[3.2] Deadeye Summoner -- Mirror + Blink Arrow clones. Uber Elder down deathless
Deadeye Blink Arrow + Mirror Arrow Summoner
Slight work in progress, need to fix a few things What is this build? - This build uses Mirror Arrow and Blink Arrow as minions for the main damage source, primarily dealing Fire and Lightning Damage. Due to the new Cooldown Reduction node in Deadeye, this build is now possible as a class other than Necromancer. It also has the ability to use Phantasms quite effectively for extra minions that travel with you. I played this build in SSF BHC after 6 linking a lioneye's glare in a few fusings. This build isn't really something that is easy to do in SSF -- I spent tons of alts and regals just crafting the jewels for it. I killed Shaper in SSF BHC but eventually died to Uber Elder after doing an attempt with no practice and transferred the character to standard to practice there where I got the deathless Uber Elder run. Check the videos for the highlight!
Pros and Cons
- Consistent mapper, rarely misses mobs - Relatively budget to get running - Loads of evasion - Vaal Grace has a 15+ second duration - Tons of mobility and taunt in maps - Can do all bosses and content - Clones have high survivability despite their seemingly low life pool, as they have 80% implicit damage reduction - 20 Quality Blink Arrow + Mirror Arrow gems are cheap due to Doppelganger card - sell 1 of them with an alteration to get the other - All clones have your MTX, duplicate your pets for more friends Cons: - Takes a bit of time to get used to - Not a very good league starter - you really want some of the items first - You will probably have to craft your own jewels, prepare to spend a lot of alts + regals - Can't level with this until you get the first ascendancy - Need to manage your mana regen to get enough to use your skills - phys reflect is actually painful if you use split arrow to apply equilibrium - Taunt jewels cause very awkward behaviour in Uber Elder fight - Uber Elder can be hard due to no Kaom's Roots - do not recommend in HC - Ideally want two 6-links endgame - Chroming the bow can be a pain for ideal colours - Loads of arrows in the wall
- Deathless Uber Elder on a Softcore Practice Run (6L + 5L): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUg-O6ILVaE
- Shaper while I was still on SSF BHC (6L + 5L with GMP in both): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzeoUq8mfdE
Start as a twinked bow character. Use bows like stormcloud etc. and kill with split arrow/lightning arrow/rain of arrows/blast rain/whatever. Bandits: Kill all. At level 38, do labyrinth and get the Blink/Mirror Arrow Cooldown passive from Deadeye. At this point, you can start leveling as blink + mirror arrow. Get a Roth's Reach and use it until you're high enough level for Lioneye's Glare. This should be the tree around this point in time: http://poeurl.com/bSJs Second ascendancy point should be Tailwind (Gathering Winds). Third is the pierce nodes (Powerful Precision). The last you can choose between Rupture for the nice defense against bleed or Far Shot for the faster landing time of the arrows with the projectiles. - Level 71 tree: http://poeurl.com/bSJt
End game trees/Path of Building links
- End game tree with Charisma: http://poeurl.com/bSJu - End game tree without Charisma (level 3 enlighten): http://poeurl.com/bSJv - Path of Building for my character (paste into Path of Building): https://pastebin.com/LePLsMZ3 Notes about Path of Building for this character: The DPS looks way lower than it actually is as it is per clone. I have it set to not factor Far Shot, Aspect of the Avian on Avian's Might (PoB will also assume it is 20% chance on this if you do turn it on), and Tailwind. That's 3 different multipliers not being factored in. It also is worth noting that this DPS is much more consistent than most builds' DPS, as the clones are constantly attacking.
Here is a sample of my gear.
