[3.5][LeagueSC] TooManyBalls! (Grelwood Molten Strike, DecentMapping&SingleTarget, Farrul's Fur)
Link to my forum with character gear and tree:
https://web.poe.garena.tw/forum/view-thread/181363 (it might deny access from outside connections from other countries like character info) |
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Nah, the site works just fine. You just have "hide characters" checked in the privacy settings ^^
Seeing the gear makes it easier, even if you don't know the values. Seeing the bases you used and the colors already help. Too bad google translate can not fetch the item popups xD thanks TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/akumanotsubasa
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AkumaNoTsubasa Please use http://pobb.in for your guides instead of pastebin! |
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" Glad it worked! |
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Loving this build so far, current gear:
What should I improve next? |
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" That amulet man, I haven't have luck in crafting a lv22 Anger one with other usable mods on my amulet. Yours is almost BiS I would say. I'll list some ways i think that can further improve your character: (i see a 6L belly, so no cheap options for you :P) 1. WED on Rings, Opal or Steel. 2. Xoph, the ash effect is too good. 3. Watcher's Eye, penetration or conversion. If you do get Xoph, get the pen one. 4. enchantment on starkonja
2~4 is the dream, but i'll list it anyway. :P if you get an +3 rare helmet, you can swap one of your rings to diamond to make up for the crit loss from losing Starkonja. 5. double socket tombfist " 6. better abyss jewels (this is the easiest one to do imo, other options are gonna cost a bit) 7. Taste of Hate, I just bought mine, with this dodging is no longer needed in T15 T16, unless there's multiple dmg mods. Really good flask, offensively and defensively speaking. 8. Dying Sun for more balls. (actually, this is just for fun now that i think of it, wise oak's pen will probably help us more in terms of damage.) WED belts with a socket is BiS, I haven't found one that's cost efficient, so I am still using the Darkness. In other words, your belt is perfectly fine, of course if you find a higher rolled one than put it on and watch bosses melt. Glad you like it! Mapping with this is actually really really satisfying and fun :) |
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1.既然选择了处刑升华,为什么不点VP呢?用三点天赋换取双倍的每秒生命偷取和最大生命偷取率,个人认为很划算,除了提升生存,也能更好的支持满血攻击伤害这颗宝石。 2.既然选择侠客升华,为什么主技能连接不加入多重打击呢,个人认为多重在本身攻速很高时对攻速的放大,可以弥补没有熊头时超载的覆盖率(因为熊头+深渊手套腰带鞋子抗性堆起来很困难)。 以上,期待楼主的解答。 |
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" Hi, glad you like it :) Since this is the international forum, i'll translate your question into english and answer them in english. :) Q: 1. Why not go VP, this can help us utilize Dmg on Full Life and give us lots of survivability? 2. Why not use multi-strike? this gives us lots of attack speed and makes it easier to not use starkonja . A: 1. You can go VP if you want, I didn't feel like i needed it. I am now on T16, boss fights are still pretty easy to deal with even if I don't have VP. And without VP, we can be a maze runner, be more comfortable while using Blood Rage. There's no right or wrong, in my opinion and past experience, with out VP is fine. i've been trying some face tanking on maps to test out our tankiness. One worth mentioning in this post is the goddess in a T14 map, without VP, we can still tank the leech thing she does. If you really want to facetank even more things, than pick VP. :) As for dmg on full life, i feel like i am always on full life too, with pure talent, we can leech a lot in a small time frame of less than a second. Again, if you like to tank more, take VP. :) 2. Attack speed boosting supports are OP in early stages, however their scaling drops while we increase our attack speed from other places. On paper, multi-strike does not provide us with more DPS, and in reality, it can lock us in for a sec, making us less mobile. While mapping, most packs does not require more than 2 hits, hitting 3 slows down our mapping. Without any practical improvements, I did not use Multi-Strike. As for the starkonja problem, I agree, using so many unique items makes maximizing our resist somewhat difficult. I am planning to get a +3, or just +2 for the sake of saving some exalts for next character, rare helmet. With a good rare helmet we can easily craft a 60%-80% resist and decent life on it, giving us more flexibility in rings, amulets and jewels. This will also allow us to grab Diamond rings or crit amulets to help us maintain EO. I hope I covered it all, if not, let me know and i'll try my best in answering! :) Although I built this character, it doesn't mean it's the best version, so feel free to try out everything you think that is better and share, discussions makes perfect. Have fun! |
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I've checked out your guide and EE's video on his AoF version and I noticed that the build doesnt have stun immunity. So browsing through the defensive options on the wiki I had the idea that "Kinsugi" or the "Perfect Form" might be really good options for this build.
Offensively a "Yriel's Fostering" might be worth looking into. And since we are kind of a elemental dmg build the shroud of the lightless armor is probably a good choice too, seeing as we have so much flat life from jewels. What do you guys think? Would you stay with the all purpose "Belly of the Beast" or rather use one of the other ones? --- Edit: As for using "Starkonja's Head" I think we might not really need or even want it. What does it give us really? Decent evasion rating, a 100 life roll and 25% crit. The 25% or more crit if we havent dealt a critical strike recently mod can be found on jewels and is not expensive. The 100 life can easily be found on a rare. The same amout of evasion too AND we can get more resistances from a rare too. So, what else is there? Is the 60ish Dex a reason to keep it or choose it over a rare? Rakschas666#1738 님이 2017. 12. 27. 오전 1:14:20에 마지막으로 편집
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Hi! Using this build (as much as I can at level 40) and it is fracking so powerful I'm constantly having to just skip through most of the mobs just to keep from +5 over leveling. My question is and please forgive me if I missed it, but on your 6L, what gems are you using other than the listed ones? I have the Oni (from Uber Hilock) so I've had room for gems from the get go. Thanks for your time.
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" Thanks for the feedback man, i'll answer them, or rather just offer my thoughts on the issue. 1. Stun: Yeah, i died to shaper because of this. I am actually thinking of using Koam's Boots and drop Starkonja. But besides shaper balls, I didnt really get stunned much, or any at all. So i am not sure if it's worth getting that stun immunity just because of the shaper balls. Imo, you are gonna dodge most of it, so stun immune or not, you can still kill Shaper. 2. Other chests: nice suggestions! i did list a few items in the Customization section that you guys can use to suit your playstyle better. Yriel's fostering was included. It has life, evasion, projectile buffs and attack speed, so perfect fit for us. Kintsugi and Perfect form did not come to mind, but now that you mentioned, they both are perfect fit too! These chests provides more defensive stats for us, and if you've got passed the first act with this character, you'll know damage isn't really needed elsewhere. Overall, I'd pick the Kintsugi and Perfectform over Yriel's and Lightless. As for belly, i am still using a rare 6L chest with only 87 life, i am lv91 now, sitting at 6.1K hp with good, but not great or mirrored, gears. Took down shaper with this setup, so yeah, I would not actually use belly of the beast even if I get one now. I probably even pick Splendour over belly for the armor and evasion. If budget isnt a problem, I'd go with Perfect Form, this also provides us with dex to help out with accuracy. 3.Starkonja You absolutely do not need this bear mask, i found one on the floor while progressing, seeing that it also provides lots of evasion and life, i used it, still am. But like i mentioned, +3 or not, rare helmets will be sufficient. Gives you more room to try out different setups, too. |
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