3.3 Victario's Aurabot: League start guide + end game Aurabot - 10 Auras + 3 curse Auras
Current 3.3 situation:
Aspect of the spider is nolonger available. New corruptions released that benefit the build greatly, such as Hatred effect on rings, and +2 AoE gems on chest. This is a buff due to having 2 viable corruptions to hit, but if you plan to use a hybrid curse/aura setup in your chest, the +2 AoE gems will be the new best in slot. current 3.2 budget setup, but has flaws with fitting all the auras and curses. does not currently allow all 13, needs more testing. weapon 1: shield charge + fortify + faster attacks weapon 2 :vaal haste + vaal discipline + increased duration helmet: purity of fire, purity of lightning, purity of ice, vitality chest: anger, wrath chest: enfeeble + temporal chains + blasphemy gloves: vaal grace + increased duration boots: other: Clarity/Vaal clarity optional gems: boots: cast when damage taken + immortal call + bone offering + desecrate other: Portal, Enduring cry, vigilant strike after transitioning into the blood magic setup and not having enough reserve for the full gem setup, i took the build into pob and went to see if everything fit nicely within a reasonable amount of gear. The problem is that to fit everything you would need both a lab enchant and the conquerer's efficiency jewel which i don't like to have to do, it would mean cutting out a curse or an aura for the budget version, so i think mostly the budget version will remain unchanged. the full version with the new vaal mechanics will need a lot of budget and a reduced mana reserve corruption on a conquerer's efficiency, which again is something i don't like to have to use, but the payoff may be worth it as it saves you a few gem slots. the issue is that having to use 1 or even 2 enlightens makes this gem saving useless, and you might as well save currency and use the 3.2 version. if you just want to use 10 auras/2 curse or 9 auras/3 curses, this version will be perfect as you can save many gem slots, however if you still want the old 10/3 version, i'm not currently sure on the best way to do this but i'll continue to work on it and see what i can do with it. for budget wise the starting setup is probably comfier due to having gem slots for a cwdt offering setup to give you a lot bit more effective hp. This build is focused around general mapping, maintaining a balance between survivability, boss kills, and overall map clear, utilising the Zealot's Oath keystone to maintain constant ES regen. It aims to run all map mods without any problems and with playing it for most of the league and reaching level 100, i have had zero issues with any particular mod, including degen based ground mods and no regen. This build is very cheap to start out with and i'll provide both a budget league starter option and a more expensive end game setup, with links to Path of Building profiles. Disclaimer: If you wish to look at my current character with a path of building import, it will differ from the build shown here, if you are new to aurabot, follow the guide, as i use a more specialised setup for mapping with specific people, this guide is an introduction and aimed at supporting the most players as best it can, whereas my current setup is focused on moving as fast as possible and will have lower than usual energy shield and will not be useful to the majority of players, it is also highly expensive and should not be used as an example. Aura Quick Guide: Purity of Fire, Purity of Lightning, Purity of Ice, Grace, Haste, Discipline, Anger, Wrath, Vitality, Clarity, Temporal Chains, Enfeeble, 1 additional curse. Vaal Grace, Vaal Haste, Vaal Clarity, Vaal Discipline, Purity of Elements (optional and very expensive, listed in the full gear section) ![]() Pros and Cons Pros + Provides a lot of damage to allies through auras + Uses curses to aid survivability + Very mobile + Constant ES regen + Starting build is very budget friendly + Aurabots are easy to scale as we don't need to focus on damage nodes + Coruscating elixer doesn't stop your ES recharge like it normally would + Does not require a 5 or 6l Cons - Victario's influence builds are flask reliant, and not having flasks up can get you killed - Certain flexibility options are not possible with Zealots Oath - No life regen so a life flask is needed to switch auras - Max Aura level's is expensive and not league starter friendly - Victario's influence is NOT a HC viable build - Time sensitive, slow mapping can kill you - Cannot Solo easily
Aurabot as a league starter:
