[3.4] Pasta's Dex Stacking Build Crit(Barrage/Scourge Arrow LA/TS/Ice Shot) All Content Viable

Maximus9229 님이 작성:

guys i rechecked the pob where it says 8.8m dmg and i cant find how to ashive such a dmg even with the right chest piece i dont seem to get over 900 dex also after adding 2 more arrows to barrage and the jewels it dosnt seem to make more then 2.5m-3m dmg on shaper!

In 2 seconds i see not the best dps gloves and flasks! ? Wise oak only rly helps with cold res beeing the heighest but with dying Sun thats hard to archive.
Furthermore gems lvled? Frenzy /power charges? Etc. Litteraly take his pob and yours and check all the differences

€dit: @miffy pasta's pob has 8.8mil shaper dps..... but well Pasta has (as always ) over the top gear. .... like just look at his boots. ... these alone are probably 50+ex and the bow has only 2 not dps mods (atleast for us phys roll is useless.
rossko#0686 님이 2018. 3. 20. 오전 9:46:52에 마지막으로 편집
rossko 님이 작성:
Maximus9229 님이 작성:

guys i rechecked the pob where it says 8.8m dmg and i cant find how to ashive such a dmg even with the right chest piece i dont seem to get over 900 dex also after adding 2 more arrows to barrage and the jewels it dosnt seem to make more then 2.5m-3m dmg on shaper!

In 2 seconds i see not the best dps gloves and flasks! ? Wise oak only rly helps with cold res beeing the heighest but with dying Sun thats hard to archive.
Furthermore gems lvled? Frenzy /power charges? Etc. Litteraly take his pob and yours and check all the differences

€dit: @miffy pasta's pob has 8.8mil shaper dps..... but well Pasta has (as always ) over the top gear. .... like just look at his boots. ... these alone are probably 50+ex and the bow has only 2 not dps mods (atleast for us phys roll is useless.

My bad then.

But yes, his gear is mostly almost mirror tier on the rares, so not very realistic for most.
fasferes 님이 작성:
FitzGX 님이 작성:
And how often did you actualy hit the cold dmg per dex mod from this 550c?

3 times.

This bow I made, I annulled/exalted twice.

It was lucky, for once.

However, i've tried to make an upgrade to this (very hard) and haven't since hit that dex mode once, in 400+c.

Here's my full gear. Doing shaper atm, pretty comfortably, dying sometimes to 1 shots tho. At 4.7k life.

I made a elder chest as well, tried instead of loreweave. The evasion I get is very nice, and dmg-wise they are close to each other. Somehow I like the +4% max res of loreweave tho and it allows me to do - max res maps comfortably. I'm only 50 @ without flasks atm, probably switching to rare gloves soon.

May I ask how much dps you have when you done shaper?


Tooltip in hideout 90k barrage, 6 arrows, 8 arrows with flasks.

30% cold pen hideout, 45% with flask (when I balance res, dont have it yet)

I kill shaper phases in either 1 or 2 cycles of barraging (when he's beaming)

I'm not using wrath, instead a herald since im lazy. So with wrath it'd be around 10-15k more.

Anyone who's struggling to understand PoB 8 mil dmg:

It's a fluff.


Nothing against the build maker, and this build is gg, but:

you can't easily reliably keep up power/frenzy charges vs bosses,

u can't reliably shock shaper, at least 100% effect. If u run ele focus u dont shock with barrage at all.

you dont always apply bleed (however with barrage, you apply it most of the time almost instantly)

I dont use vaal gems, those would surely be great addition
I dont use triple auras or enlighten, that would add to it as well.

Ign: FitzG
FitzGX 님이 작성:

Tooltip in hideout 90k barrage, 6 arrows, 8 arrows with flasks.

30% cold pen hideout, 45% with flask (when I balance res, dont have it yet)

I kill shaper phases in either 1 or 2 cycles of barraging (when he's beaming)

I'm not using wrath, instead a herald since im lazy. So with wrath it'd be around 10-15k more.

Anyone who's struggling to understand PoB 8 mil dmg:

It's a fluff.


Nothing against the build maker, and this build is gg, but:

you can't easily reliably keep up power/frenzy charges vs bosses,

u can't reliably shock shaper, at least 100% effect. If u run ele focus u dont shock with barrage at all.

you dont always apply bleed (however with barrage, you apply it most of the time almost instantly)

I dont use vaal gems, those would surely be great addition
I dont use triple auras or enlighten, that would add to it as well.

I used the shocked box to estimate the inc damage from vaal lightning trap and Aspect of the Spider.

Notably though, if you time the video, I burned Shaper's hp from 50%, which is 8mil, to 10% 800k in ~1.1 seconds. That was without vaal skills.

One big thing to note about the dps is the huge variance it has because of 20% chance to deal double damage. It basically says "chance to add between 0 and 8(or whatever is you max # or arrows is) arrows to each barrage" with the average being 1.6. So it can definitely can highroll more than it can lowroll.
PastaAdventures#5964 님이 2018. 3. 20. 오전 10:36:19에 마지막으로 편집

im at 1.9 million dps right now what should i look now to improve? ty op!!! nice build
WaxMyStaff#0367 님이 2018. 3. 20. 오후 2:03:21에 마지막으로 편집
I just got

Do you think I should use it with Hatred or sell it and use the currency for upgrades?
(I have a lot of shit to upgrade, and need to fix quite a bit regarding my bow/quiver, crit and resistances.)
JanCarlo 님이 작성:
I just got

Do you think I should use it with Hatred or sell it and use the currency for upgrades?
(I have a lot of shit to upgrade, and need to fix quite a bit regarding my bow/quiver, crit and resistances.)

