[3.0] Life MoM Frost Cascade Miner (Viable for Everything)

Tobias1501 님이 작성:
high single target pvp setup?
maybe go low life Use hatred on life rezervation and take same physical damage node?

I don't really think you even paid much attention while (if you even actually did) reading the post.

These trees are all Life/MoM based, so low-life makes no sense. You can build this for a low-life or even CI setup, that skill tree will look quite different though. I don't think low-life is at all necessary for the damage, as you can see from the videos I posted. I do not have the physical damage nodes in this build because those only benefit Glacial Cascade- yes, if you want your single-target damage to be higher, you can choose to pick these up in the Shadow start, and even the large cluster to the top right of Shadow start, but again, all of the videos you see are done with an elemental, hybrid Glacial Cascade and Frostbolt setup in mind. If you choose to go the physical damage focus route, your clear speed will not be as great as it can be with Frostbolt, just because Frostbolt covers so much more area and Glacial Cascade does. My single target is plenty high enough for me right now anyway without having to go into those physical nodes. In fact, the whole reason I added Frostbolt to my build in the first place is because it was lacking in clear speed, not single target. I initially had all of those physical nodes, but I respec'd into the elemental-focused trees in my guide and really only lost a small % of single-target damage... like ~10% if my memory serves. My Path of Building link actually has a high level physical tree saved in it so that you can choose to go only Glacial Cascade if you want.

Just checked it- the difference in GC damage between my Level 100 elemental tree vs. the level 99 physical tree is less than 12% according to my math.

I do pretty much dominate in Sarn Arena or PvP when I take this character into them, really only losing to insane KB wanders or KB miners, but I'm really not sure how many people actually care about PvP... but sure, we're good for that too- see Hall of Grandmasters video that I added for a semi-PvP example.

l never play mine builds but It looks fun l will try it
one more thing mines take much mana from what l se would it be possible to maintain it with Zerphi Last Breath flask and damage taken as mana when hit coruptions?
l never play mine builds but It looks fun l will try it
one more thing mines take much mana from what l se would it be possible to maintain it with Zerphi Last Breath flask and damage taken as mana when hit coruptions?

You do whatever feels comfortable. This build feels fine to me with the mana and regen I pick up from the tree and a single Eternal Mana Flask.
To all the girls in the red high-heeled shoes,
they took all our money and stole all our boos.
They ain't got their cherries, but that's no sin,
they still got the box the cherry came in!
Thanks for the build. I am playing it and enjoying it thus far. I have 2 questions.

What do you recommend for the god powers?

EDIT: Think I fixed my second problem, wrong gem lol
Seems I was wrong, I can not get the detonate mines and totem to work. I thought that when you place the totem that it would detonate all the mines. Am I thinking it works different than it does or do I have something in my setup wrong?

Thanks again.
Sorndar 님이 2017. 9. 21. 오후 11:08:16에 마지막으로 편집
Sorndar 님이 작성:
Thanks for the build. I am playing it and enjoying it thus far. I have 2 questions.

What do you recommend for the god powers?

EDIT: Think I fixed my second problem, wrong gem lol
Seems I was wrong, I can not get the detonate mines and totem to work. I thought that when you place the totem that it would detonate all the mines. Am I thinking it works different than it does or do I have something in my setup wrong?

Thanks again.

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it! :)

As for the Pantheon powers, to be perfectly honest, I feel this decision is up to you and your preferences. At first, I was using the Brine King's power for the anti-freeze, but with the helm I'm wearing now, it's unnecessary. I actually haven't thought about the Pantheon on this character since I went into the final Act 10 boss fight- I knew I needed the anti-burning ground power from Abberath I believe, so I put that on for that fight. My Pantheon powers have been on those 2 for the majority of my playing since that fight. I've started looking more in-depth into the Pantheon selections for this character in the last couple of days and plan to post an update to the build if I come to a certain conclusion, but I think it's going to remain up to personal preference as none of the bonuses are build-defining or anything.
To all the girls in the red high-heeled shoes,
they took all our money and stole all our boos.
They ain't got their cherries, but that's no sin,
they still got the box the cherry came in!
I want to try this build , but on ssfhc. Any option for what weapons to use (stats) if I don't have a Tremor Rod ?
Thank you !
kelvins4s 님이 작성:
I want to try this build , but on ssfhc. Any option for what weapons to use (stats) if I don't have a Tremor Rod ?
Thank you !

Tremor Rod is really the option to go with for the build. The increased mine laying speed and double detonation is too much to pass up in my opinion.

That said, the best alternative would be a spell crit dagger and shield (or another dagger, but then you did mention HC). I had in my PoB an alternate setup with a Divinarius and Rathpith Globe, which seemed to do pretty decent for Unique options going this route- using a 6 link Tremor vs. a 6 link armor with the best gem setups, my average damage went up ~60% for both Frostbolt and Glacial Cascade setups with the dagger/shield. We also get the life, ES and more/spell block provided from the shield. Note that the average damage going up doesn't take into account that Tremor Rod detonates twice (+100% damage in ideal situations) as well as you being able to place mines, which also get detonated by our totem, so much quicker.