My gear setup at 96 for mapping from SSF BHC
Died on this character and transferred it out of SSF to practice Gear Explanations: AVOID ANY FLAT FIRE OR LIGHTNING DAMAGE TO ATTACKS ON GEAR! This will screw up your damage. Weapon: Lioneye's Glare is Best in Slot. Prioritize high attack speed. Mirror and Blink Arrow gain the benefits of your bow. Prioritize higher attack speed. Good attack speed, EDwA implicit, Far Shot damage multiplier, also flat mana is great as we need enough to use our skills. 100% accuracy is the biggest reason - no accuracy issues, and minions have notoriously awful accuracy. Quiver: Rare Penetrating Arrow Quiver. Shaper influenced as a bonus. This increases AoE potential a bit. Elemental Damage with Attacks & Life with Crafted attack speed is great. Resistances can be a bonus. Shaper quiver with Blind on Hit saves you an affix on jewels. Avoid +1 arrow if it will leave you with an even number of projectiles. It can be really annoying on single target. A good starter quiver is Drillneck, this gives damage to enemies that are pierced. Don't buy one with an implicit that's been changed from corruption. Helmet: Rare Bone Helmet. Best roll is Delirium essence for +2 aura gems. Additive minion damage is a very big deal since we aren't a necromancer. Remember that +2 aura gems is a suffix, craft life on the helmet if you get an open prefix for it. Body Armour: Saqawal's Nest. Reduced Mana reserved and extremely important if you want to run Aspect of the Avian. Prioritize 8% or higher reduced reservation (10 is best -- 9 is the same as 8), high attributes. This changes the 10% chance to deal double damage to 40% for minions due to applying twice (more info in FaQ) Gloves: Tombfist. Extra multiplier with intimidate. 1 or 2 socket, both work -- I prefer a 1 socket so I can have a 3 link instead of a 2 link. Don't worry about the maim, just worry about the intimidate. Belt: Darkness Enthroned. Replace with a normal stygian vise if you need resists. Jewels give us tons of our damage, and since we have 100% cooldown reduction from the ascendancy we don't exactly need more from a shaper belt. If you have the resistances, Darkness Enthroned is the best in slot as it's 3 jewels worth of damage. Boots: Resistances, life, movement speed. Two-Toneds are nice here to fill up res slots. An alternative is the Saqawal boots with lower duration to the Avian's Flight. This will give you higher uptime on Avian's Might, but it is much harder to balance resistances with this and you lose life. Rings and Amulet: Unset Rings and Blue Pearl Amulet are the ideals here. Be sure to avoid any added fire/lightning damage to attacks. Life, resistances, but importantly: do not ignore mana and mana regen! These are ESSENTIAL to making the build run properly. Getting a good Blue Pearl Amulet solves most of the mana regen, but not all of it. You want to aim for at least 135 mana regen when you have double 6 link. If you don't have Enlighten 3, you can skip 1 unset ring for a normal one as you will have an extra socket free. You will want one of these rings or amulet to have a cold damage roll unless you get it from quiver or a jewel. ---- Jewels: This is one of the biggest parts of the build and is rather hard to get a lot of. You will want 1 Murderous Eye jewel with purely defensive stats (or added cold damage to attacks for your EE) The rest are ALL ghastly eye jewels. The important stats: Life and Minion Damage on using Minion Skill Recently. Minions have 6% increased attack speed is good too. Extra stats: Minion Fire Damage or Minion Lightning Damage or Minions have increased attackspeed for best damage. 1 or 2 Blind on Hit jewels (not needed if you have Shaper quiver with blind on hit), Taunt on Hit (1 taunt on hit jewel is great and all you need), attack speed. You may also want a flat mana regen or maximum mana jewel or 2 to help with mana regen. Other notes: Make sure you have a suffix free for Aspect of the Avian craft, and make sure you have a backup item to use in that slot when you are crafting it from Bestiary. Make sure you have cold damage to attacks somewhere on gear, and make sure none of your gear has fire or lightning damage to attacks on it.
Links & Gems
- Mirror Arrow: GMP - Added Lightning Damage - Minion Damage - Summon Phantasm on Kill - Elemental Damage with Attacks or Faster Attacks. Replace Phantasm with Elemental Focus for guardians/shaper/elder - Blink Arrow: GMP - Added Lightning Damage - Minion Damage. Last 2 links, choose between Faster Attacks, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Elemental Focus, or Innervate (Innervate mostly good for clear on maps, but don't use with Elemental Focus) - Auras: Generosity - Anger - Wrath - Enlighten 3 (If using Charisma, replace with 1 of the ring gems) - EE+Curse setup: Split Arrow - Curse on Hit - Mirage Archer - Projectile Weakness (note that mirage archer won't curse, but will apply equilibrium) - Gloves: Increased Duration - Vaal Grace - Flesh Offering - Rings: Desecrate, Summon Stone Golem Explanation for gems: Anger and Wrath are our main sources of damage scaling. Added lightning is chosen over Ele focus due to more consistent damage - If minions aren't in range of auras and don't have added lightning, they won't do much damage at all. Similarly, Elemental Damage with Attacks is chosen over Elemental Focus for the phantasm setup, as we want to be able to replace the phantasm gem with Elemental Focus for single target. Even though the Elemental Damage with Attacks gem won't affect Phantasms -- it's fine. We also want Added Lightning in that set up so Phantasms can be scaled a bit by Wrath. Split Arrow is used to EE. If you have no cold damage on gear, you will need to replace the mirage archer and the split arrow with Ice Shot and GMP. Mirage Archer helps apply more consistent EE and is really good for situations where you need to kite. Projectile Weakness is the curse of choice as it gives 100% chance to pierce for the minions and also is a lot of damage. We have a lot of res reduction through Equilibrium already. Vaal Grace: This has been sleeper OP for a very long time for burst defensives - and because this build takes increased duration on the tree, this lasts an extremely long time. I had very little survivability problems while mapping due to this, alongside the blind + evasion flasks. Flesh Offering: Don't worry about using this too much, nice to use in longer fights against things like red beasts or at the start of fights. Stone Golem: Life regen for survivability. Also, this guy hits hella hard sometimes even with no links.
