[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)
I'm sorry for those who are disappointed in the builds capability as a league starter. I've done just fine with it so far myself, though. I played it as a league starter last league as well, with no problems.
(To be fair, it's not really possible to evaluate a build after 30 levels.) However, this build doesn't start to shine until after the campaign is done. It's not designed for getting through the campaign painlessly. It's designed for high-lvl content. If you are struggling, check in on the discord and see if other people can help you out. I'm going to bed right now, because I have work in the morning, but there are other people who have played the build. https://discord.gg/GEVvaYE Don't panic. |
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" I took your advice and grabbed some of the damage nodes and it's helping a lot. Now I just need some better gear and I think it will be fine. |
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" This right here! Even with a tabula rasa the damage was lackluster but after taking your advice my dps has gotten much better and I just cleared act 6 with no problems at all. |
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I can totally agree with previous posters. Change your tree according to your needs people! If you have low dps get some dps nodes first, even if they arent in the POB at all.. dont follow it blindly!
Though the beginning was hard-ish, clear speed was always exceptional. Only bosses were a pain in the arse. However I also picked Fangs of Frost, Primeval and am now working towards the claw wheel (going the upper way first instead of crit nodes and respeccing later). A tip, maybe, really use totems and/or vaal double strike for bosses and switch ancestral call with ruthless or something else! Makes a huge difference. Also get Rage Support asap, really great synergie with first ascendancy. Good luck everyone :) arctuz51#6414 님이 2019. 9. 7. 오전 2:32:16에 마지막으로 편집
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With your flasks on POB indicating Nightblade+Elusive, where are you intending on getting those buffs? Are you using nightblade in your 6L FB Setup? If so how would that look?
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I just noticed this little tidbit under the FB skill gem section that answers some of your question. In 3.8 Hypothermia will be replaced with Nightblade |
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bex_HB#1414 님이 2019. 9. 7. 오전 3:18:42에 마지막으로 편집
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yes, this build gets clunky in leveling from act 3 on ... thats it for me, definitely NOT a good league starter build
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after a very long time I started again with PoE. I watched some videos and read some guides. At the end I decided for the Build Frost Blade. Unfortunately I have some "noob" problems! I can't get Path of Building to run. So I don't know how to skill :-S I also don't know which equipment to put on at the beginning up to level 70. Does it matter which equipment and weapons I wear up to level 70? I don't have all orbs except Frost Blade and use only one skill all the time. which stats are important for this build? What I've read is supposed to have an evasion rating on your chest, right? What else is important? PDPS, cold damage, physical damage, elemental damage? (iam lvl 21 and in Act 2) I would be very grateful for your help. Gerne nehme ich auch hilfe auf Deutsch an was für mich leichter zu verstehen wäre :) King Regards Firtina88#4589 님이 2019. 9. 7. 오전 5:44:05에 마지막으로 편집
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" I just started playing this build and had zero problems what so ever with act3 ;O ran past it easy. As any melee build upgrade weapon and take dps talents and it is easy to level with. Are there better skills to level with? yes, but its not clunky or slow at all leveling FB. |
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