Sell. It's nowhere near as good as an Astramentis, or even an average rare with good dex/stats.
crazytrain334 님이 작성:
renkyn 님이 작성:
crazytrain334 님이 작성:
pasta im about ready to delete my char how the hell are you supposed to stay alive with 4k life every damn boss that i fight in t10 maps freaking kill me over and over espcailly freaking dordee how am i supposed to use barrage when i cant even get close enough to freaking hit them.

I literly get 1 shot and dont dodge crap iv died 100 times now on my char and also the fact that i have all the gear you describe to get started i thought spending 20 exalts would put me in a good place i guess not i have a great quiver i have a great helm like yours yet i freaking die over and over in maps

It is beyond frustrating losing 50 percent in one damn map because i die over and over in said map im never gonna freaking get to 86 at this point how i only have 450k single target dps is beyond me but its really starting to piss me off

This build needs some basic skill to work. Looking at your post history in this thread and the item choices you made with your budget show pretty much that you lack the understanding how this build works.

Not to be rude or anything, but this kind of character is obviously not for you.

not to be rude but kiss my ass dude.

Well. ... to be rude cause you are rude too. ...
He is right. You say in other posts you have 2k hours in poe and never before reached red maps? I dont even know how that is possible....you can run up to t15 or even t16 and shaper with some builds with like 1ex Investment.

I am playing that build myself now (at 4k HP atm) and i am rocking up to t14 (didnt drop higher yet exept one t15 which is vaal temple now after vaal) while dying rly infrequently. I only reroll ele reflekt and no leech and vaaled most of the t10+ for completion.
Furthermore i did uber lab by myself at lvl 77.

It's kill before you get killed and with that build its pretty easy . I litteraly always play glass canons like that but none did as much dmg with that low Investment.

So far i died 85 times....
62 times while lvling.
6 times on a -max res, extra dmg and extra proj crystal ore map because i didnt even knew the machanics.... thought the one with the disc is the invurable one :D and that was my only ripped map yet. (Did the map deathless after looking up the disc mechanic.)
Probably around 10 times in t10 belfry to the same kitava ability (the "slam" which has 4 indicators before it happens) which
could have been easily avoided.
2 times to lag in double boss -max res gardens!? Palace!? (The one where dominus is in but only has the first form ) map.
2 because of poe crashing and loosing exp.
Atleast 3 in map traps.

All of these mentioned deaths could have been easily avoided with knowing the mechanics or not beeing brain afk.

So lets see 85-62=23 deaths after leveling.
Atleast 23 of them that stupid and easy to avoid that i remember them.
That are 2 deaths left.
And these 2 probably could have been easily avoided. (Just as i write that.... one was just face tanking a abyss)
None of the other builds i played before was even close to that low rip amount. (I play softcore to yolo into shit and even rip maps some times)

In the end lets roughly count my Investment :
Bow 5l:30c (kinda lucky maybe but lacks crit so 1ex max) +30c prophecy
Helmet:devotos with enchant (1ex)
Body: Qotf 5l (30c for prophecy + maybe 10 c for my Qotf rolls )
Amulett:astramentis (3x 7c for div card=21c)
Rings: 50life + resis (20c each =40c)
Gloves:maligaros (1c)
Boots:res ms life (5c)
Belt: 2c for rolls.
Jewels:2 self found abyss jewels +lioneyes (got it recently after i did red maps already)(0+120c)
Quiver:+1 after vaaling 13... bought prophecy and bite quiver. ...actually in the end like 1-2ex profit and my own quiver. To be fair lets count like 10c for a decent rolled corrupted quiver. (+1 is great but not a deal breaker)

So 199c + 1ex
=3ex 59c
Investment for my gear.... and i am pretty sure i could do guardians /shaper with it)

So in the end sorry for the Wall of Text but in the train which had huge delay and was bored anyways.

If you are trying to tell me now with 2k hours in poe you cant afford roughly 4ex and you keep dying while i die less the ever then YES THE BUILD IS NOT FOR YOU.
Go play some rf juggernaut where you can facetank everything or totems (i think they are cheaper)

Tl;dr : Build is great. Dying less then ever. Fast as fuck. Like 4ex Investment for atleast easy red maps probably shaper.
Build isnt for crazytrain334.

rossko#0686 님이 2018. 3. 20. 오후 2:54:45에 마지막으로 편집
Miffy23 님이 작성:
JanCarlo 님이 작성:
I just got

Do you think I should use it with Hatred or sell it and use the currency for upgrades?
(I have a lot of shit to upgrade, and need to fix quite a bit regarding my bow/quiver, crit and resistances.)

Sell. It's nowhere near as good as an Astramentis, or even an average rare with good dex/stats.

You know that's a jewel not an amulett don't you? :D

Well you dont obviously (no offense :)).

@Jan. ... i dont think it's worth running hatred but try it in pob. But you can probably buy better upgrades if you sell it and use the currency. .. (that's worth quite a bit isnt it!?)

Hey guys, having a blast with this build. Can reliably deathless clear T15 maps.

Any idea how to improve further?

My H/O dps is something like 30k with Barrage, and PoB without shock use is showing 540k dps on Shaper (This is with the Point Blank passive which I haven't taken yet)
How much do you think is needed to be able to kill Shaper/Guardians?

So i'm mostly at 80-90% effective crit on Barrage without Diamond Flask and I've gone with Fenumus as a cheap alternative for Aspect of Spider. Mapping and Bosses are fast and Fun. Haven't had a problem with any boss till now.

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