[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

yo nice guide i love whispering ice too i made 1 last league. crafted some opop % int itens too =D.


that ammy is maaa baby ^^!
m01t4 님이 작성:
yo nice guide i love whispering ice too i made 1 last league. crafted some opop % int itens too =D.


that ammy is maaa baby ^^!

That's a nice amulet! How much more/less damage does it provide compared to a high rolled Astramentis?
cloudblade70 님이 작성:
m01t4 님이 작성:
yo nice guide i love whispering ice too i made 1 last league. crafted some opop % int itens too =D.


that ammy is maaa baby ^^!

That's a nice amulet! How much more/less damage does it provide compared to a high rolled Astramentis?

2113 int with my ammy - 140% inc global dmg -39208.8 average dmg on shapper
2041 int whith perfect astramentis - 31657.8 average dmg on shapper

i have ocultist/hierophant btw.
rip 20% es and 20% mas as ES =(.

48803.7 with elementalist/inquisitor tho - my ammy
m01t4 님이 작성:
cloudblade70 님이 작성:
m01t4 님이 작성:
yo nice guide i love whispering ice too i made 1 last league. crafted some opop % int itens too =D.


that ammy is maaa baby ^^!

That's a nice amulet! How much more/less damage does it provide compared to a high rolled Astramentis?

2113 int with my ammy - 140% inc global dmg -39208.8 average dmg on shapper
2041 int whith perfect astramentis - 31657.8 average dmg on shapper

i have ocultist/hierophant btw.
rip 20% es and 20% mas as ES =(.

48803.7 with elementalist/inquisitor tho - my ammy

Nice amulet, in term of es it even beats mine :-)

I got 17 % more dmg with it than a perfect rolled astramentis on my standard elementalist. They are pretty good if you can handle the loss of dex/strengh. With a Scion that shouldn´t be a big problem. The biggest problem is, that they are pretty rare. I scanned the market for some weeks in last league to buy some of them.

Question to your build:
You go low life just with that chaos immunity flask? I can´t belive that works. Why you go for unwavering stance with occultist? You already should be stun immun?

Question to your build:
You go low life just with that chaos immunity flask? I can´t belive that works. Why you go for unwavering stance with occultist? You already should be stun immun?[/quote]

i made this build in 3.1 when was no stun immunity on the ocultist area. was 20% inc es + 1%es regen/sec. i lost 3.5 k es =( but i got 2mil dps more less =)(if i do elementalist/inquisitor) .

and yes the flask works 9secs duration and 2 charges is more then you need to sustain. but i had shavs for slower maps or .
m01t4 님이 작성:
cloudblade70 님이 작성:
m01t4 님이 작성:
yo nice guide i love whispering ice too i made 1 last league. crafted some opop % int itens too =D.


that ammy is maaa baby ^^!

That's a nice amulet! How much more/less damage does it provide compared to a high rolled Astramentis?

2113 int with my ammy - 140% inc global dmg -39208.8 average dmg on shapper
2041 int whith perfect astramentis - 31657.8 average dmg on shapper

i have ocultist/hierophant btw.
rip 20% es and 20% mas as ES =(.

48803.7 with elementalist/inquisitor tho - my ammy

Wait, on paper? I am at 5.5k average damage according to the ingame tooltip and thought it was decent...
Sykar#0781 님이 2018. 3. 14. 오후 9:13:15에 마지막으로 편집

Wait, on paper? I am at 5.5k and thought it was decent...

dont feal bad my gear is insane and im Low life. and the nunbers are on POB . in game tooltip is 20-30k more less
m01t4#7648 님이 2018. 3. 14. 오후 9:16:40에 마지막으로 편집
I'm missing the point why we're using Fertile Mind directly under Scion start opposed to another Izaro's Turmoil jewel? Is it just for the extra raw Int to be converted by the Elder belt? Or is it that it hits the Pure Talent jewel and converts the other two 25 attributes to Int as well?

Thanks, and great rework as Scion for 3.2
Any thought on buying Atziri's Splendor?
m01t4 님이 작성:

Wait, on paper? I am at 5.5k and thought it was decent...

dont feal bad my gear is insane and im Low life. and the nunbers are on POB . in game tooltip is 20-30k more less

How did you craft that amulet? I have never seen a rare amulet which gives x% stats and increased damage per int.

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