[3.11] Tesla Cyclone | Destroy the Game | All Content | Super Fast! | Spin 2 Win |

WithLoveEarL 님이 작성:
YES mate, first Uber Elder kill in my life. It took a couple years off my life in nerves and rage, but finally relaxed and smashed him with 3 portals left. I'm new to POB, but fully popped up I get to 1.5M total dps, which translates to 1.21M shaper dps. With 'killed recently' removed, it's at 1.36M/1.1M.
Life: 6,918
Chance to dodge attacks 44%, spells 30%, evade attacks 56% without vaal grace.

My gear:

Thanks for the build. I had a lot of fun! Will try to switcheroo to flicker/other skills to test the flexibility of the build :)

One lesson I learned is NOT to use Thief's Torment in this league since Betrayal will pound your head in early on. Now they melt like butter though. Chest + Amulet already give zero life and I just went straight into normal rings then +life on hit and 2nd curse.

BIG life saver - get mana leech on a viridian jewel. One with int, life, mana leech and (ideally) damage will solve a lot of your problems.

I checked out the pastebin arrangement with your take on the build to provide the atmosphere of the roleplay. https://pastebin.com/z143V7RX -- a link to your pastebin in case any viewer has not seen this yet. That said.

This is a very metal post. 100% kudos. The cyclone campaign recap was great. I agree with the very aggressive style of play. It's a lot of fun. I'm glad you took the time to try it out. I do have many variations that are really great to be honest. Depending on league goals, I think you'll like it.
Vashseden#3437 님이 2018. 12. 31. 오후 10:20:36에 마지막으로 편집
Vashseden 님이 작성:
WithLoveEarL 님이 작성:
YES mate, first Uber Elder kill in my life. It took a couple years off my life in nerves and rage, but finally relaxed and smashed him with 3 portals left. I'm new to POB, but fully popped up I get to 1.5M total dps, which translates to 1.21M shaper dps. With 'killed recently' removed, it's at 1.36M/1.1M.
Life: 6,918
Chance to dodge attacks 44%, spells 30%, evade attacks 56% without vaal grace.

My gear:

Thanks for the build. I had a lot of fun! Will try to switcheroo to flicker/other skills to test the flexibility of the build :)

One lesson I learned is NOT to use Thief's Torment in this league since Betrayal will pound your head in early on. Now they melt like butter though. Chest + Amulet already give zero life and I just went straight into normal rings then +life on hit and 2nd curse.

BIG life saver - get mana leech on a viridian jewel. One with int, life, mana leech and (ideally) damage will solve a lot of your problems.

I checked out the pastebin arrangement with your take on the build to provide the atmosphere of the roleplay. https://pastebin.com/z143V7RX -- a link to your pastebin in case any viewer has not seen this yet. That said.

This is a very metal post. 100% kudos. The cyclone campaign recap was great. I agree with the very aggressive style of play. It's a lot of fun. I'm glad you took the time to try it out. I do have many variations that are really great to be honest. Depending on league goals, I think you'll like it.

Thanks buddy, I really appreciate that! I hope more people are encouraged to try this build out knowing it can literally do all content even with Slayer+Raider ascendancy with the added bonus of quick mapping. I wasn't able to kill Uber Elder with my Reave/BF character (albeit pretty shitty weapon and bad knowledge of the fight), but this build finally scored it for me.

I have two questions though: 1. the Raider 'You have onslaught while on full frenzy charges' doesn't show up in the buff bar at the top of the screen - is it working as intended? 2. I realised that Abyss Jewels are actually shit for us since we have so much flat phys damage, and instead Viridians are better, right?

And yeah I don't know much about Thief's Torment's effectiveness so I might have been wrong, but to be honest with the extra life from current rings and in the current gear, T16 Betrayals are just inflated trash and overleech feels great even without Vaal Pact.

WithLoveEarL 님이 작성:

Thanks buddy, I really appreciate that! I hope more people are encouraged to try this build out knowing it can literally do all content even with Slayer+Raider ascendancy with the added bonus of quick mapping. I wasn't able to kill Uber Elder with my Reave/BF character (albeit pretty shitty weapon and bad knowledge of the fight), but this build finally scored it for me.

I have two questions though: 1. the Raider 'You have onslaught while on full frenzy charges' doesn't show up in the buff bar at the top of the screen - is it working as intended? 2. I realised that Abyss Jewels are actually shit for us since we have so much flat phys damage, and instead Viridians are better, right?

