[3.1] Super Cheap Ele Wander for fast mapping

Build description

The purpose of the build is to serve as a cheap way to get into fast and efficient clear speed mapping. This guide will be focused primarily on the low budget version of Ele Wander. There are already a ton of other guides for higher budget wanders and windrippers, so I won't be covering more expensive gearing options in much depth.

It scales flat elemental damage from Wrath, Herald of Ice, Abyss Jewels and other gear.
Piscator's Vigil and (to a lesser degree)Thunderfist are the core uniques of the build. Pretty much every other piece of gear has multiple options available.

Example Video
Shaped Toxic Sewer Clear
This is with 48c worth of gear that I bought to showcase the build, pretty low level gems with no quality. Getting Herald of Ice and Wrath leveled up will add a lot of DPS.

Strengths vs Weaknesses

*High clear speed
*Good AoE
*Very cheap to get started
*Several good upgrade paths into higher budget builds
*Surprisingly evasive. Almost never gets hit.

*A tad squishy
*Needs higher currency investment to achieve good singletarget DPS
*Can't do reflect maps

Passive tree + bandits
Level 94 Passive tree on PoEplanner
If you're lower level, get the Heartseeker and Wandslinger nodes last

You'll need to get most of the int travel nodes before you can equip piscator's vigil (or compensate by getting int on a ring or jewel)

Alira and Kill all are both viable options for bandits. Depends on whether or not you need the resists to get capped with the gear you have. At higher gear and character level, the 2 extra passives might be better in order to get an extra jewel socket.

Path of Building Link


Purchase log for my character:

Piscator with decent rolls: 3c
Thunderfist: 1c
1abyss socket Lightpoacher: 3c
Queen of the Forest (2g2b): 5c
Eva/Armor Boots with ms, res and life: 3c
Vaal Grace gem: 5c
Unset ring: 2c
two-stone ring: 1c (+3alch mastercraft)
Esh's Mirror: 8c
paua amulet: 4c (+3alch mastercraft)
stygian vise: 1c (+4alch mastercraft)
abyss jewel: 2c
abyss jewel: 5c
abyss jewel: 5c
abyss jewel: 2c
abyss jewel: 1c
abyss jewel: 1c
conqueror's potency: quest reward while leveling (this is required to make dying sun grant an extra projectile. Another abyss jewel is actually a better option before you get dying sun)

Total cost: 48c, 10 alch, and a few minor currencies for socket colors and rolling flasks.

poe.trade links:
Piscator with decent rolls: http://poe.trade/search/otiwobikekoriw

Thunderfist (rolls are irrelevant): http://poe.trade/search/omekakikadomes

Lightpoacher (try to get a decent resist roll, but it's not mandatory): http://poe.trade/search/otomitegomonor

Queen of the Forest with 2g2b sockets (if this costs more than 5c, just get one with any colors instead): http://poe.trade/search/sinoazinotirin

Eva/Armor Boots with ms, res and life: http://poe.trade/search/ubotarikamaror (you can reduce or increase the required maxlife or resist to adjust for lower or higher budget)

Vaal Grace gem: http://poe.trade/search/ohimetoragokak (not mandatory)

Cheap rings with life, resists and flat lightning: http://poe.trade/search/otoruomorehuka (if you get an unset ring you can put your wrath in it, freeing up a lightpoacher socket for utility)

Defensive/Quant alternative: Thief's Torment with decent resists: http://poe.trade/search/hohamitanotaso

Esh's Mirror: http://poe.trade/search/itakakeumitami

Defensive alternative shield: http://poe.trade/search/anohunotenohat (bear in mind that getting blue sockets on this will be more expensive)

Stygian Vise with life, flask effect duration, and resists. Look for one with an open prefix to mastercraft WED on: http://poe.trade/search/okayutimohamot

Cheap abyss jewels with flat lightning and other flat ele: http://poe.trade/search/hisetoyohasina Adjust the flat ele SUM values and min/max buyout according to your budget. Feel free to add other mods you might want.

For all of these searches, feel free to play around with the numbers to increase or decrease the budget. Prices and supply will fluctuate, so you shouldn't try to get the EXACT same items as I did, but rather look for cheap options that work for your character.

My gear:

About the flasks:
You can either craft the flasks yourself, or try to buy them. Either way should be pretty cheap if you do it right.

Catalysed Eternal Life flask, Suffix not important

Diamond Flask of Staunching, Prefix: any one of duration/reduced charges used/charge recovery/extra charges

Stibnite of Warding, Prefix: any one of duration/reduced charges used/charge recovery/extra charges

Alchemist's Jade Flask of Reflexes (this might be expensive, but you can also settle for just one of the affixes)

Alchemist's Quicksilver of Adrenaline

If you decide to get Dying Sun, you can replace either the Stibnite or the Jade Flask. If you want to keep the Jade Flask, you need one with Curse removal instead of the %inc evasion roll.

Eventually you'll want to replace the life flask with a Vinktar's Vessel that adds damage to attacks. Don't do this until you have enough damage to kill bosses without running out of flask charges though.

Gem Links

Most of these can be set up differently. Only the Kinetic Blast Thunderfist link needs to go in that particular item.

4L Gloves (Thunderfist):
Kinetic Blast, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Greater Multiple Projectiles, Pierce

3 or 4L Chest:
Herald of Ice, Curse on Hit, Assassin's Mark, (Onslaught)

4L Boots:
CWDT(level 1), Immortal Call(level 3), Increased Duration, Vaal Grace/Vaal Haste/Ice Golem(level 3)/Enfeeble

Lightpoacher(no links required):
Ice bite, Innervate, Onslaught

3L Shield(this is totally optional, and you might find a better use for these sockets):
Orb of Storms, Power Charge on Crit, Inc Crit Strikes
You can also use these sockets for the herald if you want something else in your chest. Just drop Onslaught.

3L wand:
Flame Dash, Faster Casting, Decoy Totem

If you decide to use a Starkonja's Head instead of Lightpoacher, you can put the herald link in that, and use a 5L or 6L Barrage in QotF for singletarget:
Barrage, Elemental Damage With Attacks, Elemental Focus, Added Lightning, Slower Projectiles, Lightning Penetration

Upgrade paths

You can either respecc to Windripper Tornado Shot MF, or keep upgrading to better Wander gear. There are many other build guides out there for those alternatives, so I won't go into too much detail.

If you decide to stick with wander, some of the strongest upgrades are going to be Vessel of Vinktar and Dying Sun:

Gameplay Tips

If you decide to use Kinetic Blast only, your singletarget DPS might be lacking against some bosses. Try to pull them next to a wall. Decoy totem can help you achieve this. Your Kinetic Blast explosions will help you take them down a lot more quickly then. The build heavily favors maps with narrow corridors for more wall explosions. Maps like Arachnid Nest, Thicket, and Toxic Sewers are the best.
carkasjak 님이 2018. 1. 30. 오전 9:29:33에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2018. 1. 23. 오전 8:21:13

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