[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

We had a good run yesterday, 6-linked and ready to go. Today we are going to do some mapping and shit. If you need any help over the next 6+ hours, you will find me on twitch. Feel free to stop by. :)


Don't panic.
How do we generate power charges now since assasin mark rings aswell as other curse rings got absolutely destroyed by incompetent GGG balance team?
Hopefuly its not some crit orb of storms.
Thanks in advance!
Avacade 님이 작성:
How do we generate power charges now since assasin mark rings aswell as other curse rings got absolutely destroyed by incompetent GGG balance team?
Hopefuly its not some crit orb of storms.
Thanks in advance!

Assassin's mark rings are still good versus single targets, which is what is the most important. Assassin's mark has never been the main way to generate charges though.

The way we generate power charges is either by using a cold conduction + stormrider jewel and/or using Farrul's Fur.

Cold conduction will shock and chill enemies, and stormrider will give power charges every time you shock a chilled enemy (which is always).

If you get a Farrul's Fur, you will also/instead generate power charges every time you get Cat's Stealth, which is every 10th second. Cat's grace will give you power charges every time it activates, and it lasts for 4 seconds. After that you will have 6 seconds of Cat's Grace. Since charges have a base duration of 10 seconds, this will ensure 100% uptime on power charges, even when not in combat.

Don't panic.
Fiver#2304 님이 2021. 4. 20. 오전 2:18:36에 마지막으로 편집
I'm starting my stream now, so if anyone has any questions or anything, feel free to stop by. That's the fastest way to get help. :)


Don't panic.
Hello,somebody Can suggest me what I should change first now?I lack some of dps on singel target (its only 300 k from frost blades without change gem for ruthless)Here is my pob :

meduse52 님이 작성:
Hello,somebody Can suggest me what I should change first now?I lack some of dps on singel target (its only 300 k from frost blades without change gem for ruthless)Here is my pob :


I'll have a look as soon as I can, but won't be able to do it right away. Gonna start streaming and I'll be doing that for a couple of hours. Will have a look when I can!

Don't panic.
Starting my stream now. If you need help during the next couple of hours, that's where you will find me. :)


Don't panic.
Hi, how you get int stat??, i dont see where can you get int to put all the equip on.
Hi Fiver,

Sorry just quick question.

May I know why it must be claw? is jewelled foil feasible? is it only due to the lgoh?

Thank You,
Noob in Std ^^

nvm got a claw alr = ) haha
Neyeah#5589 님이 2021. 4. 22. 오후 12:11:04에 마지막으로 편집
Melficekun 님이 작성:
Hi, how you get int stat??, i dont see where can you get int to put all the equip on.

Ideally you want to use an amulet with int on it's base. Doesn't matter which one, but preferably Agate Amulet since you get strength from it too.
It might be worth annointing one of the +30 int nodes, or take one temporarily if you still need int.

When you move up to Claws of the Falcon in the cheap/standard versions, you will get some INT from those nodes as well.

Don't panic.

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