And yeah I don't know much about Thief's Torment's effectiveness so I might have been wrong, but to be honest with the extra life from current rings and in the current gear, T16 Betrayals are just inflated trash and overleech feels great even without Vaal Pact.


- You are correct in that the bonus does not show up as a buff, rather just is added directly to movement speed on your character sheet.

- I personally only use abyssal jewels for the armor jewel sockets and not on the passive tree for that reason.

- As I previously mentioned, in this league if switching to the next tier of rings happens earlier, that's fine. I personally switched off Thief's torment in previous leagues after a certain point of investment in the build. I might even still have notes of it in the min/max section (admittedly that is a little dated now) You're not wrong in the eventual switch.
Vashseden 님이 작성:
WithLoveEarL 님이 작성:

Thanks buddy, I really appreciate that! I hope more people are encouraged to try this build out knowing it can literally do all content even with Slayer+Raider ascendancy with the added bonus of quick mapping. I wasn't able to kill Uber Elder with my Reave/BF character (albeit pretty shitty weapon and bad knowledge of the fight), but this build finally scored it for me.

I have two questions though: 1. the Raider 'You have onslaught while on full frenzy charges' doesn't show up in the buff bar at the top of the screen - is it working as intended? 2. I realised that Abyss Jewels are actually shit for us since we have so much flat phys damage, and instead Viridians are better, right?

And yeah I don't know much about Thief's Torment's effectiveness so I might have been wrong, but to be honest with the extra life from current rings and in the current gear, T16 Betrayals are just inflated trash and overleech feels great even without Vaal Pact.


- You are correct in that the bonus does not show up as a buff, rather just is added directly to movement speed on your character sheet.

- I personally only use abyssal jewels for the armor jewel sockets and not on the passive tree for that reason.

- As I previously mentioned, in this league if switching to the next tier of rings happens earlier, that's fine. I personally switched off Thief's torment in previous leagues after a certain point of investment in the build. I might even still have notes of it in the min/max section (admittedly that is a little dated now) You're not wrong in the eventual switch.

I appreciate your quick responses - thanks. Build is 10/10, will recommend to other players. Hope to see you clear your IRL/health issues and back in the game! GL HF!
WithLoveEarL#6011 님이 2019. 1. 1. 오후 2:30:10에 마지막으로 편집
Right. So this is the third league I have actively played this build. I have cleared all content every league I played it.

This post is just going to be about the utter min-maxing of this build considering so many people are talking about it.

My opinion on this build in this league is this:
Passively evading shit is key for high level content. T14 and up will have Syndicate members still one shotting you when you are 8k life. You won't be able to dodge every single attack, especially when there's 10 million things going on and a 4 syndicate ambush joins the fight on top of it.
Run Vaal Grace, pick up that abyss jewel that has #% blind on hit (or a watcher's eye with Grace - Blind on hit).
Playing HC? Good luck, I wouldn't run any T12 or higher unless you have some insane 20k+ ES or 10k+ life build.

Keep in mind I am not the God of PoE or whatever so I might have made mistakes here and there resulting in slightly less dps/life/whatever... It's just a guideline from a player that has been playing this build for the better part of a year.

Long story short:
The Watcher's Eye in these PoB's only has 2x Grace. A third amazing Grace option would be the 30-50% blind on hit.
P.S.: For the salty people stating that I didn't keep the 3 sockets availability in mind... Then either drop faster attacks on leap slam or phase run/increased duration on CWTD setup.
P.P.S: Yes I know all the gems are "only" 20-20. Deal with it...

I AM MADE OF EXALTS AND MIRRORS AKA The absolute min-max imo:
Keep in mind that this build will set you back 100ex+ without having top rolls...

"Gotta go fast" Bronn's/Rat's nest DPS:

Keep in mind that this will still get you one-shotted by certain Syndicate members from T14 and up

Kaom's Heart:
You shouldn't do this... Ever... No Vaal Double Strike = No fun.
Same1 님이 작성:
Right. So this is the third league I have actively played this build. I have cleared all content every league I played it.

This post is just going to be about the utter min-maxing of this build considering so many people are talking about it.

