So i picked this build to play in flashback because i wanted a fast mapper with decent bossing capacity. However i just reached red maps and im starting to experience survival and damage issues. The only thing ive skipped is phase acro because to me it looked like a weak investment of 4 points. I have 4.7k life, res capped, 15k evasion i think? Maybe its easier to look at my profile. Any idea what ive messed up? Or is it just a matter of getting better rares?
Well you have a unique claw so swap that for a nice rare claw with more dps if you can. otherwise you want tombfists+stygian for a nice 3 abyss jewels with 2 dmg stats and life on each. Thats a bit dps boost.
Getting opal rings with wed would also provide a large dps boost.
You want +1 frenzy on your boots. and swap chalice flask for a taste of hate.
Arrow dancing is a good notable passive to take.
Otherwise yeah just better items. You should see a gradual increase in your power as your gear gets better. You really do want more evasion on your chest for survival though.
I reached lvl 81 with this build and now Im planning to spend currency and points properly. I have few questions though.
1. Is Point blank not good for the build?
2. Is it OK to replace Hypothermia with Added Cold Damage gem for boss fights?
3. If player is using Lycosidae, is it better to use Lightning Golem instead of Ice golem ?
4. Talking about Lycosidae, how about using stat stick for huge DPS boost? Because as a ranger we will be getting enough dex to get above 90% accuracy.
5. Are foils good enough to match DPS of that a claw? Coz right now the good rare claws are very expensive. And I found a good foil which is doing work for now.
I reached lvl 81 with this build and now Im planning to spend currency and points properly. I have few questions though.
1. Is Point blank not good for the build?
2. Is it OK to replace Hypothermia with Added Cold Damage gem for boss fights?
3. If player is using Lycosidae, is it better to use Lightning Golem instead of Ice golem ?
4. Talking about Lycosidae, how about using stat stick for huge DPS boost? Because as a ranger we will be getting enough dex to get above 90% accuracy.
5. Are foils good enough to match DPS of that a claw? Coz right now the good rare claws are very expensive. And I found a good foil which is doing work for now.
Thats all for now, thanks !!
1. It is not good at all.
2. No it's not. Bosses can be perma chilled now, so hypo's dmg boost always applies, making it a lot better than added cold.
3. Use lightning golem
4.I mean lyco adds block chance/survivability as well which is nice. Unfortunately frostblades works with any melee weapon so we can't just use a sceptre. So if you wanna go find an affordable and good statstick wand or something, you can. But maybe do that last, since we have a fair amount of flat cold dmg stat sticks don't add as much dps as you'd like. Honestly though, this build isn't lacking dmg, I prefer the lyco.
5. You can use that weapon for now i guess. The reason we go claw is because we can pick up the Claws of the magpie and Soul raker nodes, which are very powerful and efficient. Meaning if your playing ranger your always kinda stuck with claws for a really efficient tree. Their also fast which is nice.
I think you might be better off dropping your foil for a blood seeker claw, then you can drop the vitality void leech nodes and get the claws nodes i mentioned. Check it in PoB.
I reached lvl 81 with this build and now Im planning to spend currency and points properly. I have few questions though.
1. Is Point blank not good for the build?
2. Is it OK to replace Hypothermia with Added Cold Damage gem for boss fights?
3. If player is using Lycosidae, is it better to use Lightning Golem instead of Ice golem ?
4. Talking about Lycosidae, how about using stat stick for huge DPS boost? Because as a ranger we will be getting enough dex to get above 90% accuracy.
5. Are foils good enough to match DPS of that a claw? Coz right now the good rare claws are very expensive. And I found a good foil which is doing work for now.
Thats all for now, thanks !!
1. It is not good at all.
2. No it's not. Bosses can be perma chilled now, so hypo's dmg boost always applies, making it a lot better than added cold.
3. Use lightning golem
4.I mean lyco adds block chance/survivability as well which is nice. Unfortunately frostblades works with any melee weapon so we can't just use a sceptre. So if you wanna go find an affordable and good statstick wand or something, you can. But maybe do that last, since we have a fair amount of flat cold dmg stat sticks don't add as much dps as you'd like. Honestly though, this build isn't lacking dmg, I prefer the lyco.
5. You can use that weapon for now i guess. The reason we go claw is because we can pick up the Claws of the magpie and Soul raker nodes, which are very powerful and efficient. Meaning if your playing ranger your always kinda stuck with claws for a really efficient tree. Their also fast which is nice.
I think you might be better off dropping your foil for a blood seeker claw, then you can drop the vitality void leech nodes and get the claws nodes i mentioned. Check it in PoB.
