus 91% which is 548.73 so 549 mana, ending with 54 mana to fight with.

Should you decide to throw in an Enlighten gem (recommended), the gems are still calculated individually.

kiet1602 님이 작성:
I see your build very intersting for playing. I'm trying it but How can i solve the mana issue in early game? Because we don't use Blood magic gem and only get 1 jewel "+2 mana gain per hit"

If in the middle of the league, use Elreon rings/ammy (available at Elreon lvl 4). If as league starter, use mana pot, rush Elreon asap, perhaps get a couple mana nodes (Mana Flows in duelist start area) and respec later, and perhaps use

17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
Bjorn_Angannon 님이 2017. 9. 30. 오전 1:57:16에 마지막으로 편집
Really nice build and guide, thx for this one! I did my own variation going with Juggernaut, i love the class. 2x Ichimonji, Abyssus, Brass Dome plus increased fortify buff from Jugg's skill. lvl 70 and haven't died yet, which for me is a record. Have died in every other character with lags and other stuff, but this one is going strong.
benkei8 님이 작성:
2 ichimonji doesnt reserved 10% mana, im using same one as you

It should, as user Bjorn_Angannon explained, reduce mana reservation. Make sure you do not have any other support gems linked to the skills that may increase the mana reservation. If it's still an issue, feel free to link your profile and I'll take a look.

GrimTheReaper 님이 작성:
Really really nice build! Most fun I've had all league.

Question - what Pantheons do you use?

Great to hear!
Pantheons - good question, I forgot that in the build. I might add it at some point, but for now I use: Soul of the Brine King (Major) and Soul of Tukohama (Minor).

kiet1602 님이 작성:
I see your build very intersting for playing. I'm trying it but How can i solve the mana issue in early game? Because we don't use Blood magic gem and only get 1 jewel "+2 mana gain per hit"

The best solution is to go for the mana leech near "Vitality Void", beneath the Duelist starting area.

aXxelus 님이 작성:
You've done an awesome job!

Constraint 님이 작성:
I see many guides saying 'budget' when it's really not and this is truly on budget for early league play. It also looks superfun. Good job on the build.

Thank you, I'm glad you like it! :-)

shydo 님이 작성:
Really nice build and guide, thx for this one! I did my own variation going with Juggernaut, i love the class. 2x Ichimonji, Abyssus, Brass Dome plus increased fortify buff from Jugg's skill. lvl 70 and haven't died yet, which for me is a record. Have died in every other character with lags and other stuff, but this one is going strong.

Man, that sounds pretty darn cool. I'm a big fan of Juggernaut, too, and Abysses is a nice fit on him. Nicely done!
Best regards,
Thanks for your response. I have so much fun with this build. But do you have any suggest for passive tree when we over level 67? I just start to play so don't have so much exp for building myself. Thanks again
kiet1602 님이 작성:
Thanks for your response. I have so much fun with this build. But do you have any suggest for passive tree when we over level 67? I just start to play so don't have so much exp for building myself. Thanks again

Glad to hear that you're enjoying yourself! :0)

Regarding the passive tree post 67, there is a link in the "PASSIVE TREE" section in the build, but here it is, special price for you:( http://www.poeurl.com/bzlM ).
It's really hard to get a grasp of the skill tree when first starting out, so following a guide like you do is a good idea at first.

Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Soooo doing pretty well with the build right now and already lv88, I like how cheap this build is and not the another one of those "budget" "beginner friendly" guide where they ask you to spend 5ex on the build... I mean how is a noob that just started the game going to have 5 ex

Anyways have you tried using scaeva on your off hand? I like the idea of 8% extra block from scaeva + 6% from BoR, paired with versatile combatant, also getting free life steal and mana leech from sockets, maybe a 2 red one blue. This way I can refund those lifesteal+mana leech nodes onto more dps or hp. But not sure if losing 10% buff worth it. Mana reserve shouldn't be a problem since I'll be switching to a lv3 enlighten gem.

So with Scaeva off hand I lose +10% buff (Arctic, Herald, Hatred, Fortify), -5% mana reserve, but gaining more dps (which may compensate the 10% loss of dps buffs on HoA and Hatred), more block chance, life steal + mana leech.

Do you think it's worth it? I may have to try it and find out
mickeymicky 님이 작성:
Soooo doing pretty well with the build right now and already lv88, I like how cheap this build is and not the another one of those "budget" "beginner friendly" guide where they ask you to spend 5ex on the build... I mean how is a noob that just started the game going to have 5 ex

Anyways have you tried using scaeva on your off hand? I like the idea of 8% extra block from scaeva + 6% from BoR, paired with versatile combatant, also getting free life steal and mana leech from sockets, maybe a 2 red one blue. This way I can refund those lifesteal+mana leech nodes onto more dps or hp. But not sure if losing 10% buff worth it. Mana reserve shouldn't be a problem since I'll be switching to a lv3 enlighten gem.

So with Scaeva off hand I lose +10% buff (Arctic, Herald, Hatred, Fortify), -5% mana reserve, but gaining more dps (which may compensate the 10% loss of dps buffs on HoA and Hatred), more block chance, life steal + mana leech.

Do you think it's worth it? I may have to try it and find out

Sounds pretty awesome, I haven't really looked too much into that. Try it out, see how it goes. With a level 3 Enlighten it should be alright, but you will lose quite some leech, though. You'll also miss out on the 5% cap increase on leech if you spec out of the leech nodes; it's quite nice, IMO. But try it out, see how it goes :0)

Glad you like it so far!
Best regards,
Another solution for some extra block chance is

I created those on my own, buying 250+ dps swords for 1c each, qual'ing and linking prior to vaal'ing.

Edit: Also, in PoB with my setup, using Scaeva in offhand netted me 11k less dps than with dual Ichi's.
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
Bjorn_Angannon 님이 2017. 10. 5. 오후 6:21:26에 마지막으로 편집

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