[3.1] The Vault Cleaner! | Pathfinder | EK & BV Hybrid (300-600k dps)


I'm back with my EK build, this time in Abyss league, abusing my atlas monster pretty hard.

I have made a build back in 2.6. Many things have changed since, so it's about time for me to make a new guide.
So let's get started!

The character's concept is similar to what it's been in 2.6.
Shitton of damage, high cast speed, vinktars for leech.

+Very good clearspeed
+Fairly tanky
+Decent single target
+170 ms
+Decent leech

-Not really a bosskiller, even with BV.
(gonna make some videos)
-Lowish life (5,7k ToH Acro)
-Not reflect viable


https://youtu.be/7yIierfEogI - T14 Double Beyond Sea Witch Vault

I'm running Shaped Vault with it, so the build is optimised accordingly.
Here's my Atlas:


With Bisco's amu.




Offensive_HO_BV 0stack


BV's up for 2-3 seconds before running out.
Patebin BV effective dps rare amu, flask, lucky crit: 712k
Patebin EK effective dps rare amu, flask, lucky crit: 504k

I need skill effect duration somehow tbh.
"LvL 94"
Kill all bandits

EK - Echo - Crit strikes - Pierce - Controlled Dest - Empower 4 (Crit multi if you dont have one)

BV - Echo - Conc Effect ( - Controlled Dest - Inc crit) in weapon

CWDT - IC - Inc dura

Lighpoacher: Slower proj - Crit dmg (or Crit strikes with Cont dest in a 3-link)

Vaal Haste - Vaal Clarity - Inc dura

Hatred - Herald of Ash (Anger if you got the good watcher's eye.) - Enlighten

Flame Dash



Lightpoacher is BIS. Nothing else to say.

You can still go with some rares if you want. Leo's stun avoidance craft mod is nice here.

Using 5-link BV in my weapon. Good for bosses and Essences.

Before divine.

I mean... Yeah. :D
Multi would be better?

Pierce is mehh, power charge is very good. I need no more crit tho.
You can go with dagger if you wanna shield charge. I prefer running.


Nothing more to look for. Spell dmg, life, crit, cast speed.
Mana reservation would be nice i guess.

Body Armour:

Farming armour.

I used belly for the life.

These are also nice options.
Biggest dps one would be Lioneye's Vision with +1 gem corruption.


Gotta get em resistances somewhere.
Cast speed is the best thing you can get here.
Essence crafted one with stun avoidance would be nice.

Used this for quite a while. Decent early on.


Need the leech encha for no-curse maps.


Flask nodes are nice. Life+res otherwise.


Gotta get manaleech against bosses somewhere.
Not enough vs guardians/shaper tho.


400k ho buffed ek dps ammy



Onslaught is awesome.
Watcher's eye gives me 11% crit. Anger Extra fire dmg one would be nice.


Vinktars is still OP, even after the nerfs.
ToH helps plenty against big hits, Vault boss can't 1-shot me ever since i got one.
The quicksilver gives me 140 ms.
Got ele status immunity + bleed removal via Ascencancy.


I used EK for leveling.
Get all the crit nodes as soon as you can, use crit uniques.
Manaleech as 6th link as soon as you can.
If you got the gear at 70 you can use Chain gem instead of Pierce on low maps for even better clearspeed.


1: Why no Templar?
The build has enough dps as it is. I prefer the mobility and utility of Pathfinder.

2: Can i use dagger?
Yes, if you get a decent one.

That's about it.
I'm gonna upload some videos soonish.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Flutt3r 님이 2018. 1. 21. 오전 4:33:13에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2018. 1. 22. 오후 3:15:52
Added a video.
Shitty quality, my 1st time using OBS.
Flutt3r 님이 작성:

Flutt3r 님이 작성:
Flutt3r 님이 작성:


Out of curiosity... Why don't you go Veteran Bowyer over Master Surgeon? Do you actually need the flask charges on crit? Wouldn't it be more beneficially to get the extra 10% pen and ele damage?
Engage_Weakness 님이 작성:
Out of curiosity... Why don't you go Veteran Bowyer over Master Surgeon? Do you actually need the flask charges on crit? Wouldn't it be more beneficially to get the extra 10% pen and ele damage?

So i don't need to have a bleed flask.
Simple as that.
Do you think this would work in HC? Instresting build but the life seems bit low? Have been looking for some nice ek build but seems that its out of fashion in 3.1 :>

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