[3.2] Scion - ANCESTRAL WARCHIEF TOTEM - Cheap - Friendly - Starter - 1,5M end game

DmonBlu 님이 작성:
Nahh doesnt worth it all summoner/totem builds r really bad in this League. The mechanic is really bad overall Im so frustrated to see the beast fkin die before the net even hit!!! The crafting isnt really good anyways no flask crafting makes it extremely hard for many builds to run maps

Skip it and kill them all
DmonBlu 님이 작성:
Nahh doesnt worth it all summoner/totem builds r really bad in this League. The mechanic is really bad overall Im so frustrated to see the beast fkin die before the net even hit!!! The crafting isnt really good anyways no flask crafting makes it extremely hard for many builds to run maps

Skip it and kill them all
youngjuzell#6338 님이 2018. 3. 28. 오전 3:03:01에 마지막으로 편집
hey can u post an imgur of how u use ur skill points each time u level? i dont have path of building, so it would be nice. like i dont know how u used ur skill points at the bottom part of the tree and stuff its confusing.

if u dont know what i mean here is an example of what neversink did


thx man!
Hi, does Champion still work the way it did in 3.1? I'm waiting to spec into it right now.
A10SpartanLOKI 님이 작성:
Hi, does Champion still work the way it did in 3.1? I'm waiting to spec into it right now.

Scion get all buff. Champion is stronger now.
Is it hardcore viable?
Most totem builds are great for HC and this one is no exception.

BTW, you can get "#% chance to Taunt Enemies on Hit with Attacks" on Murderous Eye jewels (which also applies to attack totems such as Ancestral Warchief) if you prefer Chieftain or Slayer over Champion.
tomay#5509 님이 2018. 3. 13. 오전 4:19:52에 마지막으로 편집
Hi and sorry for the newbie question but, why talking about Hierophant ascendency for a scion build ? I'm already a noob in the game sorry ^^' My english is so bad too.

EDIT : Ok, just find the answer, scion can take other's ascendy class skills...
Dayclick#7021 님이 2018. 3. 13. 오전 6:15:36에 마지막으로 편집
Loved the build up until now that im around lev 40 and cant find damage for my totems,its around 500ish and idk,i do not have a lot of mods that add to phisical atack jsut because there isnt a lot worth buying at this lev.Kinda lost :(

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