3.3 Echo crit-arc, Scion-Ascendant (Ele/Inq) (Cheap, League starter)

3.3 Echo crit-arc, Scion-Ascendant(Ele/Inq)/ Witch-Elementalist. (League Starter)

Pros & cons:
Pros: Cheap, beginner-friendly, pack clearing, yellow/red map farming (clear speed)
Cons: Squishy, struggles a bit on guardian fights, untested yet on shaper/elder fights

Basic Strategy:
- Main damage ability: Arc, supported by spell echo, is the core of the build and our main damaging spell (Edit: we now use Vaal Arc as vaal gems now give both the regular and vaal version of the skill). It’s amazing for clearing packs of mobs reliably & efficiently, Arc’s damage is boosted by Controlled destruction support, increased critical strike support, increased critical damage, Faster casting support (The reduced crit from controlled destruction is offset by extra crit from increased crit strike support and crit nodes from the passive tree).
- We also have orb of storms, supported by Faster casting, Arcane Surge and Increased duration. We cast orb of storms (approx) every 10 seconds to keep up our arcane surge buff.
- Edit: Arc has been buffed, ball lightning no longer required for bosses.
- Auras: Our two main auras are Clarity (mana regen) and herald of Thunder.
- Movement: Our main movement ability is Whirling blades or shield charge + Faster attacks support & fortify. We also utilise Lightning warp supported by: Lesser duration support & Faster casting support as it is very useful for running the lab, trials & general "wall hax".
- Golems: Our first Golem will be the lightning golem, because of the lovely cast speed buff it provides us; Our second Golem will be the stone golem, for life regen (survivability). Golems are supported by Minion life support.
- Survivability: We take mind over matter on the passives tree and plenty of mana regen.
We will also be taking advantage of Immortal Call & CWDT (Cast When Damage Taken), with the addition of Warlord's mark (life & mana leech curse). We also have fortify on our main movement ability (try to keep close to 100% uptime).

Leveling Tips & notes:
- Access to the Scion class requires at least one clear up to the end of act 3 (rescue the Scion from the final room just before the final boss of act 3)
- Build is quite squishy without the recommended unique flasks/items
- I have included a passive tree for a witch (elementalist) version of this build in the passive tree section too.
- Arc is not available to the Scion until act 3, use spark (act 1) until Arc is available (Witch has access to Arc in act 1)
- Use regular arc until you are able to buy/find Vaal Arc
- Stop Leveling CWDT & Immortal call at around level 6-8 (otherwise it will hardly ever proc) (Immortal call can be 2 lvls higher than CWDT & Warlord's mark can be 3 lvls higher)
- Only lvl arcane surge to lvl 6 (so it procs from 1 orb of storms cast)
- Use an extra divine life flask and a sanc/eternal mana flask until you can get Blood of the Karui.
- Any of the main phys movement skills are viable for this build (to proc fortify) ~ I personally prefer shield charge but whirling blades (etc) will work too
- Leveling guide for beginners (not mine): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1931093 (this guide is a tad old - 3.0, but it still should have some good info for beginners). :)
- 3.3 Patch Notes: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2150237

Help Alira (kill the other 2)
(we need the mana regen & resists)

Pastebins/Passive Trees:
(You will need to download Path of Building for the pastebins)
Passive tree (lvl 95): http://poeurl.com/bVZq
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/jtTSYzDe

Passive tree (lvl 95): http://poeurl.com/bVaF
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/EDtNJiLs

Gear, Gems & Links:

- All applicable gear pieces should have crit, resistances & life if possible - your resistances, except for chaos, should always be capped 75%+
- We require a bit of dex on our gear to meet the dex requirements for the golems (and Impulsa's if you're using it)
- At high level (mapping) try to find a rare Stygian Vise Belt with decent life & resist rolls.
- Boots: We want boots with movement speed (20%+)
- Helm Enchant: (uber lab) 40% increased Arc damage / (Merci lab) 25% increased Arc Damage
~ Recommended uniques: Impulsa's Broken Heart, Choir of the Storm, Valako's sign, Doryani's invitation, Blood of the Karui, Doryani's Catalyst (these uniques are not required for the build to function, however they will increase damage output/survivability)
~ This build can also be adapted into a "magic find" build (yellow map farming), by using the unique items: Bisco's Collar, bisco's Leash, Sadima's Touch, Goldwyrm, Ventor's Gamble, and The Pariah Unset Ring.

