[3.13] ARC/LIGHTNING SPIRE TRAPS Saboteur Build (3-4 MILLION DPS, Uber Elder/Atziri EZ PZ) +VIDEO!

murkis2 님이 작성:
Yes, hello!

So far big fan of this build. However, Im in confusion. How do you get power charges if power charge on kill and etc dont work with that? Nor that power charge on crit gem. Do I need to get charged traps gem? Also, does that make herald of thunder less useful since its only good for the lighting damage to spells?

Thank you :3

You get this node on the passive tree.


That's all you need.

Also you shouldn't use Herald of Thunder because it makes you unable to shock.
Selthor 님이 2018. 12. 24. 오후 7:21:22에 마지막으로 편집
Selthor 님이 작성:
murkis2 님이 작성:
Yes, hello!

So far big fan of this build. However, Im in confusion. How do you get power charges if power charge on kill and etc dont work with that? Nor that power charge on crit gem. Do I need to get charged traps gem? Also, does that make herald of thunder less useful since its only good for the lighting damage to spells?

Thank you :3

You get this node on the passive tree.


That's all you need.

Also you shouldn't use Herald of Thunder because it makes you unable to shock.

Oh! Thank you so much, I didn't fully explore the skill tree, my bad :D Maybe you meant elemental focus, since herald lets me shock :o
murkis2 님이 2018. 12. 25. 오전 4:52:36에 마지막으로 편집
Hi, thank you for this build, i enjoy it very much!

But i need your help: i use EB and thus arcane surge doesnt work. What should i take instead? I use wrath and blasphemy/conductivity combo so my mana is already nearly completely reserverd (50%+35%).
Heralds for example are all 25% afaik....

Do you have an idea??

someone have an idea?

i lose 30k dmg without arcane surge. i thought about adding quality culling strike for faster flame dash but i would prefer something that boosts damage
i can drop only 3 trap anyway, but i have Cluster trp support and all what need!! Can you ask what i do wrong?? and not have power charge from Lochtonial caress..... wtf(((((
spanishboy728 님이 작성:
i can drop only 3 trap anyway, but i have Cluster trp support and all what need!! Can you ask what i do wrong?? and not have power charge from Lochtonial caress..... wtf(((((

Do you have the +1 Trap shaper gloves?
no not have(( 54 lvl now! But he not have additional trap on gloves too, and still throw 5...
cos i think Multiplier Traps = 3 and Cluster Traps = 5
spanishboy728 님이 작성:
no not have(( 54 lvl now! But he not have additional trap on gloves too, and still throw 5...
cos i think Multiplier Traps = 3 and Cluster Traps = 5

You throw 3 arc traps with cluster and 4 with cluster + shaper gloves.
murkis2 님이 작성:
Selthor 님이 작성:
murkis2 님이 작성:
Yes, hello!

So far big fan of this build. However, Im in confusion. How do you get power charges if power charge on kill and etc dont work with that? Nor that power charge on crit gem. Do I need to get charged traps gem? Also, does that make herald of thunder less useful since its only good for the lighting damage to spells?

Thank you :3

You get this node on the passive tree.


That's all you need.

Also you shouldn't use Herald of Thunder because it makes you unable to shock.

Oh! Thank you so much, I didn't fully explore the skill tree, my bad :D Maybe you meant elemental focus, since herald lets me shock :o

Yes, sorry, my mistake. I confused the wording on Herald of Thunder and didn't realize that it means "[Herald of Thunder] cannot inflict shock" and not "you cannot inflict shock."
one more questn guyZZZ!
Shimmeron just KILLING me after 5 power charges! How you not loose HP from 2 Shimmerons??? Cos im only run now and pick flask-flask-flask-flask
spanishboy728 님이 작성:
one more questn guyZZZ!
Shimmeron just KILLING me after 5 power charges! How you not loose HP from 2 Shimmerons??? Cos im only run now and pick flask-flask-flask-flask

check part 4 in the faq
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/

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