Going the dagger/off-hand route, a Divinarius is actually quite tough to beat, even not being SSF... that aside, I believe the best alternative weapon would be a rare with Spell Crit, Global Crit Multi, Spell Damage (double roll with hybrid mana for extra WOW!), and maybe some attack speed for a different movement skill most likely- would have to figure out something else for Arcane Surge... or go without.

As for a rare shield... Spell Crit, Spell Damage, as high Life/Mana/ES as possible, and then cover your resists or perhaps some additional spell/block chance I suppose.

Going the dagger route also means you (probably) really need a 6-link armor to truly go for late endgame content. You're losing out on one link by not using Tremor Rod- a level 10 Remote Mine. You do gain a small increase in damage from using an actual Remote Mine gem since you can obviously use a higher level one than 10, but the extra more multiplier that you can add in on a Tremor Rod with the same amount of links is much more substantial.

You will also have to change your gems around in your armor if/when you want to go from Frostbolt to Glacial Cascade and vice versa. If you plan to just build for one type of mine, check out my alternate passive trees in the PoB link. I believe I put a level 99 FB tree and a level 99 GC tree in the alternates.
To all the girls in the red high-heeled shoes,
they took all our money and stole all our boos.
They ain't got their cherries, but that's no sin,
they still got the box the cherry came in!
Tobias1501 님이 작성:
kelvins4s 님이 작성:
I want to try this build , but on ssfhc. Any option for what weapons to use (stats) if I don't have a Tremor Rod ?
Thank you !

Tremor Rod is really the option to go with for the build. The increased mine laying speed and double detonation is too much to pass up in my opinion.

That said, the best alternative would be a spell crit dagger and shield (or another dagger, but then you did mention HC). I had in my PoB an alternate setup with a Divinarius and Rathpith Globe, which seemed to do pretty decent for Unique options going this route- using a 6 link Tremor vs. a 6 link armor with the best gem setups, my average damage went up ~60% for both Frostbolt and Glacial Cascade setups with the dagger/shield. We also get the life, ES and more/spell block provided from the shield. Note that the average damage going up doesn't take into account that Tremor Rod detonates twice (+100% damage in ideal situations) as well as you being able to place mines, which also get detonated by our totem, so much quicker.

Going the dagger/off-hand route, a Divinarius is actually quite tough to beat, even not being SSF... that aside, I believe the best alternative weapon would be a rare with Spell Crit, Global Crit Multi, Spell Damage (double roll with hybrid mana for extra WOW!), and maybe some attack speed for a different movement skill most likely- would have to figure out something else for Arcane Surge... or go without.

As for a rare shield... Spell Crit, Spell Damage, as high Life/Mana/ES as possible, and then cover your resists or perhaps some additional spell/block chance I suppose.

Going the dagger route also means you (probably) really need a 6-link armor to truly go for late endgame content. You're losing out on one link by not using Tremor Rod- a level 10 Remote Mine. You do gain a small increase in damage from using an actual Remote Mine gem since you can obviously use a higher level one than 10, but the extra more multiplier that you can add in on a Tremor Rod with the same amount of links is much more substantial.

You will also have to change your gems around in your armor if/when you want to go from Frostbolt to Glacial Cascade and vice versa. If you plan to just build for one type of mine, check out my alternate passive trees in the PoB link. I believe I put a level 99 FB tree and a level 99 GC tree in the alternates.

Thank you very much ! :D
Have a good day exile !
I am looking at starting a build like this for the next league and my end up trying it out to see the leveling flow this league too.

I am total rookie when it comes to the grandmasters map. Why do you run FB in there instead of GC like you use in most your other vids?

KeenSenses 님이 작성:
I am looking at starting a build like this for the next league and my end up trying it out to see the leveling flow this league too.

I am total rookie when it comes to the grandmasters map. Why do you run FB in there instead of GC like you use in most your other vids?


I use Frostbolt for better range. Frostbolt can hit enemies off screen more readily than Glacial Cascade can- this is the same reason that I like to use Frostbolt for general map clearing.
To all the girls in the red high-heeled shoes,
they took all our money and stole all our boos.
They ain't got their cherries, but that's no sin,
they still got the box the cherry came in!
I want to try your build as a league starter next league with a few changes.
I'd like to run your regular frostbolt mines setup plus a 6l body with glacial cascade on cwdt, do you think it would be worthwile?

i mean, glacial cascade on a 6l should be powerfull and a nice crowd control to keep mobs off of you.
cedcmoi 님이 2017. 10. 28. 오후 6:28:38에 마지막으로 편집

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