6 Link Chest (x6 blue) (Rare Chest - int)
- (vaal) Arc (Scion: Act 3, vendor) (Witch: act 1, Quest reward)
- Spell Echo (Scion & Witch: Act 4, Quest reward)
- Faster Casting Support(Scion & Witch: Act 2, Quest reward/vendor)
- Controlled Destruction Support (Scion: Act 2, vendor) (Witch: act 2, Quest reward)
- Increased Critical Strike Support (Scion & Witch: Act 1, Quest reward)
- increased critical damage support (Scion & Witch: act 2, Quest reward)

3 Links
Dagger/Mace: (2 green, 1 red OR 2 red, 1 green)
~ If using a dagger use Whirling Blades (Scion & witch: act 3 vendor)
~ if using mace use shield charge (Scion & witch: act 3 vendor)
- faster attacks support (Scion: act 2 Quest reward/vendor) (Witch: act 3 vendor)
- Fortify (Scion: act 3 vendor) (Witch: act 6 Quest reward)

Shield (spirit): (2 blue, 1 red)
- Lightning Warp (Scion & witch: Act 1, vendor)
- Faster Casting Support (Scion & Witch: Act 2, Quest reward/vendor)
- Less Duration Support (Scion: Act 3, vendor) (Witch: act 6, Quest reward)

Unset Ring: 1x socket (blue):
- (vaal) Clarity (Scion: Act 3, vendor) (Witch: act 1, Quest reward)

4 link no. 1: (3 blue, 1 red)
- Orb of Storms (Scion: Act 1, Vendor) (Witch: Act 1, Quest reward)
- Faster Casting Support (Scion & Witch: Act 2, Quest reward/vendor)
- Arcane Surge (Scion: Act 1 quest reward/vendor) (Witch: act 1 vendor)
- Increased Duration Support (Scion & Witch: Act 3, vendor)

4-link no. 2: (4 red - Str)
- CWDT (Scion & Witch: Act 4, Quest reward)
- Immortal Call (Scion & Witch: Act 4, vendor)
- Warlord's Mark (Scion & Witch: act 3, vendor)
- Increased Duration Support (Scion & Witch: Act 3, vendor)

4-link no.3: (1 red, 3 blue - Int/Str)
- Minion Life Support (Scion & Witch: Act 2, vendor)
- Summon Stone Golem (Scion & Witch: Act 4, vendor/Q reward)
- Herald of Thunder (Scion & Witch: Act 2, Quest reward)
- Summon Lightning Golem (Scion & Witch: Act 4, Quest reward)


These are the flasks I'm using, you can change these to suit your personal playstyle (The Surgeon's flask mod helps us with flask charge sustain on boss fights). :)
X1 Bubbling Divine Life Flask of Staunching
X1 Blood of the Karui
X1 surgeon's Basalt flask of...
X1 Surgeon's Granite Flask of...
X1 Surgeon's Hallowed Hybrid Flask of ...
~ It may also be worth using Atziri's Promise for the temple as one of our defensive flasks because of the ridiculous amount of chaos damage in temple.

We want to find/buy some eye jewels with Resist, life, cast speed and/or crit

We want our ele resists to be 109%+ (for ele weakness mod)

Major: Lunaris / Arakaali
Minor: Ryslatha

(img credit = Shutterstock)
Pootatoes69 님이 2018. 8. 10. 오전 8:14:37에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2018. 10. 22. 오전 10:05:53
How can i summon both lightning and stone golem?
Informee 님이 작성:
How can i summon both lightning and stone golem?

Your Elementalist ascendancy allows you to summon 2 Golems at once. :)
~ I have also edited the build to use ice golem instead of stone golem as ice golem provides crit; however you could use either. :)
But you dont put points into Liege of the Primordial which is the ascendancy slot that allows you to do it?
This looks great, I'm going to try it out. Thanks for sharing!
hardcore betrayal ign: Izmerelda
Informee 님이 작성:
But you dont put points into Liege of the Primordial which is the ascendancy slot that allows you to do it?

~ My apologies, I forgot to mention I'm playing as Scion and the witch talent tree was an afterthought.
- Yes, take liege of the Primordial if you would like 2 Golems, otherwise just one should be fine. :)
~ edited the lvl 80+ passive tree to include a few life nodes as I was having trouble with survivability.
How can you put ice golem into red or blue socket (u said that in item with 2red/2blue we have to put ice golem)? Ice golem is green skill.
Zajczyk 님이 작성:
How can you put ice golem into red or blue socket (u said that in item with 2red/2blue we have to put ice golem)? Ice golem is green skill.

Mybad, forgot to update my gear sockets after I switched to Ice Golem from Stone Golem.
Well spotted. :P
Can u give me some advice pls.
What type of 4 links gloves or helm should I use, if I playing just with 1 golem? (Witch)
And which golem more usefull: ice or lighning?

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