If you are leveling as a party, rushing EE by pathing through the life regen nodes can be valuable, as you can use firestorms high hit count to make everything vulnerable to lightning and cold damage. This is especially valuable when paired with Hatred or carries taking Added cold/lightning damage and/or phys to lightning. Haste will help speed up the leveling process. For Solo leveling Mines is the way to go, you get access to very easy damage nodes on the exact pathing you would take for the aurabot tree itself. the switch from miner into hybrid es/life league start aura is very easy and only requires around 20 regrets to become functional, which is free from the side quests that grant respec points. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N3iQbYES79Q-VVNlLvHgjUZ5ZcLC-BVw0ZyUl_FDqBc/edit?usp=sharing Above is a link to a leveling plan that you can follow, including links to poeplanner skill trees along the way. If you choose to follow this please let me know how it turns out, this is new for me as well and feedback on this would be appreciated. Gear and Aura progresion Victarios Influence: This should be your primary item to buy, it will allow you to put your curses and damage auras in it for a massive cost reduction while you're hybrid ES/life. it will allow for: chest:Wrath + Anger + Temporal Chains/enfeeble Other:Purity of Elements, discipline, clarity Alphas Howl: Your source of global mana reservation reduction on gear, this is about as important as Victarios. With these two items you will be able to reserve enough to use: Chest: Anger + Wrath + Hatred + Temporal chains + Enfeeble Helmet: Purity of elements + blood magic Other: Haste, discipline, clarity Coruscating Elixer: ideally this should be your next purchase to prepare for Prism Guardian's Blood magic but it can be skipped until after Prism Guardian if you dont mind the odd death to chaos damage Prism Guardian: This will allow Purity of elements to be switched to the usual 3 purities Purity of Ice + Purity of fire/Lightning Chest: Hatred + Anger + Wrath + Temporal Chains + Enfeeble + Blasphemy Shield:haste + discipline + purity of lightning/fire Other:Clarity For flasks i would recommend the following: The flask suffixes don't have to be perfect though the usual warding/stauching/dousing do help (i just dont have them at the time of linking) , the life flask needs to be panicked, so it can instantly heal all your life after using coruscating. This not only allows you to use your life as an extra effective hp pool, but also provides ES regen through coruscating elixir.
Passive Trees
Level 80 Pre Blood magic: This should be what your final tree starts to look like before you switch over to blood magic. www.poeurl.com/bWJB Once you get around 5k ES and a second coruscating then think about switching into Blood Magic keystone to run the builds listed below. This will depend on you and your carry and which maps that you are trying to push. This should not be done without stun avoidance. A way to reduce the cost of your desired movement skill is required and a few options are as follows: - A -10 mana cost while affected by clarity Watcher's Eye,this should be your ultimate goal(watcher's eyes can be divined) as it frees up your ring slot to use additional skills. This is very expensive as a league starter item as not many are available. - A shaper weapon with 'Socketed movement skills cost no mana' with attack as much attack speed as you can get. This will be your league starter option as its much cheaper and easier to acquire, a foil with high attace speed is the best choice. - A -8 mana cost Elreon ring, switching out fortify for reduced mana support on your Shield charge, this lowers the mana cost to 8, but you lose fortify. Blood Magic Trees Note: to use the following trees with blood magic you have to make sure that your movement skill of choice costs 0 mana, see the gear section for how to do this. level 84: Shield Charge Build - www.poeurl.com/bWJF - https://pastebin.com/4tj8TjTK (not updated) Pick up extra jewel sockets and ES nodes , nothing fancy here, sorry. level 99: Shield Charge Build - www.poeurl.com/bWJG - https://pastebin.com/c9MvBLGY level 99 Phase Run Build : -www.poeurl.com/bWJH (The attack speed jewel socket nodes are the least important, but allow for switching between this and Shield charge should you wish) It's entirely okay to switch out the flask nodes at the witch area for Iron reflexes should you wish, the flask nodes are only required if you need to be able to hit 250-300%+ movement speed , if you dont then you dont need to take them, but they do provide +1 max res, the choice is up to you.
Bandits kill all 3 Ascendency in order of Importance: -Witch Ascendency (necromancer) -Templar Ascendency (Guardian) -Path of the witch As a league starter and using only 1 coruscating, there is the option to take Pathfinder for the flask charge gain if you are new to this type of build. the ascendency to switch depends on the type of build you would like to go for. If you are using shield charge you can drop guardian so you can keep the attack speed from necromancer to increase your charge speed. If going for phase run then replace necromancer with pathfinder, this is because you want to get frenzy charges from your carry to gain the increased duration on phase run. Pantheon Soul of Lunaris Capture Subbert, Crescents point This provides phys damage reduction and movement speed per enemy nearby, and 5% extra dodge ontop of our vaal grace. Soul of Shakari Capture Terror of the Infinite Depths This provides us primarily with poison immunity, something that would otherwise stop our ES recharge.
