[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

chiwawawa 님이 작성:
Hello, i'm not sure to understand the large cluster jewel part
- Blanketed Snow
- Doriyani's lesson / ( Disorienting Display)
- Vengeful Commander

In POB, you never make use of the third passive skill ( Doriyani or Disorienting)
Do we only care about Vengeful and Blanketed Snow ?

I believe the third passive skill is here to make sure the other two that we actually use are positioned correctly on the wheel to optimize skill point usage. You can try, on POB, to use a cluster with only the 2 passives we use, and you'll see one of them is not positioned correcly and you'll have to use more points to be able to allocate it.
Kazh#0100 님이 2021. 1. 30. 오전 9:17:19에 마지막으로 편집
POB says that build was made on unrecognized POB version and it can't be imported in 1.4.170 (latest version)

Solved: Just deleted it and downloaded standalone version
furch1k#0790 님이 2021. 1. 30. 오전 11:16:04에 마지막으로 편집
I was wondering, are you guys crafting your weapons on your own or buying them?
And how to you craft them if you do?
spam alts until you hit 2 good suffix/prefix and then regal and multicraft?

Godd luck everyone and thanks in advance :)
Thanks a lot for the build, I'm having a ton of fun!
200% movement speed with frenzy charge & quicksilver is a nice QoL and since I started spamming the movement skills I'm straight zooming across maps :D

It will be hard to play something slower in the future
YohAsakurá 님이 작성:
I was wondering, are you guys crafting your weapons on your own or buying them?
And how to you craft them if you do?
spam alts until you hit 2 good suffix/prefix and then regal and multicraft?

Godd luck everyone and thanks in advance :)

I crafted myself this:

My method:
Bought a 30% base (I was sick of getting unlucky with perfect fossils)

Alt spam till I hit T1 Phys damage.
Beast imprint + spam augs/annuls till I hit T1 speed (I was insanely lucky and hit T1 attack speed after 2 attempts..)

Imprint again.

Regal and remove new mod (assuming it's terrible).

Multimod recipe, craft crit chance + quality and % physical damage

Slam with Warlord orb (wanted higher PDPS at lower risk), remove fire if you're unlucky with the harvest craft, and then harvest craft add crit is guaranteed multi+phys damage from the Warlord orb.

Finally if you're happy - harvest craft remove non-attack, add attack and you remove the multi-mod but keep both crafted mods safely.

Not cheap, but was fun to get my head around finally!
Seems like a strog build.
Just finished up my claw.

Spammed alts til I had a good phys mod on prefix and a good suffix mod.
Finally hit a regal that gave me a prefix (was a junk mana mod).
Crafted multimod, % phys, and speed with quality.
Harvest remove non and add attack got rid of mana and gave me a lightning roll.
Removed lightning with harvest and slammed it with redeemer orb.
Final remove non and add attack gave me T1 accuracy.
Hit it with several harvest lucky divines until I was happy and beastcrafted to 30% base quality.

I'm in a small private league (~100 players), so I'm real happy how this turned out.

Thanks again Fiver for the great guide and the advice at the early steps while crafting.
Thank you for the answers, i´m gonna try myself in the next couple of days lets hope for the best :D

gl everyone :)

Edit: So I have a claw with T1 Crit chance and T1 added phys dmg, regaled it(got something bad) removed that, so now multimod and craft increased phys and atkspeed + quality?

then slam warlord or redeemer orb and remove unwanted crafts with harvest?

never crafted something important before so thanks guys :)
YohAsakurá#2504 님이 2021. 2. 1. 오후 10:46:23에 마지막으로 편집
YohAsakurá 님이 작성:
Thank you for the answers, i´m gonna try myself in the next couple of days lets hope for the best :D

gl everyone :)

Edit: So I have a claw with T1 Crit chance and T1 added phys dmg, regaled it(got something bad) removed that, so now multimod and craft increased phys and atkspeed + quality?

then slam warlord or redeemer orb and remove unwanted crafts with harvest?

never crafted something important before so thanks guys :)

Yep, exactly ! Make sure your Claw has Hillock quality aswell. (Or you can Beast corrupt it for quality but it's a bit worse, corrupting is not convenient)
What is the best anointment for an amulet (considering all versions of the build)?

E: I was thinking either Holy Dominion or Divine Fervour, but not sure if there are better
Rvban#5516 님이 2021. 2. 2. 오후 1:06:45에 마지막으로 편집

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