[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Yea i know i have problem with my resists fire 30 cold and lightning 60 or i can buy one for my resists
SchillerBexxx#0580 님이 2018. 3. 11. 오전 6:31:10에 마지막으로 편집

Current gear, flying through maps, having a bit of a hard time with bosses - not too many complaints.

My question is the following: I've bought a Watcher's Eye jewel with 27% phys conversion to cap out conversion completely - I was thinking of shifting away from ice bite and into melee phys again due to this? Does this sound reasonable.

Would also appreciate input on the tree:
IGN: Nooney
opkast 님이 작성:

Current gear, flying through maps, having a bit of a hard time with bosses - not too many complaints.

My question is the following: I've bought a Watcher's Eye jewel with 27% phys conversion to cap out conversion completely - I was thinking of shifting away from ice bite and into melee phys again due to this? Does this sound reasonable.

Would also appreciate input on the tree:

You don't need any more conversion. We already get 100%.
60% conversion from frost blades, and 20+ 20+ from weapon cold damage and winter spirit in the passive tree.
I am 100% certain that one of the other options of watcher's eye is better for you.

If melee phys does more damage for you, then by all means, go for it. I know it can vary a lot between gear.

As for the passive tree.
I would remove fangs of the viper and I would try to get phase acrobatics asap. Other than that, I don't see anything that needs changing.

Don't panic.
Fiver#2304 님이 2018. 3. 11. 오전 8:21:12에 마지막으로 편집
Fiver 님이 작성:
rygon21 님이 작성:
Hi Fiver, would Atziri's Splendour, Evasion, Sacrificial Garb be efficient for a body piece?

Yeah it would work just fine.

Thanks! How would it compare to a rare body piece?
Fiver im lvl 50 now but im seeing in the future i will have problem dps on bosses,frenzy stacks is usseles vs bosses because they are alone and cant stack frenzy charges.Hoq to fix this? i dont want to spend 25 exalted (or more) if i cant kill bosses or take so much time :(

Do you keep the ice bite support?
I think I have seen you said you may swap it for melee physical damage support.

What is better?

En3ka 님이 작성:
Fiver im lvl 50 now but im seeing in the future i will have problem dps on bosses,frenzy stacks is usseles vs bosses because they are alone and cant stack frenzy charges.Hoq to fix this? i dont want to spend 25 exalted (or more) if i cant kill bosses or take so much time :(

You get frenzy charges when you hit bosses.
Check "way of the poacher" in the raider ascendancy.

"20% chance to gain a frenzy charge when you hit a rare or unique enemy."

Don't panic.
_MagicPower_ 님이 작성:

Do you keep the ice bite support?
I think I have seen you said you may swap it for melee physical damage support.

What is better?


At first I did use melee physical damage instead, but I realized that it depends a lot on what gear you have. Sometimes Ice Bite is better, somtimes MPD is better.
I currently use Ice Bite.

Don't panic.
rygon21 님이 작성:
Fiver 님이 작성:
rygon21 님이 작성:
Hi Fiver, would Atziri's Splendour, Evasion, Sacrificial Garb be efficient for a body piece?

Yeah it would work just fine.

Thanks! How would it compare to a rare body piece?

I think it will be a good substitute. A rare armor can have more life, more resists, and more evasion.
So a good rare armour is better. But Atziri's Splendour is still a nice alternative.

Don't panic.
Fiver#2304 님이 2018. 3. 11. 오전 11:05:00에 마지막으로 편집
this may seem daft but why is it that when you go after Kitava in act5 i seem to always die no matter what char but in act 10 i dont, been doing your build "Fiver" and really solid so far, alot better than SideFX's and you explain everything unlike his build, even though i die in act5 im pressing forward
IGN: The_Nutcase

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