[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

fuksdelux 님이 작성:
DankawSL - where can i find some classic ed videos?

I should've probably record new videos on one of the standard chars.
Super old video - 3.2 T16 Vaal Temple

Anton__Chigur 님이 작성:
and I gotta say that Aspect of the Crab is totally worth it, that's helped so many times and I can't see how an extra 20% physical damage reduction isn't work using. I put it on my quiver. I got up to lvl 93 I think in SSF and then I couldn't take that anymore and went to regular synthesis and now I'm 95.

I know right, Crab is amazing. It's a shame you need to sacrifice something or invest into reduced mana reservation and/or mana sustain to run it. Aspect works best if combined with endurance charge generation (elder boots/talisman).

IceMatrix 님이 작성:
Thank you.
I just killed Shaper for the first time ever.
Died once in second phase. I think I can do it deathless was a mistake trying to pop one of those white bubbles before it was in a bad place.
What map do you recommend making t16 with the elder orb? I already made scriptorium t15. But man it feels really good to beat that content. Never even tried it and I did all the guardians deathless too. Didn't even watch videos or read up on them...just yolo'ed it. Shaper I watched a couple videos first though. Yours and Engineering Eternity.

I'm level 95 now with 7.2k life and 384K chaos damage per second in my hideout.

Indoors maps with dense packs are definitely the best to shape. Makes it easy to kill whole packs with just a single cast, even with only 1 or 2 arrows. Not to mention this type of maps usually have slightly higher monster count, making it great for quick XP farming.

My current SSF shaped strategy is T16 Arachnid Nest, every map completed up to T15, with additional three T15 shaped maps (Scriptorium, Moon Temple, Relic Chambers) so i can complete random master missions without breaking my elder bubble.

insangel0001 님이 작성:
Hello. I'm new with this game and i have a question.

Any change for flask setup if i play pathfinder?

Sorry for my bad english.

Nope, it's not necessary for Pathfinder. You're still immune to elemental ailments during flask effect, making suggested setup still great.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Comming from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG6IljLz81o, congratulations on your build. Looks amazing
This looks like a really nice build. Definitely going to run it on my Trickster for Flashback!
Great job. Perfect.
vulky1g#0546 님이 2019. 5. 12. 오전 5:13:27에 마지막으로 편집
been playing this build since league started and currently (rignt now) at lvl 99 in synthesis tried both rider and pathfinder with a bit of tweaking on the tree, both works actually, u can get more defensive and decent amount of dps on raider or vice versa, same with pathfinder, but i like pathfinder more due to the flasks bonuses etc2.

final word:
1. if ure just starting to get to know and use this build go raider (or starting league - event etc2)
2. if u know what ure doing and have a good knowledge on mech and such go for pathfinder

my raider pob: https://pastebin.com/4BqJPyiA - tanky version
my pathfinder pob: https://pastebin.com/raSZ7QXf - more dps version

changed some nodes on pathfinder, enjoy exile and let RNGESUS bless u with mirror drop in poe!!!

ps: im done with this league time to hibernate myself till the next one
Bintorung#1219 님이 2019. 5. 12. 오전 10:48:15에 마지막으로 편집
Hey everyone,
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what my next gear upgrade(s) could be. I've been looking at synthesized quivers and bows, but I have very little hope that I'll be able to afford either of those.

My characters are set to public, and the character in question is PlsShootPinny

Many thanks in advance!
Pin_Cracker#7694 님이 2019. 5. 12. 오후 6:17:16에 마지막으로 편집
kescho 님이 작성:
Comming from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG6IljLz81o, congratulations on your build. Looks amazing

I believe this is the 3rd time Ghazzy featured me. I should record 16:9 video or two, since my 16:10 footage just brings troubles/looks silly later in content creator's videos.

Vaeelin 님이 작성:
This looks like a really nice build. Definitely going to run it on my Trickster for Flashback!

Just keep in mind that the build is primarly optimized for Raider. Trickster should choose his gear slightly differently.

Bintorung 님이 작성:
been playing this build since league started and currently (rignt now) at lvl 99 in synthesis tried both rider and pathfinder with a bit of tweaking on the tree, both works actually, u can get more defensive and decent amount of dps on raider or vice versa, same with pathfinder, but i like pathfinder more due to the flasks bonuses etc2.

final word:
1. if ure just starting to get to know and use this build go raider (or starting league - event etc2)
2. if u know what ure doing and have a good knowledge on mech and such go for pathfinder

my raider pob: https://pastebin.com/4BqJPyiA - tanky version
my pathfinder pob: https://pastebin.com/raSZ7QXf - more dps version

changed some nodes on pathfinder, enjoy exile and let RNGESUS bless u with mirror drop in poe!!!

ps: im done with this league time to hibernate myself till the next one

I'm not fan of Pathfinder at all, the damage boost (~20% more, in your case closer to ~17%) is insignificant compared to what Trickster currently offers. Raider at least has that ridiculous avoidance to make a decent option.