Budget Gear Option
Main Core Uniques Gloves will be a pair of rare gloves with as much ES as you can afford. For belt, any belt with as much ES as you can, the Bated breath unique belt is a good cheap solution. look for any jewel with ES and Intelligence, and enough Dex to cover your gem costs (154 for grace level 20)
Gem links
empower is used in the helmet to meet the lv23 purity breakpoint for +1 max res, until you get level 21 purities. This version does not use aspect of the spider. Helmet (4 link) -Purity of Fire -Purity of Lightning -Purity of Ice -Empower (lv2) Body Armour(3 link) -Blasphemy -Temporal Chains -Enfeeble Body Armour -Anger -Wrath -Hatred Gloves -Vitality -Vaal Clarity/clarity (lv1. preference) -Portal ((preference) Boots -Vaal Grace -Vaal Haste -Vaal Discipline -Increased Duration Weapon 1 (Ephemeral Edge) -Shield Charge -Faster Attacks -Fortify Weapon 2 (Prism Guardian) -Haste -Grace -Discipline
Budget Path of Building
https://pastebin.com/apxxbsm5 (3.2)
Full Gear Option
Main Core Uniques Optional Uniques: - Gloves and belt should be a rare with as much ES and life as possible. Belt should have flask effect duration and reduced flask charges used, chaos res if at all possible. Gloves should have a high INT roll. - Rings should be one rare unset with life, ES and INT. If you are not opting for triple curse, the second ring can either be Lori's lantern on a rare Moonstone with Life, ES and INT. chaos res is optional but not required. An elreon ring is optional(unset if triple cursing), this will allow you to cast enduring cry without relying on vaal clarity. Look for ES jewels with high ES% and faster start of ES recharge if you can find. maintain your dex requirements(154 for grace level 20, or 169 for level 21) and look for int wherever possible. Look to get enough Dex that you have the requirements for your gems without your boots equipped, this will be important in the optional gear section. With the 3.2 update making abyss jewels harder to acquire these will become a luxury, but they are optional and will provide more total ES. Look for t1 ES and as much life as you can afford, try to get them with Int and as much dex as you need for your stat requirements - A lab enchant is not required for this build to reserve all the auras. It is however an option if you choose to add aspect of the spider.
Aspect of the Spider
Aspect of the spider can be added with relative ease, it provides a more damage multiplier and additional slow that will stack with Temporal Chains, and there are a few ways to go about adding it into the build. -An uber lab enchant for Wrath, Anger, Purity of Ice, Fire, or Lightning. This is the most expensive but least intrusive way.. -Replacing Vitality in your helmet with an enlighten, and replacing Portal in your gloves with Vitality. This is also a fairly cheap option but will cost you a gem socket which may be valuable if you want to keep using the Portal gem as well as enduring cry/vigilant strike. -using the Conquerer's efficiency unique jewel Both of the above options require you to use a level 1 clarity.
