[3.11] Brittleknee’s SRS Necromancer - Reliable, Beginner-Friendly. All content. Harvest Ready!


My first summoner build and i kinda like it, thanks for that! :)

I would like to improve my damage. 6L might be the next, my budget is ~3 ex, thats why i dont have it yes.

Any other ideas how to upgrade my gear with this 3 ex?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Hi there

Thanks for the great build. I'm a very casual player (one character every 2 or 3 leagues and never been beyond t12 maps before I start playing something else!) and this is a blast so far playing your SRS Necro. Your info is really clear and I think your levelling guide will be a brilliant boost for new players.

I've never played with EE before, that's probably been the best part of it for me (plus the heat-seekers) - I love that each time I play PoE I learn something that feeds into next year's games.

Thanks again and good luck o/
Krodenhebs 님이 작성:

My first summoner build and i kinda like it, thanks for that! :)

I would like to improve my damage. 6L might be the next, my budget is ~3 ex, thats why i dont have it yes.

Any other ideas how to upgrade my gear with this 3 ex?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

i would drop the elemental damage on the rings and try get a lightning damage to attacks. you get nothing from thoes enchants. also a 6 link is only around 1 to 1.5k http://poe.trade/search/owahosumekudut if you have 3ex to invest. just imo. ive done a similar build to this but im useing a animate guardian linked with minion life, minion res and a empower on my help with +2 to minion gems on helm. but ide wait till its around 19/20q before summoning with a Kingmaker set up. give you constant fort with culling strike and some crit multi. with other gears for boosted damage and life. and a couple minion life nodes on tree. also are you only running hatred? you could also add a haste and a low level precision for added accuracy as it doesn't negate that much mana or just stick with aspect of spider, hatred and a precision. you would get a higher level precision since aspect of spider is lower mana reserved then a haste. off course this is just my opinions and until brittle replies you could try it out. the axe is a bit expensive around 30c if the animate guardian dies. but its around 14c to make if u craft it your self.

another gem im useing is unleash support when mapping and doing most bosses, every few seconds i can summon up to 4 at a time and i clear really fast. shield charge click, shield charge click. keeps them up instead of standing still longer.

Good luck
Proponer#2561 님이 2019. 6. 27. 오후 10:55:55에 마지막으로 편집
Krodenhebs 님이 작성:

My first summoner build and i kinda like it, thanks for that! :)

I would like to improve my damage. 6L might be the next, my budget is ~3 ex, thats why i dont have it yes.

Any other ideas how to upgrade my gear with this 3 ex?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Drop Frost link skill. It will deal cold damage negating the benefit of EE. You need to do JUST lighting damage so all the monster will gain lightning resistant but fire and cold weakness. You are using generosity with hatred and the Grip of the council so your Minion will deal a lot of fire and cold damage other than physical. With 3ex you can get a 6L chest so you can use Empower with your SRS. For start you can get a Empower level 3 Corrupted because they are very cheap, then level up your own so you can aim for a level 4 one. I personally would drop Melee Splash and replace it with elemental damage support for a boost on damage.
You can also get a better weapon. 90+ Minion damage and trigger spell is ok but the other roll are a bit useless. Try to find o craft one with Minion cast and Minion speed and at least 1 lighting damage added to your attack so when you shield charge it will proc EE as well.
Sorry if this has been answered but what is the storm brand for, can someone please explain how that works.

Thanks in advance.
In final build on the first page - is there specified reason why haste/vaal haste is not connected to generosity? If connected, would be okay?
trueAbstract 님이 작성:
In final build on the first page - is there specified reason why haste/vaal haste is not connected to generosity? If connected, would be okay?

As long as you have another aura affecting you, it should be fine imo (remember commander of darkness ascendancy).
Yet still, castspeed is quite nice to have on your own too to cast SRS faster.

Question of my own: Why not using baron helmet instead?
Half of strength to minions, basically 150+% increased melee physical damage... sound like profit?
CptRusko 님이 작성:
Sorry if this has been answered but what is the storm brand for, can someone please explain how that works.

Thanks in advance.

Storm Brand helps spread Elemental Equilibrium. :)

trueAbstract 님이 작성:
In final build on the first page - is there specified reason why haste/vaal haste is not connected to generosity? If connected, would be okay?

You want increased cast and attack speed on you, leaving haste off generosity is intended. You also must be affected by an Aura for your ascendancy. Since you are not affected by Hatred, that leaves Haste.

inspiration 님이 작성:

Question of my own: Why not using baron helmet instead?
Half of strength to minions, basically 150+% increased melee physical damage... sound like profit?

There's other builds that incorporate it and use zombies as well, so you can follow one of those builds if you are craving Baron gameplay.

As far as this build specifically, the old tree used to wrap around the inner scion area and have very little STR so it was never really an option.

For the updated build, we have a decent chunk of STR, but you must craft a Mana Reserve Reduction Helmet and have a Mana Reserve Reduction Amulet if you wish to run Spider Aura. If you do not intend to use Spider, then I don't see why not if you were so inclined to try it.
Check me out on Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/brittleknee
All of my builds are here: https://tinyurl.com/y5vwayk2
brittleknee#2158 님이 2019. 6. 29. 오후 4:47:22에 마지막으로 편집
brittleknee 님이 작성:

You want increased cast and attack speed on you, leaving haste off generosity is intended. You also must be affected by an Aura for your ascendancy. Since you are not affected by Hatred, that leaves Haste.

Thanks for answer.
skeithyip 님이 작성:
gonkyouka 님이 작성:
I am not sure if I'm doing it right but Im a newbie to the game. I followed the guide but I have one question:

With the EE in my passive skill tree, I have a problem with the minions hitting the mobs first as they go out of the screen making the monsters fire resistant.

Any suggestions of what to do?

do you have any "Adds X to Y Fire Damage to Spells" in your gear? that could explain why the mobs are receiving fire resist.

try removing/replacing that gear.

brittleknee 님이 작성:
gonkyouka 님이 작성:
I am not sure if I'm doing it right but Im a newbie to the game. I followed the guide but I have one question:

With the EE in my passive skill tree, I have a problem with the minions hitting the mobs first as they go out of the screen making the monsters fire resistant.

Any suggestions of what to do?

Minions cannot apply EE in any way. They have completely separate attacks and are treated as separate entities. Only you can apply EE, so if they are resistant to Fire, it is either on your gear somewhere, or you are flame dashing too often and hitting mobs/applying Fire EE from the 'hit' of the dash. Flame dash is only for crossing terrain hops, not a main movement skill.

Thank you!


What are the jewels I can use while I dont have those Ghastly jewels yet?

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