[3.13] ARC/LIGHTNING SPIRE TRAPS Saboteur Build (3-4 MILLION DPS, Uber Elder/Atziri EZ PZ) +VIDEO!

Why build for life instead of ES/Evasion when you have mainly es/eva items?
renatokun89 님이 작성:

So this kind of weapons with alot of trap damage are rly nice, someone saw a much better of this?

Got it leveling, have been trying to upgrade it and it been kinda hard

Also got this one, but I doubt I will get more dmg with a staff than two 1h weapons.
patrickvibild 님이 2018. 6. 3. 오후 3:06:01에 마지막으로 편집
I don't get how Arc works.. all ppl support it as it were a trap, and i seen videos working as a trap, but it's really a spell.

What i am missing here ?

FabitoAndres 님이 작성:
I don't get how Arc works.. all ppl support it as it were a trap, and i seen videos working as a trap, but it's really a spell.

What i am missing here ?

People are linking it to the Trap Support gem. That lets you turn most spells (or ranged attacks) into traps.
patrickvibild 님이 작성:
renatokun89 님이 작성:

So this kind of weapons with alot of trap damage are rly nice, someone saw a much better of this?

Got it leveling, have been trying to upgrade it and it been kinda hard

Also got this one, but I doubt I will get more dmg with a staff than two 1h weapons.

Rly nice didn't know that i could get this in dagger as well... i have to ask, using 2 daggers does scale the trap damage? if so is better then a staff?
renatokun89 님이 작성:
patrickvibild 님이 작성:
renatokun89 님이 작성:

So this kind of weapons with alot of trap damage are rly nice, someone saw a much better of this?

Got it leveling, have been trying to upgrade it and it been kinda hard

Also got this one, but I doubt I will get more dmg with a staff than two 1h weapons.

Rly nice didn't know that i could get this in dagger as well... i have to ask, using 2 daggers does scale the trap damage? if so is better then a staff?

Depends on the rolls. If 2 daggers combined give better damage .. then why not
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
alu_potato 님이 작성:
Why build for life instead of ES/Evasion when you have mainly es/eva items?

ES is pretty tough to ramp up as well as life on an EVA character (on the right side of the tree). So won't be much of a difference, unless you are going legacy gear on standard.
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Can't wait for the full build
Hmm wand trapper :)
What are you using for single target DPS, Lightning Spire? So far at level 50 Arc is melting bosses too but I imagine for maps I will need a single target trap.
dkowalch 님이 작성:
What are you using for single target DPS, Lightning Spire? So far at level 50 Arc is melting bosses too but I imagine for maps I will need a single target trap.

Arc is PLENTY good on its own ^^ ive done tier 15 maps with ease with semi gear, ^^ cleared t12 red elder quite easily aswell with two deaths only (cause it was my second elder kill ever)

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