[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything
" Unless your resists are absolutely terrible, the only thing I can think of is the lack of proper CWDT setup. Immortal Call as well as applying Enfeeble can make a huge difference. |
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" You forgot Int which should be the #1 thing on your gear before life/res/AR. Half of your items have zero Int, and the amulet is only 18 Int. So your DPS is too low for that level and you aren't killing the mobs before they get to you and aren't leeching enough to tank them. This build is based on Int. Get Int gear. |
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GGG just announced that they are not adding Bestiary to the core game. Surprise! That means the Fenumus setup will become legacy. Oh well. I really liked it. Not going to miss the pokemons though.
Kelvynn#6607 님이 2018. 5. 7. 오후 10:04:45에 마지막으로 편집
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Fingers crossed they bring back some parts of it later on after some thought.
Doesn't even need more than adding the Red Mobs to the game, and having them open a portal to the boss arena on death. Oh well, just means I'll have to hate looking for a rare chest next time if next league doesn't add something else to replace it with. |
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" I had about 980 Int when I switched from Firestorm to WI (it was late in A6 because I'm in SSF). I didn't feel any problem leveling after the switch (died a lot between A4 and A6 when using Firestorm, though). I had 2.5K HP after Act 10. It is a bit low to tank everything, so I skipped hard mobs (like some ghosted rare with bad mods). After I farmed some ES rares (white maps are still easy for life based build), I switched to CI with 4.7K ES. Even though my Int is only 1.1K, it is more than enough to tank most of the mobs in T6 maps. Still waiting for some good jewels to drop to bump my Int. |
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" I see. Thanks for the answers. I didn't realise INT would make that much of a difference, as I thought my dmg wasn't bad. I only have around 850 atm. I'll try a switch more gear for int gear, and see if that helps. |
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" In situations where you can precast for some seconds, Atziri for example, or Elder guardians, the final dmg of the build is insane. You should add every single point if intelligence you can, because it adds duration and damage. I reached 2072 intelligence at the end and every point was worth :) IGN: TANte_bestie - Timezone: GMT +1 sultilan#4155 님이 2018. 5. 10. 오전 3:42:18에 마지막으로 편집
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Hello! Trying out this build, Phoenix after 50% hp one shot me with ruby flask. How much average dps i need to kill endgame bosses? 80 lvl now(8.9k es, 6.7k avg. dmg), still don't have int in chest; Also faith and still nod for es, res and Vitality Void for leech in tree looks good, what u think?
alexandro_108#5328 님이 2018. 5. 10. 오전 11:43:14에 마지막으로 편집
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" 6.7k tooltip is obviously too low for the endgame. You should aim at 9-10k. Attempting the Phoenix at lv 80 is very brave of you. :) And I suspect you could actually kill him, but you needed to bring more Ruby flasks. You have enough ES, and I assume your resists are maxed. So you only need to survive long enough to finish him with that low DPS. If he 1-shot you, it means you just didn't have a Ruby up when he did his Firebomb explosion. Don't forget to kill the adds too. Your character is still under development. 10 levels to go. You took all ES nodes before the jewel sockets. That is the primary reason why your DPS is so low. I recommend taking the sockets before Unnatural Calm. And your gems are still 18/0, that's a lot of DPS to get too. Most of your items need to be upgraded for the endgame as well. Vitality Void does nothing for this build. Icestorm is not an attack. |
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Thanks for the whispering revival. Love it. Currently lvl92, 12k ES, 11k DPS.
Just wanted to consider a potential high level option besides the one you already mentioned. You think it might be worthwhile connecting to the duelist starting point to activate the additional 1 % attack damage leeched as life? It's just 3 nodes away and the two dex nodes will be nicely converted to INT. So it's "just" losing one node as we'll have to take the "Attack speed and accuracy" in the end. Of course the leech is already nice, but the additional leech might come in handy for the big bosses. And just seen another option, but that's 6 nodes away (don't think I'll level to 97 to get it): Potency of will for another 45 % skill effect duration with the pre-nodes. That'd be some nice extra damage. PS: If other people brought that already up, then sorry, but I was a bit reluctant reading through all 70 pages in this thread. ;) lwnhod1#1846 님이 2018. 5. 10. 오후 2:58:43에 마지막으로 편집
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