Gem links
Helmet (4 link) -Purity of Fire (level21) -Purity of Lightning (level21) -Purity of Ice (level21) -Vitality Body Armour(4 link) -Anger -Wrath -Empower Body Armour -Blasphemy -Temporal Chains -Enfeeble Gloves (BBBG) -Clarity/Vaal clarity(lv1. preference) -Portal -Blasphemy -Projectile/Elemental Weakness Gloves should be BBBG sockets to allow flex between blue and green curses by moving the portal gem between the remaining blue and green sockets. Boots -Vaal Haste -Vaal Grace -Vaal Discipline -Increased Duration Weapon 1 (Brightbeak/Ephemeral Edge) (Shield charge build) -Shield Charge -Faster Attacks -Fortify Weapon 1 (shaper weapon) (soocketed movement skills cost 0 mana, soocketed skills are supported by faster attacks) -Shield Charge -Fortify -Culling strike/Portal/Optional Weapon 1 (Dreadbeak) (Movement speed build) -Phase Run -Reduced Mana Support -Enhance Support Weapon 2 (Prism Guardian) -Haste -Grace -Discipline Unset Ring (optional) -Enduring Cry (shield charge build) -Vigilant Strike (with jewel, Movement speed build) If you are using Shield charge, Fortify can be replaced with Vigilant strike and an unset ring is not required. An unset can still be used for Portal, so an enlighten can be used instead of a lab enchant to allow for Using aspect of the spider (useful for budget builds)
Additional Aura setup - Purity of Elements
It's possible to add another aura to the build, namely purity o felements if you're running with a carry that requires extra res, or you just dont feel like playing the build only res capped with flasks. it does however need 2 level 4 enlightens, and a -8 mana cost elreon unset ring (ideally with int, es, life, and spider) This build will require conqueror's efficiency. the gem links are as follows ,changes will have an asterix marked next to them: Helmet (4 link) -Purity of Fire (level21) -Purity of Lightning (level21) -Purity of Ice (level21) -*Enlighten(lv4) Body Armour(4 link) -Anger -Wrath -Empower Body Armour -Blasphemy -Temporal Chains -Enfeeble Gloves -Blasphemy -Projectile/Elemental Weakness -*Enlighten(lv4) -*Vitality Boots -Vaal Haste -Vaal Grace -Vaal Discipline -Increased Duration Weapon 1 (Brightbeak/Ephemeral Edge) (Shield charge build) -Shield Charge -*Faster Attacks/Fortify -*Clarity/Vaal clarity(lv1, preference) Weapon 1 (Dreadbeak) (Movement speed build) -Phase Run -*Purity of elements/Portal -Enhance Support Weapon 2 (Prism Guardian) -Haste -Grace -Discipline Unset Ring (optional) -*Purity of elements/Portal
Coruscating Elixer is used to Stop chaos damage, as we are not using Shavronne's Wrappings, this must be maintained at all times. Typically this flask will deal damage to the player when it removes all but 1 life and stop your ES recharge, but since we have no life regen this doesn't happen, and we are free to use this flask without consequence. Two are used for security. Topaz and Sapphire are used just to round out your other resists. Quartz is used due to its phasing, this allows you to navigate the map a lot easier since you have no way to deal with mobs and body blocking can be an issue. The attack/spell dodge allows you to reach dodge cap with Vaal Grace (60%) and the pantheon(5%). The phasing also acts as an easy way to regulate/time your flask management, as this flask will run out approx. 2 seconds before coruscating elixer, use your first 4 flasks whenever you see your phasing run out. With the ability of the scion to share frenzy charges from your carry, scion has the option to run a new flask, its useful to bring if your carry is incredibly quick and you need a way to keep up with them, which is why i detail it here instead of the optional section. This flask will consume the frenzy charges that yoru carry gives you to grant you onslaught, so a silver flask is not needed, but it gives you the additional movement speed on top of it. This will make you incredibly fast, especially with Tailwind, watch out for desynchs if you're playing on a lower end connection or predictive. Prefixes should all be experimenter's so their duration is as close to Coruscating as possible Suffixes should be Dousing, Warding, Staunching, these stop damage over time effects and allow us to ignore curse map mods. If you are using 2 coruscating and a rotgut as detailed above, prioritise warding and staunching but keep a dousing flask to use as required
Optional switches for both builds
There are only two main gear switches that i suggest: This sword is what you will use for bosses if you feel you need the extra ES, keep it in your inventory if you arn't super comfortable with your ES total when using brightbeak. These boots can be used to negate desecrated ground if you are not used to running a map with it, but as stated above you will need to make sure you still have enough dex. Once you are used to maintaining your flask you shouldn't need these boots as the natural regen from ZO will keep you from dying.You will need to ensure you meet your dex requirements without Sin Trek, as switching boots will remove your auras if you rely on the dex in the boots to use them. These Boots did get a nerf in 3.2 with 50% reduced offering effect on you, but this is still better than having 4 unusable vaal skills. Flasks Typically you will have one flexible flask slot after the mandatory 2x Coruscating elixer, topaz, and Sapphire, i personally only would suggest swapping out your Quartz flask if you have a phasing watcher's eye jewel, but it is players preference. other options include: Hatred If you are primarily supporting a carry that benefits from hatred, you can opt to switch this for the Temporal chains in the chest, instead using temporal chains in your gloves and only running 2 curses. You can also apt to switch out Vitality but you wouldn't benefit from the generosity on the victario's this way. Not Recommended but possible: Grelwood Shank[/b] This is an option if you want to take Iron Reflexes but don't wish to travel that far down on the tree. it does work but i haven't played with it enough to know if i would recommend it. it does give 20% attack speed which makes switching brightbeak not as noticeable.
