[3.6] Zombiemancer - High Survivability - End Game Viable

Any skill you would recommend other than shield charge. It feels really unsafe charging in mobs all the time
Clooney_is_best_Batman 님이 작성:
If you want something fun, try to get aspect of avian or spider into your build. Both should be a 5% more damage ontop of other stuff.

Didn't read much on the aspects before, but seems that it takes quite a while for spider to reach its full potential. It is indeed a nice damage bonus. They are Do they reroll the rare like an Essence craft?

EDIT: It is a suffix, but still not sure if it rerolls. Man, suffix is harsh =( Mah baby resistances
kashelldaj#0462 님이 2018. 3. 24. 오후 4:43:30에 마지막으로 편집
maarthor 님이 작성:
Any skill you would recommend other than shield charge. It feels really unsafe charging in mobs all the time

Any melee skill you can use to proc Fortify and EE, it is too good to give up. Are you playing HC and that's why you feel unsafe playing like that?

Clooney_is_best_Batman#4728 님이 2018. 3. 24. 오후 5:59:34에 마지막으로 편집
Since Elder Amulets can roll +1 Zombie's, and u can get 60-70 Strength on them pretty easily and some other stuff like Res/Life/ES it's quite a good Upgrade for Endgame imo.
_Akuja_ 님이 작성:
Since Elder Amulets can roll +1 Zombie's, and u can get 60-70 Strength on them pretty easily and some other stuff like Res/Life/ES it's quite a good Upgrade for Endgame imo.

Then you'll have trouble to get the necessary dexterity for Haste (155 at lvl 20) and the necessary int for zombies (159 at 21) and spectres (155 at 20).
olsev_baiden#2790 님이 2018. 3. 24. 오후 6:20:05에 마지막으로 편집
Im curious. How good is this ring for a zombie build?
Narnis 님이 작성:
Im curious. How good is this ring for a zombie build?

if it was a "ring" it would be insane. but its an amulet. could use another item that would give zombies to get to 8 maybe.
Those who stand should never out number those who kneel.
U also can get + 1 zombie from a rare chest . but the astramentis (amulet ) replacement could be a disaster since the 100~ strenght (also dexterity for haste etc ) that gives is a mess to recovered .

IGN = Tominsideeeee

Tom1nside#7544 님이 2018. 3. 25. 오전 12:09:07에 마지막으로 편집
Hey, first of all thanks for the great build. Running this in BHC at the moment.

I'm wondering if you could help me figure something out. For some reason, after I get hit by chaos damage my life won't regenerate to full even with things like a seething divine life flask. It seems to stop 9-10 HP before full. Sometimes 20-50 HP. Instant flask doesn't restore it and zombies won't leech it to full either.

Is anything in the skill tree or the uniques causing life degen? I know Zealot's Oath applies life regeneration to ES, but that should still let me flask up to full health? Not sure how that works here.

I can't seem to pinpoint it or if it's a bug.
akitokunx 님이 작성:
Hey, first of all thanks for the great build. Running this in BHC at the moment.

I'm wondering if you could help me figure something out. For some reason, after I get hit by chaos damage my life won't regenerate to full even with things like a seething divine life flask. It seems to stop 9-10 HP before full. Sometimes 20-50 HP. Instant flask doesn't restore it and zombies won't leech it to full either.

Is anything in the skill tree or the uniques causing life degen? I know Zealot's Oath applies life regeneration to ES, but that should still let me flask up to full health? Not sure how that works here.

I can't seem to pinpoint it or if it's a bug.

I also noticed this in a map with enemies who leave chaos degen after death. Couldn't figure out if it's just a visual bug or the life not restoring.

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