[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

I'm probably not the first to talk about Rampage swap here, but i didn't see it. It turns out that this build is really good with Sinvicta's Mettle Ezomyte Axe in second slot. Not only we can use with vigilant strike for fortify, but it also gives us rampage which is great for delving in my opinion. You just need to shot CA in front of large pack of mobs and swap to axe until someone dies then swap back to Bow. Alright we have rampage now wich gives us:

1% increased Movement Speed per 20 Rampage Stacks
2% increased Damage per 20 Rampage Stacks

Plus some tiers gives us animated weapons which act like bonus taunt totems.

Idk maybe that was common knowledge.

Anyway, i almost reached 500k dot dps as shown in poe tnx to empower 4

But if we look into POB link from the guide by DankawSL it got like 1,5kk of dot damage and i don't know why i can't reach such heights, even after trading life for damage in my own perverted version of passive tree https://pastebin.com/euseSvQA
Any tips on improving my dps?
Imo the build does enough damage even without Rampage. I am farming >120% quant Elder Grotto maps since I killed Uber Elder and stuff just melts no problem.

The dot alone annihaltes trash (400k dps). For elites you add in Frenzy with the curse (750k dps). For bosses you add in totem (830k dps). Those are PoB numbers from my char.

Rampage at 1000 would add 100% increased damage. For my build that would be 25% more damage at max stage with the limit of having to kill sth every 5 seconds.
zorker#7481 님이 2019. 1. 30. 오전 7:25:58에 마지막으로 편집
TWERQEN 님이 작성:
But if we look into POB link from the guide by DankawSL it got like 1,5kk of dot damage and i don't know why i can't reach such heights, even after trading life for damage in my own perverted version of passive tree https://pastebin.com/euseSvQA
Any tips on improving my dps?

pob factors in every single addition of damage that your tooltip will not. wither stacks etc.
This build is really nice. I really wanted to play a chaos damage build this season and this build is exactly what I wanted.

I just killed shaper. The elder ( failed to save shaper tho) farming Uber lab is a breeze (that's my favorite part of the game so)

With ~ 10-15 exactly value I managed to do most content. Reach almost 300 000 dps. 450 000 POB dps

80% evade. 56% dodge attack. 66 dodge spell and over 5.5k hp ( lvl 87)

Love it !
Great guide...thank you for taking the time to write in such detail

I'm trying to craft the Nearby Enemies have -9% Chaos Resistance but have no clue about the best combination of fossils to use.

If anyone knows it would be greatly appreciated if you could write a quick guide about how to best do that craft.


Abberath and Pristine
Hi, caustic Rangers,

still enjoying this incredible build, thanks again DankawSL.

Finally I was able to craft my last missing item

I have socketed here 2 AoE gems(Haste, Grace), enlighten and Phase run, as I have open Prefix and open suffix my question to the expert, does it make more sense to craft
"+1 to level of Socketed AoE Gems, 8-10% incr Area of Effect"
the Evasion/life craft I did in the moment.



Hi there, been playing this build since I came back from long break. Currently level 87, sitting at 5.4k life and 170k DoT.
Feel abit low on dodging etc, 58% evade attacks, 46% dodge attack 30% spell

Any recommended upgrades i should get to increase life and DoT dps?

My Current Gear
AgentTrack#6667 님이 2019. 2. 1. 오전 2:07:05에 마지막으로 편집
You have your base gear set up. For the rest you need to throw currency at your build. Best way to build up currency right now is farming Syndicate in Harbour Bridge. I used Queen of the Forest, Stibnite and Jade Flask and just replaced one of the green gems with Mirage Archer. All you have to do is run the bridge while casting one arrow once Mirage archer runs out. Just do it while watching TV or sth.

It is tedious but very profitable.

You need 21 CA arrow. I level 7 1/20 to 20/20 of them while farming Syndicate. All bricked so I had to pay extra to buy one.

If your bow will have Vicious Projectiles which it should then you need level 4 Empower.

You need to buy the ilvl 82 elder (grove/thicket/maraketh) bow base and craft it. This can include alteration spam, linking and finishing the craft. I would check the market for valid crafting bases.

On the final bow you want :
prefixes: Vicious Projectiles, +1 gem, +2 support gems (craft)
suffixes: either +1 arrow and two whatever suffixes or multicraft with 2 nice suffixes.

This will give you level 28 CA.

After that you need to buy fossils and use them on the rest of your gear.

* ilvl 85 elder leather belt - Pristine+Abberath (chaos dmg, life, resists, recovery)
* ilvl 85 elder slink gloves - Pristine+Abberath (chaos multi, life, resists)
* ilvl 85 lion pelt with 30% CA duration enchant - Pristine+Abberath (-9% chaos res, life, resists)
* ilvl 81 shaper penetrationg arrow quiver - Serrated+Corroded+Metallic (+1 arrow, life)

Neck, boots and rings can be used as resistance fillers.

Here is the gear of my Raider:

zorker#7481 님이 2019. 2. 1. 오전 2:38:35에 마지막으로 편집
zorker 님이 작성:
You have your base gear set up. For the rest you need to throw currency at your build. Best way to build up currency right now is farming Syndicate in Harbour Bridge. I used Queen of the Forest, Stibnite and Jade Flask and just replaced one of the green gems with Mirage Archer. All you have to do is run the bridge while casting one arrow once Mirage archer runs out. Just do it while watching TV or sth.

It is tedious but very profitable.

You need 21 CA arrow. I level 7 1/20 to 20/20 of them while farming Syndicate. All bricked so I had to pay extra to buy one.

If your bow will have Vicious Projectiles which it should then you need level 4 Empower.

You need to buy the ilvl 82 elder (grove/thicket/maraketh) bow base and craft it. This can include alteration spam, linking and finishing the craft. I would check the market for valid crafting bases.

This will give you level 28 CA.

After that you need to buy two fossils and use them on the rest of your gear.

* ilvl 85 elder leather belt - Pristine+Abberath (chaos dmg, life, resists, recovery)
* ilvl 85 elder slink gloves - Pristine+Abberath (chaos multi, life, resists)
* ilvl 85 lion pelt with 30% CA duration enchant - Pristine+Abberath (-9% chaos res, life, resists)
* ilvl 81 shaper penetrationg arrow quiver - Serrated+Corroded+Metallic (+1 arrow, life)

Neck, boots and rings can be used as resistance fillers.

Here is the gear of my Raider:

Alright, thanks, I will use ur recommendation as an upgrade path. :D

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