[3.16 updated] BRO, DO YOU EVEN SUMMON? Life/ES Dark Pact Skeleton Caster League Starter
ArtGenerator, przede wszystkim postaraj się o to, by każdy z twoich itemów dawał jak największy bonus do HP. Nie wiem jakie masz jewele, ale zwróć uwagę, że każdy z moich daje 7% increased life.
Każdy kolejny lvl również daje bonus do HP. Możesz sprzedać steel ringi, jeżeli nie grasz innymi buildami, które czerpałyby benefity z ich bonusów. Dark Pact nie jest atakiem, tylko spellem, więc steel ringi nie są optymalnym rozwiązaniem. Postaraj się o pierścienie z conajmniej 70+ hp i odpornościami. Widzę, że w butach masz wolny socket. Domyślam się, że możesz nie mieć wystarczająco dexterity, aby użyć Phase Run. Możesz zainwestować w dexterity w drzewku pasywek, Nullification albo Alacrity będą dobre. Phase Run dość znacznie wpływa na komfort rozgrywki jak i na bezpieczeństwo. Następnie spróbuj zdobyć itemy (hełm, rękawice, pas) z bonusem do Minion Life, aby zwiększyć dmg. Hełm może mieć +X to level of socketed minion gems. Co do modów, ja unikam głównie tych, których po prostu nie lubię, czyli temporal chains, no regen, no leech. Ten build może grać na mapkach z każdym modem, niektóre kombinacje mogą być po prostu bardziej niebezpieczne niż inne, np. inc attack speed + inc AoE t16 Phoenix. Wpomniałeś wczoraj o Porcupine goliaths. Ja też ich nienawidzę jak urzędu skarbowego, no ale radzić sobie z nimi trzeba. Użyj Abyssal Cry, gdy jesteś blisko grupy, a szkielety rzucaj tak, aby osłoniły cię przed kolcami. Jeżeli jest możliwość, to schowaj się za jakąś przeszkodą albo staraj się likwidować je pojedynczo. Immortal Call również bardzo pomaga. |
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Fossil crafted these two helmets. How good do you think the -9% Chaos Res is? It's a little bit less than half a Void Beacon Ascendancy but maybe there's some diminishing returns when you have too much chaos pen. Either way I think I might test using the dark pact aoe enchant helm for clearing maps and dark pact damage one for some harder bosses maybe. I think eventually i'm gonna try to go for better helmets since it seems getting +3's with fossil crafting isn't too hard. I got lucky and annuled of a bad life enchant and just crafted 60 life on the first helm |
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" Just made a check in PoB and it brought my dps from 8.6m to 9.37m. " That's a good idea, however -9% to chaos res from your first helmet overpowers 40% Dark Pact damage enchant :) It brings my dps only to 9m in PoB. " Which fossils have you used on these helmets? I've recently seen someone posting +3 to minion +1 to int gems helmet on reddit, if one could craft it along with -#% to chaos res and increased minion life that would be crazy. |
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" I used Pristine (More life mods - no armour,energy shield or evasion mods) Bound Fossil (Minion / Aura Mods) Aberrant Fossil (More Chaos Mods / No Lightning Mods) I guess using a Faceted Fossil as a 4th one or not using Pristine is how you would go about crafting a +4 helm. Faceted Fossils are 1ex~ though so I feel like you might aswell use a 4 slot resonator at this point. There's also some things to look into with Glyphic Fossils (Has Corrupted Essence Mod) or Bloodstained Fossil (Has Vaal Mod). I think the interesting thing here is that they can give +2 lightning gems or +2 duration gems which counts for summon skeleton. I'm just not sure whether Bloodstained Fossil would actually corupt the item and remove the enchant or if it stays as a normal mod. Also Damn the -9% Chaos Res is better than I thought. I think i'm gonna try crafting my other helmet with it aswell. What other gem would be good to use if you managed to craft one with Increased minion life? I would need to invest in a Elder Helmet 86 which might be hard. Wish me luck :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Almost forgot i'm thinking of crafting a Stygian Vise with the 20-30% Increased Chaos Damage fossil mod but I suck at PoB and I don't know how to set it up to see damage increases properly and it just seems wrong to come here ask you about every little thing but if you feel like checking it that would be interesting to see if it's worth trying. Then you would be looking for mods like these on the belt +20-30% Increased Minion Maximum Life (Bound Fossil) +20-30% Increased Chaos Damage (Aberrant Fossil) +80-90 Maximum Life (Pristine Fossil) +40-50 Strength +46% Random Resistance +5% Movement Speed Obviously ridicolous to get something like this but atleast Minion Life, Inc Chaos Damage and a decent Max Life roll should be possible assuming the Chaos Damage roll would be worth it Spliffor#4510 님이 2018. 9. 17. 오전 5:06:20에 마지막으로 편집
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What is the fastest way of clearing maps
thewindwarriorgaming#0891 님이 2018. 10. 6. 오전 6:23:42에 마지막으로 편집
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I'm definitely intrigued after watching your kill videos. However, i have two questions.
1) You say it's a good league starter and I can see why you say that after looking at the gear, however, Void Battery is obviously such a large part of your dps so what do you use UNTIL you can acquire dual Void Batteries? 2) I wonder how well this thing clears maps? Is it fast, slow, avg, dismall? Mods it cant handle? Does this build require any swapping? Until people aquire a 6L chest what 5 gems did you run? what 4 before that? |
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" Apep's Rage or any rare wand with good spell dmg, crit and cast speed mods. " Here is poorjoy's clear as a sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgD8Gi5dJ60&t= " It can run any map mod. " For t16+ I recommend swapping inc AoE for conc effect and rare amulet for Gloomfang, any lower content can be just straight facerolled. " In terms of dps, here is the list of 20/20 support gems starting from the best: -Concentrated Effect -Spell Echo -Void Manipulation -Controlled Destruction -PC on Critical |
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Fun build man,
Wrecked Red Elder / Shaper at lvl 85. I do prefer Temp Chains vs Assassins Mark when mapping. Everything else is all fun fun. |
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I'm a player from Taiwan. I'm quite interest in this build, and also doing this build this path.
The DPS is so ridiculous for a budget build, can I translate this post into Chinese for build share? |
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" Yeah sure |
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