[3.5] Lioneye's Glare Ele Conversion Raider (all content, videos up)

Colony92 님이 작성:
I wanna try this build but idk how to do the leveling part. Could you just tell me in short what skills at what level and stuff :) Thank you

You can look at many other Ranger/TS builds to find a detailed leveling guide. But I'll get you a quick breakdown here.
-Start with Split shot and get Tornado Shot as soon as you can (lvl 28 or 32)

-Look at the support gems the build uses and pick those up when you can. Some of them you get in act 1, like Mirage Archer. Also use Added Cold Damage support, gotten in Act 1 until you get more powerful ones later

-Upgrade your flasks often

-Items: There are a ton of unique bows that you can use until you get Lioneye's Glare, like Quill Rain, Stormcloud/Tempest, Death's Harp/Opus. Make sure you get a 330+ DPS Lioneye's Glare. If you can afford to twink your character, get good leveling items like Tabula, Goldrim, unique glove, boots, Elreon's rings, etc. Google "Path of Exile Leveling Items"

-Passive Tree: I think this depends on if you're starting fresh or you can afford to twink your character with leveling gear. If you don't have leveling gear, including good leveling bows, then you'll need to alternate between damage nodes and life nodes while leveling. If you have bows, a tabula and Elreons rings (at least) then you can get almost all life nodes first. So the order would be Life nodes -> Elemental Damage nodes -> Crit nodes

If you have any questions, feel free to message me: BertIsFatTornado
I just made a 6l lioneye's vision what setup i need to put for the tornado shot then?¿
nice build
VanDaPelzi#0895 님이 2017. 12. 24. 오후 3:09:28에 마지막으로 편집

Got a couple of those. seems to be a nice ring
how do you manage to get mana?
Hi. So, do we use Barrage and Tornado shot at the same time? mean pressing both buttons togather all the time?
sparkosmodius 님이 작성:
how do you manage to get mana?

Had they same questions, due to struggle with mana ... just take a skillpoint near vitality void ... worked fine for me until I got more dmg.
i don't have enough currency to buy 2 6 links right now
what are the 5 links for barrage and for tornado shot? what to drop?
the lightpoacher is hilarious with this build. mega map clears
What gem is better without dying sun or proj enchant GMP or Mirage Archer while using barrage?

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