Thanks for your detailed reply. Will get the claw, I do have some points left to be allocated, which I spent here and there casually.
One more question: Which is better?
Belt of deceiver + rare dps / resis Gloves
Abyssal gloves with stygian belt?
With the items you mentioned im 100% sure it was a mistake picking this build for flashback :P
In order to get resist capped with a respectable life pool of 4.5k+ we're looking at exalted gear on every slot with the items you mentioned. I really didnt think that would be necessary to do red maps. Guardians and shaper, sure, but for red maps?
I reached lvl 81 with this build and now Im planning to spend currency and points properly. I have few questions though.
1. Is Point blank not good for the build?
2. Is it OK to replace Hypothermia with Added Cold Damage gem for boss fights?
3. If player is using Lycosidae, is it better to use Lightning Golem instead of Ice golem ?
4. Talking about Lycosidae, how about using stat stick for huge DPS boost? Because as a ranger we will be getting enough dex to get above 90% accuracy.
5. Are foils good enough to match DPS of that a claw? Coz right now the good rare claws are very expensive. And I found a good foil which is doing work for now.
Thats all for now, thanks !!
1. It is not good at all.
2. No it's not. Bosses can be perma chilled now, so hypo's dmg boost always applies, making it a lot better than added cold.
3. Use lightning golem
4.I mean lyco adds block chance/survivability as well which is nice. Unfortunately frostblades works with any melee weapon so we can't just use a sceptre. So if you wanna go find an affordable and good statstick wand or something, you can. But maybe do that last, since we have a fair amount of flat cold dmg stat sticks don't add as much dps as you'd like. Honestly though, this build isn't lacking dmg, I prefer the lyco.
5. You can use that weapon for now i guess. The reason we go claw is because we can pick up the Claws of the magpie and Soul raker nodes, which are very powerful and efficient. Meaning if your playing ranger your always kinda stuck with claws for a really efficient tree. Their also fast which is nice.
I think you might be better off dropping your foil for a blood seeker claw, then you can drop the vitality void leech nodes and get the claws nodes i mentioned. Check it in PoB.
Thanks for your detailed reply. Will get the claw, I do have some points left to be allocated, which I spent here and there casually.
One more question: Which is better?
Belt of deceiver + rare dps / resis Gloves
Abyssal gloves with stygian belt?
Abyssal/stygian by far. Mostly thanks to the fact you can get 3 jewel slots there.
say you get average life of 30. thats like +90life and +80-160 (or more) cold dmg with life + 2 cold dmg stat jewels.
With the items you mentioned im 100% sure it was a mistake picking this build for flashback :P
In order to get resist capped with a respectable life pool of 4.5k+ we're looking at exalted gear on every slot with the items you mentioned. I really didnt think that would be necessary to do red maps. Guardians and shaper, sure, but for red maps?
I don't really know for sure, i imagine you dont need to sink too much for just some red maps. I was talking generally.
But tombfists are cheap with abyss league active all day right? get some.
And you kinda made a mistake when you got your chest (if it cost you anything) you just need a bit more evasion.
Your weapon is good, leave the jewelry for last i guess.
But what do you think about Shaper Touch gloves ? We lose the intimidation but we do get loads of HP and melee physical damage coz of dex.
I think i have about 350 dex so:
I get like 200 life from my tombfists. Shaper gloves dont even give 100 :P
The melee phys doesn't add much as it's just an increase multiplier. It's not even better than 1 socket tomb's with a decent jewel, let alone 2 jewels.
Tombfists are unquestionably best in slot by quite a ways is my current understanding. Abyss was a powerful league, much power creep.
Edit: I have 430 dex with hh. but it's still not making shaper touch worth it.
I've been swapping a few items, notably the rings and the gloves. Got some WED on 1 ring, got a bit more life(just under 5k atm), well rolled 1S tombfist that I managed to get temp chains corruption on aswell as +1 frenzy on my darkrays. The 2 abyss jewels I got arent amazing, but I needed the extra strength aswell as some extra resist. Swapped bandit to alira for the crit multi.
The build is feeling a lot better now and I think the main reason I was having a bad time is that I've never played an evasion character before so I'm used to literally face tanking everything except bosses. Shaper dps is sitting at 340k dps atm so it's definitely getting there but I got a feeling that from here on it's going to get expensive very fast since dpswise I can only upgrade jewelry and my weapon.
EDIT: Forgot to mention I got a new chest with 1900 evasion instead. Dropped some life but it had more resistance aswell.
Dex2644#7139 님이 2018. 5. 11. 오후 10:34:56에 마지막으로 편집