[WIP] Blink/mirror arrow summoner

With the changes to vaal skills coming I think there is no way I will return to this build next league. Build is scrapped for now, but I may return to it at some point.

Build concept: Trap + Mirror/blink arrow summoner. Traps bypass the cooldown on mirror/blink arrow.

- Very rough and conservative damage estimate comes in at 1.6 million DPS.
- Minion taunt on abyss jewels + Born in the Shadows = 20% reduced damage taken.
- 6000 life + 2000 ES maintained by ZO (500ES regen) and Tinkerskin.

Why go saboteur?
The biggest obstacle for a mirror/blink arrow build is the cooldown. Deadeye solves this, BUT the Deadeye ascendancy is otherwise bad for minions and survivability. Only two of the nodes are good; Gathering Winds & Fast and Deadly.

Dropping Deadeye means we need another way to bypass the cooldown. Trapping mirror/blink arrow solves the cooldown problem by bypassing it completely. Traps have their own cooldown however and Saboteur is the best ascendancy to go with for reducing trap cooldowns.

Before 3.2 necromancer would probably have been a better choice for this kind of build, but in 3.2 saboteur got a lot stronger in terms of defense (Pyromaniac & Born in the Shadows).

Currently lvl 90 in BHC. Character name: _Trip_Trap_
https://pastebin.com/uY6PJVN5 <- PoB link.


Leveling guide!

There are many viable leveling abilities one can use to level, but for this guide I'll be using a favourite of mine, Blade Vortex. It synergizes well with the duration nodes we get and with the Born in the Shadows ascendancy. The latter makes leveling easy breezy.

Why not level as arrow/mirror summoner? We'd need to rush chain reaction to make traps feel smooth and that leaves us very squishy up until we get Born in the Shadows from merciless lab.

The general rule for leveling is to stay 2-4 levels beneath the area level to maximize experience gain.

Useful links:

Level 1-12:

https://pastebin.com/VBxUbL2m <- Path of Building link
We don't get Blade Vortex until level 12, so we'll use Ethereal Knives linked with Lesser Poison to level with until then. Not ideal, but it's only for the first few levels.

Do Mercy Mission for the Quicksilver flask reward. Buy Arcane Surge from the vendor and don't level it, keep it at lvl 1. We'll link this to Flame Dash, which get after killing Brutus. You should have a 3link by now, swap lesser poison for Added Cold and Added Lightning.

After we kill Merveil we get our leveling skill, Blade Vortex.

Good uniques:
Lifesprig - +1 skill wand
Tabula Rasa - 6link
Goldrim - Resistances
Wanderlust - Movement speed & Freeze immune

Level 12-70:

https://pastebin.com/DGhq531E <- Path of Building link
With BV equipped these levels fly by very quickly. Our primary defence will be the blind we get from Born in the Shadows, which while really strong won't prevent one-shots or protect against spells/secondary effects. Be wary of this!

Make note of the gems you need for when you eventually respec over to mirror/blink arrow and buy them from vendors as they become available:
Minion Damage, Elemental Damage with Attacks & Point Blank
Mirror & Blink Arrow
Generosity, Wrath & Anger auras
Flesh Offering & Desecrate (don't overlevel)
Cast When Damage Taken & Immortal call (don't overlevel)
Projectile Weakness, Curse on Hit, Greater Multiple Projectiles & Ice Shot

Equip 2 weapons with 3 sockets each in your second weapon set. Socket in: Anger, Wrath, Mirror & Blink arrow, Minion Damage and Point Blank. You'll want these level'd for when you respec.
A Fixture of Fate (act 3) and Fallen from Grace (act 6) both give access to almost every skill/support gem in the game.

Good uniques:
Reverberation Wand - +1 skill wand & free support
Amplification Rod - +1 skill wand & free supports
Ashrend - Potential 5link (can be difficult to colour)

Level 70-90:

https://pastebin.com/uY6PJVN5 <- Path of Building link
After doing merciless lab you can start playing as a Mirror/Blink arrow summoner. This means it's time to respec. Do every refund book quests available, we'll need 26 refund points. Respec out of Explosives Expert and grab Chain Reaction. Unfortunately we only get 16 refund points from quests so we will have to use/buy some regret orbs. Pyromaniac ascendancy we get last, from the uber lab.

The last nodes to grab in the tree are Energy Shield related nodes like Zealots Oath, Arcane Focus and Foresight. No point in getting these until we have a decent sized ES pool.

You can continue to play Blade Vortex in very early mapping, but you'll start feeling quite squishy and it's not recommended.

Good uniques:
Deerstalker - 5link

Gear search links:
Jewel Expensive
Jewel Cheap
ES boots
ES gloves
Scully 님이 2018. 5. 15. 오전 7:13:04에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2018. 5. 15. 오전 7:14:46
first foot.
^Build so strong it got this guy banned btw
Updated PoB: https://pastebin.com/w9xgGCP8
Changed gear to ES/EV hybrid gear. I hope to maintain the 1000ES with Tinkerskin.
Updated PoB: https://pastebin.com/uBxPHavR
Changed gear to ES and dropped double curse. This gets us 6000HP + 2000ES, maintained by both Tinkerskin and Zealot's Oath.

I'm pretty happy with this version. Probably what I'm going with, with some minor adjustments going forward.
Did you rip? :)
Trying to make this build work also, gonna start leveling it soon. Debating on which class to go.
Hörppy 님이 작성:
Did you rip? :)
Trying to make this build work also, gonna start leveling it soon. Debating on which class to go.

Yeah. I was laying back in my chair too far so I couldn't reach alt+f4 xD. I'm lvl 80 now on a new one though. Leveling with blade vortex + born in shadows was a breeze.

Well you know which class I recommend. I don't think necromancer is bad, but 3.2 saboteur is just too strong.

Deadeye is not recommended. Only 2 useful ascendancies. Single target damage is good, but needs GMP for clearing and survivability is bad.
Scully 님이 2018. 3. 25. 오후 7:58:46에 마지막으로 편집
why trapper ,trap damage does not increase minion damage,i think deadeye is better or not?(sry for my english)
The biggest obstacle for a mirror/blink arrow build is the cooldown. Deadeye solves this, BUT the Deadeye ascendancy is otherwise bad for minions and survivability. Only two of the nodes are good; Gathering Winds & Fast and Deadly.

Dropping Deadeye means we need another way to bypass the cooldown. Trapping mirror/blink arrow solves the cooldown problem by bypassing it completely. Traps have their own cooldown however and Saboteur is the best ascendancy to go with for reducing trap cooldowns.

Before 3.2 necromancer would probably have been a better choice, but in 3.2 saboteur got a lot stronger in terms of defense (Pyromaniac & Born in the Shadows).
Scully 님이 2018. 3. 26. 오전 10:55:32에 마지막으로 편집
Hey there, currently running a similar build myself. I hit maps and thought that a Champion might also be a great choice for this build with the Conqueror/Worthy Foe combination allowing you to utilize Chin Sol with cannot evade. Then you've also got Inspirational for the 35% increased damage and First to Strike, Last to Fall giving you intimidate if you hit them with your ice arrow GMP prior to throwing your mirror/blink traps. Then there's the defensive sides of several of those as well.

The only possible caveat would be the trickier utilization of EE (Chin Sol's fire damage), but I suppose you could just stack lightning damage on the abyss jewels.

Maybe I'll try throwing one of those together this weekend.

Thanks for sharing.
primal 님이 2018. 3. 26. 오후 8:20:59에 마지막으로 편집

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