Playing the build
- The build is mostly about trying to use blink + mirror arrow as they come off cooldown. I usually use blink, then mirror arrow, but you might find it safer to do the other way around. Because there are cooldowns and due to Tailwind bonuses, you often want to do a split arrow or a flesh offering during the cooldown. Vaal Grace comes in extremely useful for survivability due to the 15 second uptime on use, which means you can usually refill it and keep it up 90% of the time. Use your utility flasks to keep them up as much as possible. Very useful alongside the blind on hit to have high evasion.
- Avoid No Regen maps. This build is awful in them. - Phys reflect actually hurts quite a bit because of our bow even though we're not scaling our own damage. You may want to use a spell instead to EE + curse on hit for these, or use ice shot + GMP to convert out of phys. - Ele reflect will kill clones but is doable, just annoying. - Standard mapping stuff still applies. Minus max and such are dangerous. Reduced Flask Charges used hurts survival.
- Q: Why does EE not work properly on PoB unless I set it to ignore skill hit damage? - A: Mirror and Blink Arrow actually have a small area of effect on landing that uses your damage, oddly enough. PoB will assume you're hitting with that skill. Minions will NOT apply EE. - Q: Why does Aspect of the Avian give 40% chance to Deal Double Damage to minions instead of 20%? - A: There are 2 parts to the Aspect of the Avian buff: 10% chance to deal double damage (for you), and 10% chance for minions to deal double damage. The chest has 100% increased buff effect so this is 20%, but the chest also makes this apply to allies. This means the minions are getting the 20% chance for minions to deal double damage from you having it, but the minions are also getting the normal 20% chance to deal double damage that normally only you would get. This results in 40% chance. Similarly, minions get 40% movespeed TheuberClips#2320 님이 2018. 4. 21. 오전 11:31:39에 마지막으로 편집 마지막 추천 2018. 6. 3. 오전 10:19:11
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Is dream fragments a suitable replacement for one of the rings? I'm struggling with mana on a similar build and it has helped me out a great deal.
I haven't gotten a good mana regen amulet or bone helmet yet. Still working on those. |
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Dream Fragments certainly works and is recommended for the Uber Elder fight as well
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I had a question on the following Bind on Hit jewel details.
" What does the 36 mean? Did you mean something like only 1 jewel is needed if one is a 6% blind or something else? Thanks for the guide! |
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Does the pierce ascendency work with minions or is it just for your split arrow?
Also, can you post a video to show the map clear? I've been trying to replicate this kind of build but I can barely clear BA effectively. |
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" uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i was tired that's supposed to say shaper quiver with blind on hit, not 36 " It's just for split arrow. It makes your EE hit more mobs. TheuberClips#2320 님이 2018. 4. 21. 오전 11:32:00에 마지막으로 편집
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ok just started playing this build and i have a question
is my build broken? I have at least one abyss jewel with "minions deal add. fire dmg" and it is not showing up on the tool tip or stats page.. no fire damage at all...screenshot below https://imgur.com/a/FncrBWL also why is there no change of stats for blink and mirror arrow when i activate and deactivate the auras? edit: also i have "trigger decree of inferno on kill" enchant on my gloves... that shouldn't be a problem for EE right? Chunu0327#1834 님이 2018. 4. 23. 오후 6:13:17에 마지막으로 편집
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Chunu you wont see a change on youur stat sheet, as it doesnt show the minions damage only the damage you deal from the arrow it fires. Also you shouldnt really be killing things but you will occassionally innferrno shouldnt be too troublesome. Especially on bosses with no adds. The aura thing also applies to the first Satement, bsince you are using generosity it wont show the minions damage, using POB should correctly show you the damage they deal.
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Hi i just started playin your build and im havin a blast! I would like to ask you what pantheon powers you recommend. Thanks for this build its rly cool.
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