3.1 PANZER TANK Gladiator Max Block 78/78 Crit Varunastra Aegis 2 Curse, UberAtziri/Shaper/Chayula

Hi there! I'd like to know what should you do after vaal pact nerf and relocation? Also I want to know about how can I grab 75% block instead 78% without the anvil but with good rare amulet? And is that build good as league starter build with using just rare sword (till buying varunastra) and shield (any rare and then surrender or aurora)?
Hi there! I'd like to know what should you do after vaal pact nerf and relocation? Also I want to know about how can I grab 75% block instead 78% without the anvil but with good rare amulet? And is that build good as league starter build with using just rare sword (till buying varunastra) and shield (any rare and then surrender or aurora)?

You can do with atziri scepter or pretty much any sword or dagger/claw until varunastra. Just stay away from taking the unrelated dmg nodes until you have the varunastra to apply the mods to, the build is focus on aurora as its function gives us more ehp and the blocks give us a buffer to replenish life. Aurora is just much better then surrender.
Konan88 님이 작성:
With nerf of vaalpact this build not die?

Still viable absolutely.
stormyknight 님이 작성:
Konan88 님이 작성:
With nerf of vaalpact this build not die?

Still viable absolutely. Still take the new vaal pact, just like any 3.1 build it now requires more awareness with character placement and allowing time for leech regen (seconds).
While it's still a decent build. With hes gear on decent release w/o flask he have only 1.18 mil dps with 6 stacks. I just don't get why people count in so many things in to DPS when its not a real dps...
hello are you goin to upday the skill tree? the pic show an old one and the others just show numbers
I love and adore tank builds even in MOBAs (developed it due to the fact everyome wants to play the damage role and no one wanted to be the tank or support), I did one last league as a starter and went all the way to guardians using a near perfect "The Surrender" (managed to find the shield and bought the blessing), however the damage I was getting was lackluster even with a 6l.

Want to try it, but there is no one selling a varunestra.
So Im pathing towards claw nodes for soul rake and planing to use the bloodseeker claw.

Will let you know how it goes when I get to the end game.
Stormy, few questions for u, wanna use abyssus, so what do u think, light coil will be better then astral plate to debuff abysus effect? And do u try use just gd rare rapier with 350+dps and convert ur phys to light and cold from tree? which weapon will be better in ur opinion?Ty. build reaaly fckn gd, atm play with ur old build sunder soultaker+aegis=)
so i respec to this build and now have some problems with jewels, can u explain pls which stats MUSTHAVE? life ofc, global multi or then multi with melee will be better? with this 2 mods jewels are VERY expensive, so im try find somth another)
I am leveling the build right now and am at 73 and its going strong but atm i am considering going in the direction of "By the Blade" but since i am not a build genius i really am not sure ...

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