▌3.0 ▌ In Case You're Wandering ♥ 3.8m to 9.5m Shaper ♥ Phys Wand ♥ Multiple Flavors

how about them bandits ?
Trikoo 님이 작성:
how about them bandits ?

Kill them all.
Liptus 님이 작성:
Xzazer 님이 작성:

I seem to be stuggling a bit with single target damage for some reason. Do you have any tips on what to upgrade and if something is off in my build?
Hideout Barrage damage: 35k

Your jewels are pretty bad. I would swap out all the uniques with good rares. The rare that you have, you're only benefiting from the attack speed roll so I'd swap that one as well.

Pick up Lycosidae bumps you from 500k to 650k. Try to get the lightning damage enchant on your boots and +2 barrage on your rat's nest if you're running labs.

Your amulet isn't very good, it's only boosting your damage by 40k. Try to get something with crit chance / multi as well as WED or flat lightning.

Your Victory twirl has fire damage crafted, craft light instead. I'd craft light damage on your doom knot instead of life as well.

Your wand is better than any unique but it's not really offering a lot to your build.

Thank you for the response!

Yeah I cannot afford the expensive jewels yet so I was going to save up, maybe its worth to just get life and attack speed for now instead of life, attack speed and crit.

The only reason I did not use that shield was because I could not max out my cold res. I'll try run lab again, have not since I got one shottet.
Xzazer 님이 작성:

Thank you for the response!

Yeah I cannot afford the expensive jewels yet so I was going to save up, maybe its worth to just get life and attack speed for now instead of life, attack speed and crit.

The only reason I did not use that shield was because I could not max out my cold res. I'll try run lab again, have not since I got one shottet.

Remember that when you pop flasks your resistances go up depending on which you have.
very effective in a sexy way
Atziri Gloves will boost char?
interesting... i have a Tempest wander pretty well geared, i might swap to your build cuz it looks super strong !
garsijok 님이 작성:
Atziri Gloves will boost char?

If I swap to Atziri's it's a 1.4m DPS loss.

MaGxxGaM 님이 작성:
interesting... i have a Tempest wander pretty well geared, i might swap to your build cuz it looks super strong !

Give it a go, for most people even changing trees tends to "fix" their wander. Just remember the only defense in this build is your damage. I'm unsure of the build you're following for more of a comparison.
Liptus 님이 2017. 10. 18. 오후 8:57:04에 마지막으로 편집
what to use as league gloves ? Since Facebreaker nerf

this is the char i pulled off in a night. Still ahve like 150 exalts to invest should i get a mirror wand ?
MaGxxGaM 님이 2017. 10. 22. 오전 2:42:48에 마지막으로 편집
Awesome build. Starting it rightttttt now
frequentsee 님이 2017. 10. 22. 오후 10:01:36에 마지막으로 편집

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