My opinion on this build in this league is this:
Passively evading shit is key for high level content. T14 and up will have Syndicate members still one shotting you when you are 8k life. You won't be able to dodge every single attack, especially when there's 10 million things going on and a 4 syndicate ambush joins the fight on top of it.
Run Vaal Grace, pick up that abyss jewel that has #% blind on hit (or a watcher's eye with Grace - Blind on hit).
Playing HC? Good luck, I wouldn't run any T12 or higher unless you have some insane 20k+ ES or 10k+ life build.

Keep in mind I am not the God of PoE or whatever so I might have made mistakes here and there resulting in slightly less dps/life/whatever... It's just a guideline from a player that has been playing this build for the better part of a year.

Long story short:
The Watcher's Eye in these PoB's only has 2x Grace. A third amazing Grace option would be the 30-50% blind on hit.
P.S.: For the salty people stating that I didn't keep the 3 sockets availability in mind... Then either drop faster attacks on leap slam or phase run/increased duration on CWTD setup.
P.P.S: Yes I know all the gems are "only" 20-20. Deal with it...

I AM MADE OF EXALTS AND MIRRORS AKA The absolute min-max imo:
Keep in mind that this build will set you back 100ex+ without having top rolls...

"Gotta go fast" Bronn's/Rat's nest DPS:

Keep in mind that this will still get you one-shotted by certain Syndicate members from T14 and up

Kaom's Heart:
You shouldn't do this... Ever... No Vaal Double Strike = No fun.

Thanks for sharing this!

I am very surprised you say you get 1-shot by Syndicate members with 8k life. I have 6.9K life and I run all T16 content including not killing syndicate members quickly to allow their friends to join in, and I never get 1-shot except rare situations when I'm not focused OR there is literally a red beast, a harbinger and Syndicate Intervention pops up out of nowhere.

I dunno, maybe the overleech is saving me, I'm sure I don't dodge everything because I definitely see my life pool go down pretty low, but to say that you can't farm T14 and up without getting one shot consistently is crazy to me. I'm not even using other flasks except for Quicksilver in T14+ maps unless I see a Harbinger, Abyss or Syndicate and just literally one shot every single thing, including tanky magic stone golems without the damage flasks.

Honestly I am not sure how you die this much. Shaper/Red Elder is a complete breeze deathless too, but then again I think Syndicates are stronger than some of these end game bosses. Still, confused.
WithLoveEarL 님이 작성:
Thanks for sharing this!

I am very surprised you say you get 1-shot by Syndicate members with 8k life. I have 6.9K life and I run all T16 content including not killing syndicate members quickly to allow their friends to join in, and I never get 1-shot except rare situations when I'm not focused OR there is literally a red beast, a harbinger and Syndicate Intervention pops up out of nowhere.

I dunno, maybe the overleech is saving me, I'm sure I don't dodge everything because I definitely see my life pool go down pretty low, but to say that you can't farm T14 and up without getting one shot consistently is crazy to me. I'm not even using other flasks except for Quicksilver in T14+ maps unless I see a Harbinger, Abyss or Syndicate and just literally one shot every single thing, including tanky magic stone golems without the damage flasks.

Honestly I am not sure how you die this much. Shaper/Red Elder is a complete breeze deathless too, but then again I think Syndicates are stronger than some of these end game bosses. Still, confused.

I never meant to give anyone the idea that I get one-shot non-stop, cause that is absolutely not the case. I'm just saying it happens and will continue to happen even if you are rocking 8k life. Because at some point Tora and her friends will show up and because of that Breach you are just running also has a gazillion mobs you don't see stuff happening en *POOF*. I die like once every 10-15 maps I think. It's gotten a lot lower after investing in double MOTM and unnatural instinct.
Also I would like to mention that I run a full IIQ build so I have 4.9k life with 70% IIQ, still blasting through Elder T16's like a boss though.
Hello I just got to that point where I try to min and max my staff..So I dont know what is the best watcher's eye for this build..I see at your build that you mention life recovery rate is good..But before I buy that one can I ask how does it really help you? do you just got more regen and a bit more life leech? since our life per hit is instant..Also another thing for boots..

Since we run that Shaper's touch gloves I think its better to get boots with a lot of str and dex,,also hp for more dmg then bubonic can provide and also you will get a bit more defense from those boots..Im just not sure should I get any elder or shaper boots? If anyone can help a bit....You can see my character and see what item need upgrade..
IGN:Avlorena,Amoridan,Gernil im usualy on in any of these characters
Same1 님이 작성:
WithLoveEarL 님이 작성:
Thanks for sharing this!

