[3.9] Pure Phys Skeletons & Friends Necromancer — Beginner/SSF/Budget Build
" Very nice :) Craft? Or purchase? How much? varmemester#3475 님이 2020. 1. 2. 오후 3:14:52에 마지막으로 편집
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Just got to maps. I'm wondering where I should focus the beginning of my upgrades? Thanks for any help you guys can offer.
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" Hey, do you still swap anything out for melee splash during mapping? I just got the stuff to throw impale onto my build, crafted another 6L chest (corrupted mine awhile back), added the 4 link Dread Banner/Generosity/Flame Dash/Flesh Offering. I also took enfeeble off my CWDT setup to make room for Desecrate. Now I'm wondering where to run melee splash during maps, and if I need to change anything else? |
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I have been having a great time recently switching to an Impale setup. I was wondering what the smartest upgrades would be at this point? I have been wanting to save up for awakened gems, or possibly a better helmet and weapon but don't know what would be best at this point. |
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" I hope you got some coin for multimodding that wand >.< I guess your second question means you have lots of exa to toss around? smh You should have spent it on a decent wand IMHO NO, Melee splash is for clearing trash, Ruthless for bossing, don't do differently. [/quote] so far i have about 8 ex to spend all the good wands are more than that also so no empower 4? oh and do i HAVE to augment the wand before i regal it or can i just regal it? Also it says i cant craft minion damage on this wand, anyone know why ? SlapStickComedy#7644 님이 2020. 1. 2. 오후 4:40:12에 마지막으로 편집
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Thx for build dude, and you guys for all advices in topic.
Can someone check my character in this league and tell me what I should improve. 2 level wand out of range with that price right now, all sugestion will be appreciated I am not sure about impale and dread banner against multistrike and war banner. domke#5027 님이 2020. 1. 2. 오후 4:26:44에 마지막으로 편집
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" It shares prefix with % damage. Matam#5403 님이 2020. 1. 2. 오후 5:09:36에 마지막으로 편집
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Question about the carrion golems: They are basically maim/feeding frenzy applicators, right? Their dps seems pretty negligible. I'm wondering if the brutality gem is a bit overly optimistic of their dps and could be replaced with something else with minimal downside? The numbers seem to back it up but I'm wondering if I'm overlooking some detail so asking here.
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" The Brutality is there just to eek some more damage out from what I can tell. More or less yeah they're used to give feeding frenzy and maim since they AoE pretty hard. Funnily enough, giving them an empower instead of Brutality will up your skelly damage a VERY small amount. Other than brutality though I'm not sure what I'd socket. Maybe a minion life so they suicide less often? Edit: Actually an option might be Culling strike? Would end bosses a bit faster. Solanales#2058 님이 2020. 1. 2. 오후 5:41:29에 마지막으로 편집
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" Sounds like a good idea! Why not give Zombie the Culling Strike too? 1. Summon Carrion Golem - Feeding Frenzy - Maim - Culling Strike 2. Raise Zombie - Meat Shield - Minion Life - Culling Strike |
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