[3.3] [HC] Torchbearer's Off-Screen Summoner - [Command 90+ Minions] - [HC/Uber endgame viable]

how do u prock spectral wolves?
hey this build looks awesome, gonna try it out.
would u change anything for softore? like solar guards or gem/gear/tree?

also any further suggestions on lvling , keystones to reach or gear
Schnubbel_#6961 님이 2018. 8. 9. 오후 6:24:56에 마지막으로 편집
Catlord1 님이 작성:
how do u prock spectral wolves?

You kill grey/white monsters with dark pact while cursing.
Rushkovski 님이 작성:
I must be asking a dumb question... but why are there 2 skeleton gems in the build? What is the benefit?

It is outdated, there is no reason to use 2x gems anymore. Just 1 vaal 20% qual. :)
Tsumibukai 님이 작성:
Hello, i have interest for try your Build but am confused which Passive Tree is correct. The link in written guide show this: (use version 3.2.0)


but from your Profile use version 3.3.0 show this:


There are a lot difference between the two, especially some ES and Life Node change/removed.

Some clarification please? Thank you.


Add July 6th 2018:

I wait for reply but none offered so i change mind not follow guide. Thank you.

its not that different... the 3.2 build is using all skill points you get on max level. His current build is still missing 9 points from levels and he put about 2-3 points in dex nodes probably for gear requirements and 2 points to get one extra jewel slot. those 13 points would go into the missing ES/Life nodes that he didnt take yet and Zelot's oath which is probably not worth yet with the missing ES nodes. It took me longer to write this down than to find it. maybe next time you want help you should do some work yourself like specifically asking about things you didnt understand in the tree.
_Ferur_#0226 님이 2018. 8. 10. 오전 7:37:39에 마지막으로 편집
I will probably try this build in the new league. Will it still be viable in 3.4?
iHaX4TheLuLz 님이 작성:
I will probably try this build in the new league. Will it still be viable in 3.4?

Can't say for sure, the new patch notes have a myriad of minion changes. I imagine it'll be more accessible on the Witch side to get more minion nodes, yet they've also added quite a few strong ones to the west side of the passive tree.

Haven't taken the time to figure it out just yet. Fortunately, the fundamentals of the build are untouched and there's nothing in the patch notes that make me think it won't be just as good in 3.4, but the passive tree will most likely require a few changes.
Thanks for the answer, i'll give it a try as a league starter!
Will you update it for 3.4?

I still thinking about trying this in HC SSF (some kind of variant due to gear options) or trying a Guardian using Dominating Blow. Maybe I'll try both at the end.
IGN: Gonorreitor
Valmar#3550 님이 2018. 8. 29. 오후 7:05:37에 마지막으로 편집
Valmar 님이 작성:
Will you update it for 3.4?

I still thinking about trying this in HC SSF (some kind of variant due to gear options) or trying a Guardian using Dominating Blow. Maybe I'll try both at the end.

Yes, I plan to update it for 3.4 after I've studied the new changes properly to maximize efficiency and avoid confusing both myself & readers.

I'll also try to simplify the guide as much as possible so patch notes don't stack up. :)

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