[3.0] Pathfinder Molten strike/Cyclone Spin-to-win Ranger Guide

Welcome Exiles to my Ball Toss cyclone/molten strike build.
Izzaro and T16 content is pretty easy for this build. Shaper is possible and so is Uber Atziri.
It's my first guide and my english isn't that good so dont be too harsh on me.

Pro's & Con's

+ Extremely fast clearing and boss killing
+ Fun to play
+ Beginner-friendly, only requires Ngamahu's flame to start spinning around
+ Facerolls most of the content, permanent immunity to stuns, ailments, bleeding
+ No real need for 6L expensive armour, T16 manageable in Tabula
+ Can run most map mods

- Requires expensive items for GG content
- Squishy at early stages of the build
- Can't do no leech maps


Absolute must uniques
Ngamahu's flame is essentially our 7L setup and it must be 6S, links are not necessary; tabula is our 6L single-target setup.Carnage heart is a cheap option that ideally fits our build. You get free life leech early, a lot of stats that ranger lacks and huge dps boost.

Recommended uniques
The taming is overall a nice dps GG ring but isn't mandatory. Xoph's amulet is BiS for that build, but only usefull from level 90 onwards since it is scalling with your hp, str and damage, same as taming nice stats but not mandatory. 6L belly is a nice armour and HP boost, most of the content is manageable in tabula though.


For gloves we want gripped ones with +life, %increased attack speed, phys damage to attacks in that order. Personally i'm also gearing towards + chaos res to avoid random chaos 1-shots.

For belt we want as much life, wed, resistances as possible. Nice option is 5% elemental penetration while using a flask. But in the league it is unlikely to find a good one.

Our boots must have at least +25% movement speed.

On helmet we can get some juicy wed. With our passive tree we will lack int so helmet is the way to get some.

For rings we usually want offensive stats:wed,flat phys damage, flat fire damage,%increased fire damage,life;

Our main setup for clearing maps:

The most important unique flask is dying sun, it raises our dps outrageously.
For killing chimera and minotaur we are replacing silver flask with

For shaper dps replacing quicksilver with Vessel of vinktar with flat lightning damage is BiS
For explanation on wise oak look the mechanics section below

for jewels we absolutely need.

One will be located in the central part of the tree, another one in the west part.
For the rare jewels everything is standart: we want %increased life and dps, which is %increased fire damage, %increased aoe damage, %increased physical damage with axes, %increased projectile damage.

Skill gems

Our 6S ngamahu setup RRGGBB

6L armour single-target setup RRRRBB
This is our skill setup for killing bosses, at early lvls ele focus can be replaced with faster attacks.

4L Cyclone setup
That is our main trash clearing setup, we spin fast, ngamahu kills stuff = profit.

4L Aura setup
Cut Arctic armour before reaching lvl 3-4 enlighten. Use level 20-21 grace and anger aura setup if you you re not surviving Chimera or Mino fights.

4L Utility setup
This section is up to you. I use CWDT setup and vaal lightning trap. There is no movement speed skill in our main setup so if you are annoyed pressing X to use leap slam, you may instead use it in the utility setup.

Passive Tree
Level 92 endgame tree

The main keystones to get are in the following order: Point Blank, Vaal Pact, Iron grip, Iron reflexes, Resolute Technique, Unwawering stance. The most important nodes are ones that are granting fire pen and access to unique jewels.

Our Ascendancy class is Pathfinder and that is due to our desire to go fast and being immune to every possible threat coming our way.
We take Ascendancy passives in the following order:"Nature's Boon"=>"Master alchemist"=>"Veteran Bowyer"=>"Nature's Adrenaline"

For bandits we are taking 2 points.

Creating this build i had a desire to make smth that will be resistant to everything game throws at you.Pathfinder gives us immunity to ailments, flasks gives us %max res and immunity to bleeding aswell as movement speed. We take unwavering stance for stun immunity and Iron reflexes for physical reduction. Hope you will enjoy playing this way.

Endgame options
Enchantment for boots 10% ele pen
Enchantment for helmet +3 molten strike projectiles
Corrupted 6S Ngamahu - Culling strike
Essence of hysteria belt for 5% ele pen
6L Ngamahu + Kaom's Heart for ultimate tankyness but less trash clear speed

Complicated mechanics worth mentioning

1)Vitality void and certain mana and life leech nodes are allowing to leech from any attacks including fire damage from molten strike.

+ Vaal pact
Since we are using vaal pact our leech time is instant so carnage heart dps bonus isn't working on life leech, but we are leeching mana constantly so as long as we are leeching mana bonus will apply.

3)We are using Wise Oak which is nice 10% ele protection and 15% fire pen but for the maximum effectiveness we should balance our resists out.This is from ahfack doomfletch guide:
PATHFINDER UPDATE (Math does not apply to raiders, sorry)

hey guys,

Here's where I'm at pre-flask. Again, this is just what I have with glove/belt/boot/jewels. You don't need this much res, but they must all be within equal distance of mine. Fire/Cold must be completely equal, then lightning 60% above Fire/Cold. I'm 29/29/89.


With Dying sun/ToH/Wise Oak all up, your UNCAPPED res should all be the same amount in order to get full functionality out of your wise oak flask. Jewels/gloves/belt/boots are great spots to ensure this happens. When it's said and done, you might have to re-buy some items or use a good amount of divine orbs, but it's worth it!

Sources and inspirations
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1940495 Ahfack ranger doomfletch guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1989207 Cyclone pathfinder ngamahu guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8StCqpo3vxM Ngamahu cyclone+molten strike Berserker guide

My PoB pastebin

My gameplay videos
T15 Abyss double boss gameplay in tabula, no xoph's amulet https://youtu.be/KDxfgnD1y7I
T16 mino run in tabula, no xoph's amulet https://youtu.be/SY29y1utvEQ

Tasodar 님이 2017. 9. 24. 오후 7:06:30에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2017. 11. 24. 오후 12:37:18
Added gameplay videos
Tasodar 님이 2017. 9. 24. 오후 7:05:41에 마지막으로 편집
gonna try this build for Mayhem
never knew Ngamahu could stack with molten strike :O

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