Movement speed variant
If you have desynch or control issues with shield charge, or just the maps you run the most often arnt suited for it, you can opt to run a movement speed version instead with minimal switching. Replace your flask and weapon with the following: The weapon should have phase run, enhance, and reduced mana support. this is to take your phase run down to 10 mana cost to be able to be used without a mana cost. You can replace reduced mana support with increased duration if you choose to get both a watcher's eye and a elreon ring with reduced mana costs, though this is expensive to create and multimodding could lose you a lot of ES. Ideally your belt should have a movement speed master craft on it as well. This tree also has the added benefit of giving you +1 max res from the flask nodes. If you don't mind the loss of onslaught (20% movement speed), the fated wand Corona Solaris can be used for the screen wide aoe blind. This is especially powerful with iron reflexes, as we still benefit from the "evasion" that blind gives us, without actually having any evasion ourselves.
Footnotes to newer players
Being an aurabot, while easy to play can definitely be a struggle if you don't usually have people to play with and can become a frustrating experience, especially later on in the league when the active players dwindle. The best thing you can do is to try to find a friendly guild that can play with you, or to look/ask around in Global 820 (/global 820 chat command) and find something to do there, you can also check out the poe and the poelfg reddits. Breach exp leech is always a good option to go for if you can find one, its a fast way to gain exp after you've beaten Kitava and switched over to your Aura build, and possibly to make some friends as well.
Additional Media
Link to older necro build for 3.1, gem setup can be used with this build if that is something you prefer, there is also a shavs variant. guide no longer maintained. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2086136 Alloxya#2320 님이 2018. 6. 17. 오전 8:17:42에 마지막으로 편집 마지막 추천 2018. 8. 9. 오후 6:40:38
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Why Necro over Guardian first? Necro gives puny AS/CS buff (Ascendant's dmg applies only to minions according to description). I feel like Guardian would be more beneficial as a start?
Actually it feels like any combination of Guardian and Juggernaut (free anti stun, anti chill, free Endurance charges generation) or Chieftain (2%hp regen, I assume applies to ES with Zealoth's Oath). Or Guardian and Pathfinder for flask benefits? What am I missing here? Old Necro Ascendant was getting all sort of stuff, this one grants 3% AS to your party and that's about it (I couldn't care less about offerings, I don't have free gem slots nor time to cast them when chasing a carry). EDIT: OMG I haven't noticed Occultist... so it maybe should be Occultist+Guardian then. Jesus, that's so convenient. Marrond#4432 님이 2018. 3. 21. 오후 1:21:40에 마지막으로 편집
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" the 3% attack speed that you get is per aura, , which comes to 33% attack/cast speed. i take this first because of the massive amount of speed this gives to your shield charge allowing you to keep up with your carry, but if you have a slow carry then you should be fine to take guardian first. this build is designed to be as high dps as possible(besides hatred which is optional), thats why we take necro. Alloxya#2320 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오전 3:57:30에 마지막으로 편집
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I've played around in Bestiary (keep in mind, this is my first aurabot ever) and I can see that AS may be beneficial but mainly to party rather than to making chasing them easier - since you buff them as well so even if buff was equal they would still be faster but you get less since some auras don't affect you (Victario's generosity). Can always use Brightbeak instead if you can stomach loosing easily over 700ES.
