[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything
" With Fenumus you don't swap anything for Hydra. Just bring some Sapphire flasks, stand still in a safe spot and pop a flask when you see her using her version of Rain of Arrows (several arrows exploding one after another in a straight line from her to you). That's the only dangerous thing she does with cold damage. The rest (Barrage and Forked Shot) are fine with just Arctic Armour. Plus she gets debuffed by Fenumus, Enfeeble and Blind. |
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" Bring the Elder influence to any T15 map. This will make the Shaper influence spawn on T16. Then kill all 4 T16 guardians in a circular order (i.e. don't jump from Phoenix to Chimera, etc, they are only connected in a circle). This will spawn the Uber Elder in the center and his 4 guardians in T16 (if you already have them up elsewhere, they will jump to the center). Then kill the 4 Elder guardians. Then you can finally go after the Uber Elder. You don't need 20 Elder influenced maps to spawn the Uber. He always automatically spawns when you bring his influence to T15 and then clear T16. Kelvynn#6607 님이 2018. 4. 10. 오후 10:49:53에 마지막으로 편집
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" Well I started recording this time. I stood by the left gate, stacked even more ice, and facerolled him with zero issues. Specifically, there was no slam or even green orbs; he died quickly. Thanks for the suggestion to get in his face early. There is definitely a slam (or some equivalent high damage single attack.) When I went back to the arena after my first death, there was a crater in the ground exactly where I died. You might be able to trigger it by standing just south of the Blood Altar and let Fenumus come to you. Graiaule#7461 님이 2018. 4. 11. 오전 1:06:19에 마지막으로 편집
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As a somewhat new player, should I go straight into the Fenumus build or should I get good gear and rings first?
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" A Fenumus build is going to cost you 200+ chaos, so if you're rich, go ahead. You can do very well with this build and a lot less currency, though. |
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" It depends if you can get a decent bit of gear with "Aspect of the Spider" on it. A mediocre to decent Fen chest is pretty cheap, but is almost worthless without Aspect. The bit with Aspect doesn't have to be amazing, but, it should be something you don't plan to replace for a while, especially since it may be some time before you're capable of applying Aspect to pieces of gear on your own. So... I'd say, build yourself up normally but keep an eye on the trades for a cheap and decent Aspect item. It's easy to swap to Fen whenever you want, though I'd advise making a decision one way or the other before you invest any serious currency into a Rare Chest. Cost breakdown: Max Rolled Int Fen Chest: 10C or Less -Eventual Max Int + Max ES Chest: 1EX++ Crap Aspect of the Spider Item: 10c -Decent Aspect of the Spider Item: 40c++ --Crafting your own Aspect: 15c Level 3 Enlighten (Corrupted): 18-20c Plus the possible cost of changing the... I think 5? nodes on your passive tree. It has a relatively low entry price, but, a high cost ceiling for the better variants of what you will need going forward. Ultimately it's up to you to decide if it's worth the investment or not. |
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The Fenumus set is cheaper than the regular set of the same quality, except early in a new league when there are not a lot of Fenumus kills done yet. But at this point, 1 month into the league, Fenumus is definitely cheaper.
The chest is super cheap. And the piece with the crafted Aspect doesn't have to be perfect from the start. The cost of crafting it is only 15c. You can craft it on a cheap semi-decent item, then re-craft it as you upgrade your gear. That's nothing compared to the price of a decent ES/Int/res chest. If I didn't already have very nice helmet/gloves/boots, all of which just happened not to have a suffix available, I'd definitely craft Aspect on one of those items, because resists are much easier to find on rings. Kelvynn#6607 님이 2018. 4. 11. 오후 10:58:58에 마지막으로 편집
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My expenditures were:
6S 5L 40 int Fenumus: 40c new gloves for resists I needed (lost 65 resists from chest): 15c recoloring 3 items with bad luck: ~200 jewelers (20c) amulet for Aspect (only slot I had open): 75c crafting Aspect: 45c (2 deaths) enlighten level 3: 15c 210c total. I got a great price for the amulet and a good price for gloves, so I was lucky. Your mileage may vary. Graiaule#7461 님이 2018. 4. 12. 오전 1:02:35에 마지막으로 편집
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Great build!
Are there any tricks for not getting sooo much fps lag even with 2x980TI cards? Would love it to be super smooth? hah |
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" Make sure you have DirectX 11 running and enable dynamic resolution. I run at 60 fps at 1920 x 1200 with a single 970, even with the screen full of spider webbed mobs and ice spears. |
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