3.0 Windripper pathfinder 225iiq 444iir 186k barrage dps

6,5k ES
178k 10arrows barrage tooltip with light penetration gem ( dying sun + attack vinktar active )
ice shot 134k dps with distillate active, no vinktar

225iiq 445iir with distillate flask ( always active ) and windripper bonus ( windripper bonuses are 50% effective, not every monsters die shattered + immunity map mods )

for path of building fanatics: https://pastebin.com/VnZnhC5v
never used and i hate path of building, for sure is not set correctly cause dps is different from in game.

can kill guardians easily but in case of extreme map mods, i can gain 30% more dps switching to these, or another 30% more with a diamond flask
InAshesTheyShallReap 님이 2017. 10. 19. 오전 8:16:40에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2017. 12. 18. 오후 1:27:43
Lets just say somehow somewhere i lost all my mirrors and can't afford that kind of gear, but have decent amount of exalts, what would be good/acceptable replacements for the rings/head/belt? Also, on harbinger league.
Omnivon 님이 작성:
Lets just say somehow somewhere i lost all my mirrors and can't afford that kind of gear, but have decent amount of exalts, what would be good/acceptable replacements for the rings/head/belt? Also, on harbinger league.

hard to do it in leagues, cause i have only 6,5k es with legacy ES gear

if you want to do it as ES
belt: crystal belt with ES/res/wed/str/flask mods
rings: diamond or opal with wed/added light/intelligence/flat es/res
head: es/accuracy +2barrage is a must for single target, tornado shot or any aoe enchant does not make the difference.

Ylfeban's Trickery does not seem bad but no idea how much it costs.

as for IIQ/IIR there aren't ES items with these mods and there is no iiq gem this league
if you want to stack iiq in league it's easier with a life based build
distillate flask ( always active )

devilianice 님이 작성:
distillate flask ( always active )


i dont have any mana leech/on hit or regeneration

when i attack, i recover my mana with the distillate, so it's always active, i just use vinktar for instant mana leech at the boss ( guardians ) and cull them by switching chain for culling strike with iceshot which has iiq gem and while distillate is active.

atm i have a bit too high attack speed, that's the only problem with this build, sometimes in breaches i have to use vinktar cause im out of mana, but regular monsters i regenerate mana only from the distillate, while with an harbinger bow the mana recovery from distillate and attack speed is much more balanced and never run out of mana

example, 6 months old video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g0gOw92gjw
take a look at the distillate icon at the top left
InAshesTheyShallReap 님이 2017. 10. 17. 오후 1:40:44에 마지막으로 편집

found out that taking throatseeker instead of 1 jewel slot, hideout dps is 100 less compared to that jewel, while at full charges ( 77%crit chance ) it's 8k more

now i have 186k dps at full charges + vinktar with my added phys rings, and slower attack speed which is much better for mana management.

i need to find out ways to hit harder with slower attack speed, i lose MF when i encounter a breach with hard map mods cause i have to use vinktar for mana leech, mana goes at 0 due to too high attack speed; slower attack speed=better mf with divination distillate
not updating the path of building link
InAshesTheyShallReap 님이 2017. 10. 19. 오전 8:16:11에 마지막으로 편집
So given the cost of this build, how many hours do you have to grind just to break even for the cost of making this?

What are we looking at 500+ ex investing into buying all the gear. Lets say we get an ex drop every hour with it, 500 hours of playing just to break even. After that it's all gravy. But that 500 hours is with that gear, so exclude that gear as an example. A regular person has to farm a lot longer than 500 hours to get 500 ish ex might. Even if we become generous with our assumptions and say they can farm 48 C an hour which is a lot, it would take them 1000 hours to acquire most of the gear, half of that 2000 hours. I'd wager it would take about 4000 hours to farm the currency to purchase all that gear for the average POE players. Now my question to you is, whats the point of ur build? So after playing 4000 hours I can go back to farming currency faster?

Omnivon 님이 작성:
Lets just say somehow somewhere i lost all my mirrors and can't afford that kind of gear, but have decent amount of exalts, what would be good/acceptable replacements for the rings/head/belt? Also, on harbinger league.

This isn't a build you make, it's just OP showing off what he made. It wouldn't make sense to make this build, unless you plan on playing it for the next 20 years. The Vink/Rumi are going to put you over 200 ex, the helm another 200 +, you'll spend easily over 1k ex just to farm ex more efficiently. Build looks cool, and it's nice to see what people have managed to build over the years. But it's not a build you make, it's a showcase of what a perfectly optimized windripper patherfinder iiq/iir build looks like with unlimited currency.
Bab4Yaga 님이 2017. 12. 18. 오후 1:28:48에 마지막으로 편집

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