The PoB comparison - your tree sacrifices A LOT of life, 59% compared to my tree to be precise. If not for your very high level that majority of players never reached and plenty of jewel slots, you would be below 6k life. Overall, you lose around 20% more life for around 30-35% more damage gain (i didn't count PF's damage increases). If you ask me, with your 600k tooltip dps (that's how you should measure it, not fully buffed against white mob), the trade off isn't worth it from survivability/hardcore point of view. Everything but bosses/rares dies instantly, even with half of that damage. Oh and you have only 1 pierce, it might cause some clear issues.

It's not like you can't get more damage, it is everywhere nearby. It's life that dictates how you path on your tree most of the time.

Pin_Cracker 님이 작성:
Hey everyone,
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what my next gear upgrade(s) could be. I've been looking at synthesized quivers and bows, but I have very little hope that I'll be able to afford either of those.

My characters are set to public, and the character in question is PlsShootPinny

Many thanks in advance!

Synthesised +1 all gems bow and empower 4 are basically what you should be looking for. I would also divine your ring's evade chance to 5%. Your belt could be a lot better too, since in it's current state a decent 90+ life with resists and crafted 20% increased damage could easily beat it. Gloves have free suffix from what i see, you could exalt/Leo slam it.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
insangel0001 님이 작성:
Hello. I'm new with this game and i have a question.

Any change for flask setup if i play pathfinder?

Sorry for my bad english.

Cinderswallow Urn is the best flask you can use on Pathfinder, and the #1 reason to choose it over Raider. Try to get one with 3% life recovery on kill and the life regeneration veiled mod.
Hi DankawSL,

thank you for this guide, i really enjoy it and play this as a HC-Character – for my first time ever.

Maybe my thoughts are already asked or recomended:

Is is not better to craft +2 socketed support-Gems instead to look out for +2 bow gems?
With this prefix and a well crafted Synthesis-Bow your empower can reach up to level 8 and your CA can get up to level 30 and all supports gems up to level 25. Of course, this is a MAX-setup and sure for rich guys, but a CA with level 27 (with Empower 3 (7) is quite reachable. You can further optimize this setup with multicrafting and add Non-Ailment-Chaos-Damage and %increased Chaos Damage, if you can afford it.

What do you think?


Dovahsith#0280 님이 2019. 5. 16. 오전 7:58:43에 마지막으로 편집
Hope you guys are enjoying flashback, i personally decided to play some singleplayer games instead. I've been thinking about potential updates to the guide, like:

* SSF progression section
* Better navigation - i actually have a really good idea but it might be little bit hard to pull off correctly.
* Reimplement master mission section that i didn't include earlier due to character limit
* Beginner section, because despite everything i keep seeing people fail at certain simple tasks. I would rather avoid doing that, because this is a build guide, not a game guide.

Another thing i've had in mind is separate crafting mechanics guide that i mentioned in the past. I've also thought about separate league mechanics guide, similar to current synthesiser mechanics i've made.

The last thing, i've been thinking about removing MF section. Not many people use it, CA is inferior to your typical off-screening bow skill. Only the semi-MF version (the only one i truly recommended) is good, as it gives more drops with no real downsides. I'll definitely remove "MFing" from title next league, section might disappear too. We'll see.

Dovahsith 님이 작성:
Hi DankawSL,

thank you for this guide, i really enjoy it and play this as a HC-Character – for my first time ever.

Maybe my thoughts are already asked or recomended:

Is is not better to craft +2 socketed support-Gems instead to look out for +2 bow gems?
With this prefix and a well crafted Synthesis-Bow your empower can reach up to level 8 and your CA can get up to level 30 and all supports gems up to level 25. Of course, this is a MAX-setup and sure for rich guys, but a CA with level 27 (with Empower 3 (7) is quite reachable. You can further optimize this setup with multicrafting and add Non-Ailment-Chaos-Damage and %increased Chaos Damage, if you can afford it.

What do you think?


The craft costs 1ex and is very hard/expensive to get, so you most likely going to use crafting service for it. There's no point using it on anything other than your end game elder bow, where it is listed as an expensive version.

+2 support gems gives ~5% more damage in most common cases.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
DankawSL#2030 님이 2019. 5. 16. 오후 6:20:59에 마지막으로 편집

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