New to PoE... Help with Scion Build?

Hey Folks.

So.. A twitch streamer got me into PoE again. I tried it once way back when it first came out, but never really got into it. Welp.. i got back into it, and now i cant stop playing it :P

Anyway... i managed to unlock the Scion and decided to try my hand at making my 'own' class.

My 'idea' is to go with this:

Heavy Armor

And 'maybe' Minions?... not 100% set on minion use yet.. their good to help spead out incomming damage though.

Welp, i stumbled onto this website:

And have been looking around on it a bit.

My question is.. are there any 'elite' skill-planners out there that have been playing PoE for a bit that might be able to point me in the direction of what Passives i'll want to get?
마지막 추천 2017. 12. 31. 오전 11:53:04

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