I didn't want to say it's a bad choice overall, just that I can see some combinations that may be good progression wise (Occultist is REALLY solid and you can swap to ES and ZO early on and frees up amulet slot, Jugg is not bad either and has nice synergy with Guardian's conduit and gives free stun immunity) and ease leveling and early map experience before you can get your hands on GG gear and start min-maxing your character. You say it gives 33% and it's not a lie BUT it's when you already have all required gear (so you can run all these auras) at which point doing Merci lab is a piece of cake anyway. (also Guardian's perk with regen surges trivializes traps) Meanwhile getting Necro's AS at Cruel Lab doesn't change anything in your life because you don't run 11 auras but 4 at best unless you like dying for sport or have GG leveling gear - you're still pathing to aura reservation nodes and most gear you don't get to wear until maps because of level requirements. As for other mentioned Ascendant choices, respeccing when you have gear is way cheaper than struggling without gear (literally 5 regrets to change from Occultists to Necro) - might take that into account with leveling tips for league starters because it seems that such play might not be as painful as it used to be with stuff we have available. Overall I really like your build so far but I'm trying to figure out the best combination of how to get away with using different amulet. For now I use this one that I've found and I like it a lot for the time being since any potential replacements will cost me a socket and an arm and a leg and possibly also a kidney. I have few ideas but not taking Arakaali major pantheon without capped Chaos res feels about as punishing as having no stun avoidance at all but then again people made Victario's aurabots before Presence was a thing. Progress wise I'm holding out on swapping to Blood magic (and I'm 86 ATM) because I'm trying to determine which 2nd Watcher's eye option might be the best for me and also is relatively cheap to get. Minor stuff like being unaffected by burning ground is nice (it's not a deal breaker but if there's no poison on the map I tend to pick burning ground from minor Pantheon just so it doesn't interrupt ES recharge) but then I getting Vitality flat regen or regen rate would be way more desireable (mid roll on Vitality flat regen is about as good as perfect roll on % Discipline with 5000ES pool and god knows I'm not gonna have much more than that - also jewels with Discipline are considerably more expensive... like... tenfolds) Just 5 cents from PoE pleb. Marrond#4432 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오후 4:57:37에 마지막으로 편집
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" the attack speed scales your shield charge, so it makes you faster, if you're playing with a movement speed based carry then it doesnt make them go any faster so it helps you chase, if you're playing with a shield charge/whirling blades carry then it makes them faster which as long as you can keep up is even more beneficial to fast mapping because you get through the maps faster. brightbeak should be your core choice regardless if you're playing a zoom zoom clearspeed build, i never use ephemeral edge not even for bosses. occultist is fine if you want to take a slower play style but it does lose you speed and the carry does lose damage overall, however the only real benefits to this is the +1 curse meaning you dont need doedres damning to tri curse, and its slightly more budget since you dont need presence of chayula for budget builds, however i feel the tradeoff is not worth it when your goal is to go as fast as possible, though if this isn't your goal, its an option. for gearing up i didn't immediately go blood magic this league either, i stayed hybrid with ZO for a long time until i got my presence because i was running higher tier maps i wasnt comfortable dropping down to 5-6k ES on while using eye of chayula for my antistun. Going guardian first does have its merits as you say but my goal was to go as fast as possible as soon as possible hence the choice difference, though i think guardian would be the easier choice for newer players and possibly as a league starter. the main reason for taking arakaali isn't really to do with chaos damage as such as its just there to stop poison, making you immune to another map mod that can stop your ES (monsters poison on hit) , early on you can take brine king which i also did while i was hybrid, then i switched to lunaris later when i went presence and blood magic. as far switching minor into burning ground, this is fine and a good idea but it just depends on how fast/hard you're going with maps, if you arnt going for full efficiency and no breaks, switching them makes sense, though burning ground isn't really a hassle since you out regen the damage , same with desecrated ground. for the second watcher's eye mod, i personally prefer phasing, because it removes the need for quartz flask which opens up a lot more flexibility in the build. in abyss i did have a burning ground one and it was a nice temporary mod, but for my playstyle phasing is just too convenient. though with vitality being a main stay in this version of the build, a vitality flat regen one would actually be very strong as well (in abyss vitality was often switched out depending on my carry) overall your ideas are good and if they fit your playstyle then you arnt wrong to choose them, there's a lot of complexity and niche things to do depending on your gear and current situation and playstyle and it would be way too much to go into all of them, and i did a totally different transition to the one in the guide this league as well, but a guide is just there for a brief overview of the main concepts to get people started. Alloxya#2320 님이 2018. 4. 7. 오후 4:26:50에 마지막으로 편집
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Can't comment on leveling and starting out as I respecc'd to this build after accumulating alot of currency but all I can say is WOW!
Support is crazy good and this build is insane. |
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Thank you so much for this awesome guide and all the advice!
I ended up respeccing my ascendant into this as well and it was the best decision I've made so far. The build feels great already at lvl 83 and I can only imagine how much better it gets when I get to fully minmax everything. Nothing beats buffing others like crazy while hindering the enemies with curses. |
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So I've gone the movespeed/Vigilant Strike variant.
Next upgrades jewels and +1 Shield |
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