I am very surprised you say you get 1-shot by Syndicate members with 8k life. I have 6.9K life and I run all T16 content including not killing syndicate members quickly to allow their friends to join in, and I never get 1-shot except rare situations when I'm not focused OR there is literally a red beast, a harbinger and Syndicate Intervention pops up out of nowhere.

I dunno, maybe the overleech is saving me, I'm sure I don't dodge everything because I definitely see my life pool go down pretty low, but to say that you can't farm T14 and up without getting one shot consistently is crazy to me. I'm not even using other flasks except for Quicksilver in T14+ maps unless I see a Harbinger, Abyss or Syndicate and just literally one shot every single thing, including tanky magic stone golems without the damage flasks.

Honestly I am not sure how you die this much. Shaper/Red Elder is a complete breeze deathless too, but then again I think Syndicates are stronger than some of these end game bosses. Still, confused.

I never meant to give anyone the idea that I get one-shot non-stop, cause that is absolutely not the case. I'm just saying it happens and will continue to happen even if you are rocking 8k life. Because at some point Tora and her friends will show up and because of that Breach you are just running also has a gazillion mobs you don't see stuff happening en *POOF*. I die like once every 10-15 maps I think. It's gotten a lot lower after investing in double MOTM and unnatural instinct.
Also I would like to mention that I run a full IIQ build so I have 4.9k life with 70% IIQ, still blasting through Elder T16's like a boss though.

Hold on, so you're dying every 10-15 maps because you're full IIQ with 4.9K life, or you're actually dying with 8K life? Or was the 8K life just your assumption that you will STILL die to one-shots?

I'm sitting here with 7K life and I barely get killed at all if it's not Catarina fight or Uber Atziri. Like, not even Tora and red beasts + harbinger + intervention kill me at this stage, the only way for me to die is literally make a stupid ass mistake that anyone playing HC will make and then feature in GFL videos! That is not to say this build will continue getting one-shotted or that you need to invest some ridiculous money into tankiness.. Take a look at my profile and this is all you need to feel untouchable to plough through all content with medium skill level. I don't even fortify on T16 Betrayals no more and just spin through their ass with flasks.

Also, get something like this for your one tanky slot and you will be good to go:

Vassili666 님이 작성:
Hello I just got to that point where I try to min and max my staff..So I dont know what is the best watcher's eye for this build..I see at your build that you mention life recovery rate is good..But before I buy that one can I ask how does it really help you? do you just got more regen and a bit more life leech? since our life per hit is instant..Also another thing for boots..

Since we run that Shaper's touch gloves I think its better to get boots with a lot of str and dex,,also hp for more dmg then bubonic can provide and also you will get a bit more defense from those boots..Im just not sure should I get any elder or shaper boots? If anyone can help a bit....You can see my character and see what item need upgrade..

You have a nice juicy 20% life recovery rate belt - it increases how fast you leech and it's great. How much life / total dps have you got?

In terms of what to improve on:

- Is there any reason that the 1c amulet is not corrupted? The #1 upgrade you can make is get Daresso's with an additional curse. They cost way too much for the cost of making one yourself, I corrupted mine in about 60-70 tries, with amulet costs ranging from 1c to 4c cause I couldn't be bothered to wait, so that's like 150c and then 50c worth of vaal orbs. Making it yourself cost is 1.5 ex roughly and they are selling for 6+ exalts. Make sure the amulet you buy is ILVL 60+.

- I was very hesitant to get Bubonic Trails as I in general prefer rare items over the abyss bullshit, but trust me it gives you good damage, solid 30 movement speed, and 6% life + 100 flat life is nothing to sneeze at. Can get some nice quality of life abyss jewels in there with int or resists or damage to sort you out. Make sure you have a proper enchant there though - attack and cast speed if you killed recently is probably best, can get mana leech roll on one of your viridian jewels.

- Once you get the +1 curse, make one of your rings shaped with Assassin's Mark on hit, that will give you a shit ton of damage. Any reason you're not using elder diamond rings? If it's resists, try to squeeze them in somewhere. You can even get nice 4-mod viridian jewels with life, 2x damage mods and double resists for around 1 ex.

Not sure what else to say, make more specific questions! GLHF :)
WithLoveEarL#6011 님이 2019. 1. 3. 오전 3:41:08에 마지막으로 편집

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